urban small world

Chapter 927 Watching the News?

Chapter 927 Watching the News?
Lu Zheng is just a passer-by in their lives, and they will soon forget him.Sure enough, after Li Qinglin and the others returned to the marketing center, they quickly got busy.Everyone is not a fool, and they also know that if they don't make a move at this time, it may not be long before the house price will go up.As for talking about bargaining with Li Qinglin and the others.Forget it, some of them just missed the opportunity because they wanted to bargain with Li Qinglin and the others, and now they regret it to death.If bargaining had worked, they wouldn't regret it as much now.So many people can still see the reality clearly.As for those who can't see the reality clearly and still want to bargain, I'm sorry, Li Qinglin and the others are very busy, but they don't have time to receive them.Finally, the house in Brother City was also sold quickly.When the news spread, sure enough, many people ran to buy a house.And the more sought-after houses in Brother City, the more people came to buy houses.It's the same everywhere.It can be said that Li Qingyun was the one who pushed this time, but outsiders, no one knew his role in this.Even Li Qinglin and the others didn't know what happened to Li Qingyun.They didn't even know that Li Qingyun had already seen that even if their city was built, it would not be easy to attract people to come and buy a house.If they were allowed to sell their houses slowly, they would not know when they would have to wait until Brother City would become prosperous.That's why Li Qingyun did them a favor.Now it seems that the effect is still very good.That night, after Li Qinglin and the others finished work, they found Li Qingyun and his family together. "Why are you guys here? Don't you sell the house?" "Hee hee, brother, haven't you heard that our house is selling well?" "It's selling well? Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? "Brother, really, if you don't believe me, go online and read the news." They are not too surprised that Li Qingyun doesn't know what happened today, after all, they all know that Li Qingyun is usually a housekeeper and rarely pays attention to outside affairs.He rarely surfs the Internet.Therefore, even if the news of Brother City's teleportation formation to the Supreme Continent is flying all over the sky, it is normal that Li Qingyun has not heard of it.But how did they know that in fact, Li Qingyun was pretending all of this, he deliberately pretended not to know anything, this would also dispel Li Qinglin and the others' suspicion of him, wouldn't it?It can only be said that Li Qingyun's acting skills are so good that he deceived all of them. "News, what news, are you on the news? In other words, you are here to announce the good news and show off." "Brother, we are like that. Well, if you think so, I have no objection , you are brother, what you said is right." It was obvious that Li Qinglin and the others were very happy now.Also, anyone who encounters such a thing will be very happy.This has increased their net worth by several percent in one night.Most importantly, after the news spread, it would be much easier for them to sell the house, and it would save them a lot of time.Just today, the six of them actually bought more than 500 houses.Although these more than 500 houses are only a small part of Brother City, there are still a lot of people queuing up today, just because they are too busy to buy more than 500 houses.On average, each sold a hundred units.It would be impossible to put this on the earth, but in the Wulin Continent, everything is possible here.If it weren't for the fact that they were too busy, they would have only sold more than 500 sets.After the news spread, at least in the afternoon, thousands of people went to Brothers City to look at the house.Many of them have the intention of buying a house in Brother City, otherwise, they would not have gone to Brother City so quickly, right? "Okay, look at each of you, you are all laughing silly, okay, tell me, what's the matter with me today, I don't have any interest in whether you sell the house or not." Brother, we’ve already said that, why don’t you read it, you’re too boring.” Li Qingsong said depressedly at this time. "Are you stupid or am I stupid? There are so many news on the Internet, and they must be correct. Let me look at it myself. It takes a lot of time and effort. Aren't you here? What good is there in Brother City? You shouldn't be the most Are you clear? Just tell me directly, do you still need me to find the truth in a small amount of information?" There is nothing wrong with this, and what Li Qingyun said makes sense, but why did Li Qinglin and the others have a kind of The feeling of punching cotton.It makes them very depressed, okay?But who told Li Qingyun to be the brother, and they still had to ask for help when they came here at this time, so they had no choice but to speak out by themselves. "Okay, bro, what you said is right." Li Qinglin was also powerless to complain, "It's like this, last night, a mysterious thing suddenly landed outside the brother's city, do you know what it is?" Li Qingyun glared at him Said: "Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go of what you have, how can there be so much nonsense!" Talking, but seeing Li Qingyun glaring over again, he immediately continued: "That's a teleportation array leading to the Supreme Continent." "You also know what the Supreme Continent means, so let's discuss it, So I decided to turn the teleportation array into a part of Brother City. So today our houses are selling like crazy." "And then. Since your houses are selling, what do you want to do here. Do you want to give me a house? But no need, I am very satisfied with the current house. I have lived for so long, and I have feelings, so I appreciate your kindness." Li Qinglin and the others heard Li Qingyun's words , the whole person is not well.Who dares to say that you are dissatisfied with the house here.Although it doesn't look that big from the outside, but if you really count the area inside, it's the size of several Xinmin cities.Don't say that you are satisfied, we are all envious, okay? "Brother, can you wait for me to finish talking first, it doesn't matter to give you a house, we are also happy, but we are not here today for this." "Oh, then what do you want to do here? Is it just to tell Is this good news for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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