urban small world

Chapter 903 The Final Project

Chapter 903 The Final Project
It's not that Xixi and Hanghang's collection rooms are uncomfortable, it's just that the longer they stay, the more they envy these two little guys.This world is indeed a world of fighting for fathers. Many people are born with golden keys in their mouths. Once they are born, what they use is that ordinary people would never be able to earn in their lifetime.In fact, Chen Yourong used to be one of those few people who were envied by others. After all, she was also born with a golden key in her mouth. Once she was born, she never had to worry about food and clothing.The monthly pocket money may not be able to earn that much for ordinary people in a year.She can be regarded as a rich second generation.But people are afraid of comparison, as the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.The rich second generation on earth is just an ordinary person in Wulin Continent.Because at this time, those martial arts masters may not recognize your red old men.Therefore, when Chen Yourong first came here, he went to Li Qinglin's shop to apply for a job hungry.It's just that he didn't expect that it was because of this that he found such a good boyfriend as Li Qinglin.It was also Li Qinglin who showed her many wonderful things that she had never seen before.Even Li Qinglin took her on a completely different path from before.Now she is also a martial artist in the transformation stage.If it wasn't for Li Qinglin, if she wanted to practice herself, she didn't know how long it would take to achieve her current achievement.The most important thing is that she practiced by herself, but she didn't have good skills. The difference in skills in the same realm also caused a big gap in strength.Therefore, Chen Yourong always felt very happy.I feel very lucky.For more than 20 years, she has been living a wealthy life, and now she has found such a good boyfriend, she can be regarded as a winner in life.At least if compared with Yinger, she feels that her life is much happier.It's just that when she looked at Xixi and Hanghang's collection room today, she realized that compared to Xixi and the others, she was the ordinary person, and they were the real rich second generation.Seeing Hanghang's collection, she really wanted to grab toys from them.Fortunately, the speed of the speeding car was very fast, and it didn't take long to arrive at Brother City, so they didn't have to suffer from the torment in their hearts.Many people can't understand this kind of feeling of entering the treasure house, but can only look at it, but not take it.Only those who have actually been to the treasure house know.Don't say that she is just an ordinary person. Even many people who have seen the world probably cannot bear this kind of 'suffering'.It's like many tomb robbers, when they go down to the ground, they are all superstitious. When they see the lit candles go out, they agree that they can't move anything, because it will be dangerous if they move. However, often times, people I couldn't stand the temptation, thinking that I had hidden a small thing quietly, and no one would know.So they will pretend to be smart and quietly take a small thing away.Then something unbearable happened.Of course, these are all plots learned from TV dramas. In fact, it is the same in real life.All kinds of self-stealing things often happen.Because the temptation is too great.Humans, it is not easy to become good, but it may only take a few seconds to become bad.It may even be a matter of a moment.No one noticed the changes in Chen Yourong and Ying Er, after all, at this moment, everyone's thoughts were on Brother City.Even if Li Qingyun and the others found out, they wouldn't care too much.After all, those things are just Xixi and Hanghang's toys. If they want them, as long as they ask, Li Qingyun will give them some for the sake of Li Qinglin and Li Qingsong.It's just a pity that Li Qingyun didn't notice anything unusual about them either.After all, from Li Qingyun's point of view, this place is a family, and there is no need for him to be wary of them. "Brother, come here quickly, we still have the last bit of work to be completed, hehe." It can be seen that Li Qingsong and the others are very happy. They invited Li Qingyun here at this time because they wanted Li Qingyun to witness their completion. .After all, Li Qingyun is his family, and Li Qingsong and the others are not afraid to trouble Li Qingyun.Although they also wanted to call Liu Zhigang, but after thinking about it, they decided to forget it. After all, Liu Zhigang and the others had different identities, and they still had their own work to do, so it would not be good to delay their work. "Oh, where are you still unfinished. Let me see." "Our superficial buildings have been completed as planned, and now there is still the last bit of underground passage that has not been connected. Give us a few minutes, and we will It can be fixed." Obviously, this last point was left on purpose yesterday evening, otherwise, they could have finished it all even with a few minutes of overtime.What they were waiting for was today.Li Qingyun didn't say anything, and Li Qingyun could understand their feelings.He wants to share good things with others, and he can understand this.For example, Li Qingyun took out a lot of good things to share with all the people in Wulin Continent.Everything they are enjoying now is shared by Li Qingyun, otherwise, they might still be living their own lives on the earth now. "Okay, then you guys start working." Li Qingyun scanned with his divine sense just now, and understood the situation here at once.Sure enough, as they said, there is only one underground passage of about ten meters unfinished. What I have to say is that this is really a conscientious real estate developer.You must know that in China-Xia, many real estate projects are just being laid and the foundations are being laid before they start selling.Not even a single room could be seen.But when Li Qinglin and the others arrived, not only did all the rooms have been finished, they only needed to be connected to water and electricity to move in, and now there was only a sewer that was about ten meters away, and they didn't even buy a house outside.This is a proper conscience developer.Of course, he also knew that the houses here were not as easy to sell as expected.After all, this is just a new city, and all kinds of supporting facilities are not yet complete, and it is not convenient to live in. Even if it is to be sold, the house price will not be too expensive.But this is only temporary, after Li Qingyun installed the teleportation array, at that time, I don't know how many people will rush here to buy it.It's just that Li Qinglin and the others didn't know this.To Li Qinglin and the others, the underground pipeline of more than ten meters is nothing. Even if only one person makes a move, it only takes 5 minutes to get it done.Li Qingyun and the others haven't finished their cup of tea yet.That's it.

(End of this chapter)

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