urban small world

Chapter 937 He Yuanfang's Helplessness

Chapter 937 He Yuanfang's Helplessness
But He Yuanfang and the others didn't think of this at first.They just want to recruit people quickly so they can go back to rest, well, they want to recruit people quickly, and the other is to reduce their workload tomorrow.The nine of them are so busy today, if there are only three of them tomorrow, they don't know what the result will be. "Passing by, don't miss it. Brother City is recruiting people. If you are looking for a job, come and take a look. The number is limited, and the recruitment will end as soon as it runs out." "I said brother, are you really recruiting for Brother City? ""Is it still fake? What can I do to lie to you?" "But why, I haven't seen you before?" "Because I just joined Brother City this morning, oh, I I see, you guys doubt my identity, right?" He Yuanfang finally came to his senses.He said, why, there are so many people watching the excitement here, but no one came to ask about the work situation.It turns out that the problem is here.Obviously, they didn't believe his identity. They probably thought they were liars. If someone hadn't asked him that, he wouldn't have reacted yet. "Everyone, don't doubt my identity. I'm really from Brother City. If you don't believe me, you can go to Brother City tomorrow morning." He Yuanfang felt helpless.At this time, he has no way to prove that what he said is true. After all, he has just joined Brother City, and he doesn't even have a job card yet.No wonder people didn't believe him.But even if he said so, there are still many people around him who don't believe it.We have to wait for tomorrow, God knows what will happen tomorrow.Maybe you ran away after you finished deceiving people. The Wulin Continent is so big and has tens of millions of people. If you run away, where can we find you?With a population of tens of millions, even on Earth, the total population of many small countries is not so large.Even in Huaxia, there are not a few big cities that can reach tens of millions of people.Therefore, after He Yuanfang and the others left here, it was really difficult to find them again.And the Wulin Continent is still so big, who can find them if they hide in some wild place by the way.Seeing that everyone still didn't believe in him, He Yuanfang felt helpless. "It's like this. This time, I came out to find some people to sell properties in Brother City. I also know that everyone has objections to my identity. But it doesn't matter. Let's do it. If there are people with such intentions, tomorrow morning at six Go directly to Brother City to find me, because you have to learn some materials after you go. In this way, everyone can rest assured, and we can talk about work and remuneration tomorrow." In the end, He Yuanfang had no choice but to use There was a trick.You don't believe my identity, okay, then you can go to Brother City by yourself tomorrow, and you won't believe me when the time comes.Humph.At that time, if you want to enter Brother City, we still don't agree, it depends on our mood.At that time, if there are more people going, they can still choose.When the other people heard it, this is good, this can be had, yes, we have arrived in Brother City, if He Yuanfang is still there, then his identity probably won't be false.If he was a liar, he probably wouldn't dare to go to Brother City to cheat. Li Qinglin and the others would easily catch him that way, and they weren't stupid.If they can really go to the marketing center by then, then the identities of He Yuanfang and the others will be clarified.But they don't think about it, if there are too many people going, and the places are limited, they may not be able to enter Brother City.In many cases, risks and opportunities coexist.It depends on whether you can seize that opportunity.Often some people who look forward and backward can only be mediocre for a lifetime.Because, every time they need to make a choice, they always look forward and backward, think too much, and miss a lot of opportunities in vain.There are people like this everywhere.On the contrary, there are many people who like adventure.Many times, they may make a decision on impulse, and they will suffer a lot later, but at least they have tried hard, and even if they fail, they will not regret it.If you give up without trying, you will never succeed.Seeing that everyone agreed to go directly to Brothers City tomorrow, He Yuanfang didn't want to stay here any longer. Judging by the appearance of these people, it would be a waste of time for him to stay any longer. "Okay, let me say it again for the last time. If you want to work in Brother City, please come early tomorrow. The number of places is limited." After He Yuanfang confessed, he left.He found that it was still early at this time.After all, he didn't stay for long just now.Looking at it like that, he also knew that it would be useless for him to stay any longer.Anyway, so many people listened to his words, he couldn't believe that among so many people, there were not even ten people who wanted to find a job, and even if there were none, their relatives and friends would always be able to gather enough people.He didn't believe that no one would spread the news that Brother City was recruiting people.It was still early at this time, and he didn't plan to go back immediately, but planned to go back to the house he rented first.Last night, when he went out, he never thought that he would join Brother City.Therefore, he still has a lot of things at home that he hasn't taken away.He plans to take some of his things to Brother City while he has time now. After all, he will work there in the future, and he will be allocated a house for free, which is much better than the house he lives in now. .Of course he didn't want to waste any more contribution points to rent this house.It's a pity that he doesn't even have a storage ring, otherwise, why would he need to be so troublesome, just use the space equipment to collect them together, it's a pity that in the Wulin Continent, not everyone is in the Dandan state All warriors have space equipment.People were coming and going on the street, and it was very lively. Soon, He Yuanfang came to a street with few people. After all, such a big city cannot be the same every time.Only those main commercial streets are the busiest.As for living people, of course those relatively quiet places are more suitable.After all, He Yuanfang is also a martial artist in the realm of holding alchemy, and the place where he lives is considered a pretty good neighborhood.Just when He Yuanfang came to the street with few people, he noticed that there were two people running towards him quickly behind him.But seeing that they were only at the stage of transformation, He Yuanfang didn't care too much.If they have any bad thoughts, He Yuanfang can teach them how to behave in minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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