urban small world

Chapter 934 Group of 3

Chapter 934 The Team of Three
Now they are also a member of Brother City.That doesn't mean that there will be no restrictions for them to use the teleportation array in the future.Such a result was something none of them expected.

And because He Yuanfang was the first person to join the Brother City, maybe his name took advantage of it. In short, Li Qinglin and the others had the deepest impression of He Yuanfang on the three newcomers to the Brother City, so He Yuanfang took it for granted. became the team leader of their three-person team.

Li Qinglin and the others are still very satisfied with this.

Now they are finally no longer bare commanders, they also have small soldiers to command.

In fact, Li Qinglin and the others are still very kind-hearted. For those who have a good attitude and can take the initiative to admit their mistakes, they are not prepared to embarrass them.

Even if they did not agree to join Brother City in the end, Li Qinglin and the others would not embarrass them.After all, people have their own aspirations, and they can't force others to do so, right?

Of course, they will not be polite to those who have a bad attitude and are still unrepentant.It was suppressed directly.

But thinking that they didn't even have a single soldier under their command.So they tried to recruit those few people, but unexpectedly, they succeeded, and they all agreed directly.

Of course.Li Qinglin and the others didn't know that He Yuanfang didn't want to agree, but they agreed because they were afraid that they would blame him.

However, after He Yuanfang, he was very fortunate. He was cowardly at that time, if he had refused at that time.Maybe his life would be completely different.

Of course, this is all for later.The current He Yuanfang is still reluctant.Even for Li Qinglin, they arranged for him a small official as the team leader.

Apart from He Yuanfang, the other two are Wang Hui and Guan Wei.

Wang Hui and Guan Wei were also very fortunate at this time, they did not expect such a change in their fate. Compared with He Yuanfang, the two of them had no resistance to joining Brother City.

Although some forces have invited them to join before.

But they considered it again and again, they still did not agree.Because they know that even if they join those forces, it is impossible to get to the core.After all, they are just outsiders.Loyalty is definitely better than those who have been cultivated by those forces since childhood.

Those big powers want them to join, but they just fancy their force and want them to be their thugs.

Therefore, they would rather be uninformed people than those powerful dogs.

But Brother City is different.

There are not many people here in Brother City. If they can join, they will be able to enter the core from the very beginning.They come first, and there will be some advantages.Maybe there will be more people here in the future, and they can also be small officials.

So they don't reject joining Brother City.

"Okay, now that you are also from our brother cities, let's come together now. After a while, there will definitely be many people coming to buy houses. You go to read some materials and remember them. Wait a minute It will come in handy.” Well, they just joined Brother City.

Li Qinglin didn't let them take a break, so he sent them tasks directly.

Fortunately, they are all practitioners, even if they don't rest for one night, it doesn't have much influence on them.

After all, they are all fighters in the Baodan realm.And last night, they acted in the second half of the night, and they all slept in the first half of the night.Therefore, they are not tired at this time.

Originally, they were a little frightened at first, but then a big pie fell from the sky and hit them directly on the head.Now they are not in a hurry to be happy.Where do you need a rest?

Even if Li Qinglin asked them to go back to rest at this time, they would not be able to fall asleep.Maybe they still wonder if they are dreaming.

The three of them followed Li Qinglin and they quickly arrived at the marketing center.

Don't look at Li Qinglin's delay in arriving at the teleportation array square just now, in fact, it didn't take long, and the total of the time and place was only 10 to [-] minutes.

They got up very early today, and at this time, it was just over 6 o'clock.

Of course, it was summer at this time, and the sky was already very early, but Li Qingyun and the others didn't open the door until after 7 o'clock.He Yuanfang and the others still have a few minutes to familiarize themselves with the materials.

No matter what they say, they are also warriors holding alchemy, with a photographic memory, and it is not a problem to see ten lines at a glance.There is absolutely enough time.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, the three of them had finished reading the information given by Li Qinglin and the others, and at this time they could be said to be able to answer the questions fluently.

It's no wonder that there will be many more students in the Wulin Continent when the holidays come.

Many students even come here not to study, but to cultivate.

Because some people have long discovered that the higher the level of cultivation, the more efficient and effective they are in learning.

Therefore, during the holidays every day, not only the winter and summer vacations, but even on Saturdays and Sundays, many students would go to the Wulin Continent.Among them, Mori City has the most students.

After all, they are the first to get the moon if they are close to the water.Therefore, in the past few years, the enrollment rate in Mori City has increased significantly.

Even in the past few years, there have been more and more private schools in Mori City, and their fees have become more and more expensive. Their students can be said to be from all over the country.

If it weren't for the fact that Wulin Continent refused foreigners to enter, their students might have spread all over the world.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Li Qinglin and the others. They are preparing to open their doors at this time.

Although the time has not yet come, there is nothing to do, because many people have already arrived at the gate of Brother City.

Obviously, yesterday's news spread, many people want to buy a house here in Brother City.

Even if they can't use it now, it doesn't matter.

Because they feel that they will be useful one day.Even if they took [-] steps back, they couldn't break through to the Baodan realm.But they still have to think about their offspring.

Maybe their descendants will be able to break through to Baodan Realm.

When the time comes, they will live in Brother City, so it will be convenient for them to grow up.

This is like Hua Xia's school district room.It is not without reason that they can sell more expensive than others.

He Yuanfang, Wang Hui, and Guan Wei watched the house buyers swarming in, and they couldn't help swallowing.

This is too crazy, just to buy a house.Do you want to be so scary?

They are very lucky at this time, because they don't need to buy at all, as long as they work in Brother City, they can also be allocated a house.And those houses are still single-family.Very good.

Anyway, let them spend their own contribution points to buy it.They cannot afford it.

Seeing these crazy people, He Yuanfang suddenly felt that it would be good to join Brother City, at least he would save a lot of contribution points.

Thinking of this, he felt his happiness index soared.

But at this time, there is not so much time for him to think so much.Because, they were soon surrounded by those who bought houses.

One day, the whole day, they didn't even bother to eat.From morning to night, even if they were warriors in the Baodan state, they couldn't stand it anymore, and they didn't have any time to rest.Who makes those who buy a house so crazy.There is nothing they can do.

Because it wasn't just them, Li Qinglin and the others didn't eat lunch alone.They had a busy day as well.

But this is not without effect, at least they bought almost a thousand houses in one day today.

If this is placed on the earth, those salespersons are just a commission, and they don't know how much they can get.

It's a pity that He Yuanfang and the others don't have any commission at this time.

What can they do.

Originally, they had just joined Brother City, so they hadn't made any achievements yet.Just thinking about making a commission.They're stupid to do that.

Besides, now that Li Qinglin gave them a room for free, they should be grateful.

When Xu Fei led them to their assigned compound, He Yuanfang and the three of them were shocked.The courtyard in transmission.Unexpectedly, they would be able to live in a courtyard house one day.If you say this, maybe no one will believe it.

They even felt that they were dreaming.Otherwise, why would such a good thing come to them.

In fact, Li Qinglin and the others pay attention to fate. Although they were a little embarrassed when they met for the first time, overall, they are not bad. They are recruiting people anyway, and they also foresee that today will be very busy. I went to recruit people, but I couldn't recruit them.That's why they had an idea and made up their minds.

Anyway, recruiting is not recruiting.Fate let them meet first.Then, of course, Li Qinglin and the others chose He Yuanfang and the others first.

Today, there were many people who wanted to use the Brother City's teleportation formation to go to the Supreme Continent, but unfortunately, Li Qinglin and the others were so busy all day that they had no chance to consult with Li Qinglin and the others.

Therefore, many people are destined to be disappointed today.

Although many people were disappointed.But at this time, there were a lot of people on the Supreme Continent, and they began to move to the northeast corner of the Supreme Continent.

Those people who went to the Supreme Continent yesterday not only got a lot of resources in half an hour.And they also did positioning.

And today they made a fortune again, someone asked them to buy that position early in the morning.

They are not stupid, except for those big forces, the others are scattered people.They all know that those who are looking for them must be people of great power. Their positioning is very simple, and it must be used by their people on the Supreme Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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