urban small world

Chapter 888 Li Qinglin Helps

Chapter 888 Li Qinglin Helps

And on the earth, there are many people who rely on those underground energy sources for food.If you want to get rid of other people's jobs, it will definitely cause resistance from others.

However, the emergence of Wulin Continent has given great hope to those clean energy companies.

Does Wulin Continent have oil?They can't guarantee this, but even if there is, no one dares to develop and utilize it.

Who made those gods in the Wulin Continent not like pollution?

One of the biggest disadvantages of oil and gas energy is that it pollutes too much.On Earth, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the Earth's environment has been deteriorating day by day.

As the saying goes, damage is easy, but recovery is difficult.Maybe they need to spend ten times the effort, and they may not be able to return to their original appearance.

Therefore, Wulin Continent has always used clean energy.And in this way, it is definitely an opportunity for Huaxia's clean energy companies to grow.

Especially those solar energy companies, they made a lot of money from Wulin Continent.And some far-sighted people did not enjoy it after earning money, but invested the funds of the masters to study the conversion technology of solar energy more deeply.

If you work hard, you may not be rewarded, but if you don't work hard, you will definitely not be rewarded.

So some lucky ones have paid off. They have developed better technologies and constantly updated them. Then their products are selling better and better. Now those few of them have become the designated products of Wulin mainland.

No, early in the morning, a handsome guy in ancient costume came to the door of a clean energy company.

If it was in the past, he would definitely have a [-]% return rate if he walked on the street in an ancient costume like him.

But now, on the street, it is not uncommon to see people wearing ancient costumes. I don’t know when, the traditional costumes of various dynasties in Huaxia gradually became popular in Huaxia. - Xia became popular, and all Chinese and Xia ancient costumes in the world began to become popular.

Many foreigners seem to think that they can enter the Wulin mainland if they put on Chinese-Xia ancient costumes.

Even now there are several fashion brand companies.I heard it's pretty hot too.

Such a person in ancient costume is not conspicuous in Mori City, a city close to the Wulin mainland.Now in Mori City, it is estimated that [-]% of the people like to wear ancient costumes all day long. For those who shoot ancient costume movies, they don’t even need to find extras here, and they can attract many people directly on the road.And there is no need to rent costumes, which can save a lot of money.

However, the arrival of this person is a big event for the company's executives.

Because the boss of that company knows this person, because they have done business before.

Sure enough, many times, quality is still very important.There are so many companies, if they don't look for them, why go to their home directly.That's because the boss has always paid great attention to quality issues when supplying products to Wulin Continent.

Sure enough, this brought him another big order.

Yes, that's right, this man in ancient costume is the one Zhang Cheng sent over to purchase.

He is one of the purchasers in Xinmin City. I don't want to say whether he has received kickbacks, but the quality of the things he purchases is really good, so I always feel that Zhang Cheng trusts him.

This time, the playground needs to install a lot of solar street lights.There are also many landscape lights.This is a big project.Of course the boss was very happy.

No, they had a preliminary talk, and in the afternoon, they came to the playground to conduct a field inspection.

And when the playground sent everyone out, they measured some data together.

The next thing is to wait for them to come up with a design plan, and then lower the price.

It's just that Li Qingyun didn't get involved in the latter matters.Anyway, no one except their family knew that the playground was built by Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun didn't care anymore, but later, Ye Bo and Liu Zhigang went to Li Qinglin's side in person.

Yes, they went there to ask Li Qinglin and the others for help.

Ye Bo and Liu Zhigang are still very clear about Li Qinglin's way of building the city.

Although Ye Bo has also learned the Five Elements spell, but he has only just learned it, and he hasn't even gotten into it yet.If you want him to go to the playground to correct a little flaw, he simply can't do it.

Therefore, they also approached Li Qinglin.

Originally, they wanted to find Li Qingyun.After all, in their opinion, Li Qingyun was the most powerful among the people they knew.

However, they also thought that for such a trivial matter, Li Qingyun had to take action, wouldn't it be too much to use a sledgehammer?

They still felt that they should let Li Qinglin and the others try it first.

Maybe Li Qinglin and the others will be able to complete the task.

Li Qinglin and the others heard Ye Bo's request and did not shirk it.

They had also heard about the amusement park today, but at that time, they were already building the city, so they didn't run over to join in the fun.They were still thinking, when they have free time, they will take Chen Yourong to play together.

Unexpectedly, before they went there, Ye Bo and the others came to the door first.

For Ye Bo's request, Li Qinglin of course agreed without saying a word.

Although he didn't know whether he could cultivate on the basis of immortality, he was willing to try it.What if it succeeds.At that time, he will also be a legendary architect who has cooperated with immortals, okay?

As soon as he thought of this, Li Qinglin became excited.

Therefore, he didn't take a rest, and left Shengxian Pavilion directly with Ye Bo and Liu Zhigang.

Of course, Chen Yourong and Xu Fei also left with him.

How could such excitement be without them?

Don't say it if you haven't encountered it, let them encounter it now, of course they can't miss it.

It's a pity that Li Qingyun and the others came very late, and tonight, there is no moon in the sky, and the earth is completely dark.Although there are some sporadic lights in the playground, it is a pity that the area that those lights can illuminate is very limited, and it is impossible to see the entire playground.

Only by the daytime, or when all the lighting projects here are completed, will we have the opportunity to see the whole picture here.

"Is it just to erect a street lamp here?"

"Yes, you can try it first and see if it works."

"Okay, but I took a look. In order not to affect the structure here, I still need some soil or a little metal."

"This is no problem, just wait a moment, and it will be delivered right away."

What I have to say is that being the lord of a city still has many advantages. No, if there is anything lacking now, someone will send it over, and he doesn't even need to give the order himself.When he finished speaking, there were naturally some people around him to make arrangements.In less than 5 minutes, someone flew over from a distance.Then he turned his hands over, and there was a pile of dirt and some metal on the ground.

"Are these enough?"

"That's enough. I'll try it first. I can't guarantee if it will work. After all, this place was built by gods. If it doesn't fit together, I have nothing to do."

"Okay, then you can try it, whether it succeeds or not, we will thank you."

"You see, it's just a stranger, isn't it, there's no need to thank you or not."

Li Qinglin was actually very nervous at this time.

Yes, this is the handiwork of a god. God knows if what he made is useful.

This is like a precision machine made in Germany, one of the parts is broken, and at this time there is no way to get the original part, so I found a small factory in the countryside to make a part, the part is made, can you In terms of installation, it is hard to say whether it can run safely after installation.

Now Li Qinglin has this feeling.

But I haven't tried it, so who knows if it will work.

Soon, the soil on the ground took shape in Li Qinglin's hands.

It is a pillar similar to a light pole on the side of the road.You only need to install solar panels and light bulbs on it, and the battery can be used.

However, the pillars have been finished, so it is not clear whether they can be erected here.

Li Qinglin put the pillar on the side of the road, and then controlled the soil under the pillar to soften. Unexpectedly, the good soil really softened, and then his pillar just got stuck there.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes just now, they would never have believed that the light pole was erected from behind.

They are exactly as if you were the way you were in the first place.Not a trace was left.

"Wow, it worked, haha, let me just say, I'm a genius, haha."

Li Qinglin was very excited, but it made those around him jealous.

One must know that there was a reason why they brought Li Qinglin here.If it is necessary to find him, it is also due to favors. They also planned to produce the poles themselves at the beginning.

But unfortunately, no matter what they do, they can't make a hole on the ground or wall.They had no choice but to invite Li Qinglin over.

They were even ready to invite Li Jingguan over.But fortunately, Li Qinglin succeeded, and they didn't need to look for Li Qingyun.

Of course, Li Qinglin wouldn't know this. Since he could do a good job, Li Qinglin didn't shirk, and continued to work according to everyone's instructions.

After that, Li Qinglin always followed a few people.Those people didn't come here to steal technology, but to help them.

They were all the people who transported earth and metal to Li Qinglin.

And Xu Fei tried it and found that he could do it too, so the two of them did it separately.This also recalls the speed.

Seeing that the dirt and metal in the hands of Li Qinglin and Xu Fei quickly turned into the light poles they wanted one by one, Ye Bo beside him was also very jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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