Chapter 884
As for the problem of operation, it is even less of a problem.

After all, this is the world of immortals. When Li Qingyun left, he also left some jade slips for Ye Bo, which contained the operation instructions of various facilities.

When Zhang Cheng saw those jade slips, he didn't know what to say. Sure enough, the immortal is Hao.

Even the instruction manual is recorded in jade slips.Anyway, they were not so wealthy.

The production of this jade slip is not so easy, this process directly transmits the information inside to the user's mind.There is no need to study at all.

These jade slips are usually used to record exercises, which is why it is so expensive to buy exercises.

And in this way, it saved Zhang Cheng and the others a lot of things.Just now Zhang Cheng and the others distributed the jade slips, and some people have been selected to operate the machine.When the people in Xinmin City hear the news and rush over, I believe they will be able to operate freely.

After Li Qingyun left Ye Bo's place, he didn't go anywhere else, but returned home directly.

At this time, it was still very early, and neither Li Qingyun's family nor their relatives wanted to come.

Li Qingyun also got into bed and rested for a while.

Until his mother came to wake him up.Only then did Li Qingyun take Niuniu and the two children out.

Although they came back from playing very late yesterday, Li Qingyun only slept for an hour.But the four members of their family are in very good spirits, and they don't look like they haven't slept much all night.

When Li Qingyun and the others went out, their relatives also got up one after another.

They didn't think too much about why they went to bed so early yesterday.

They just think that they drank too much, or they are too tired.No one would think about Li Qingyun.

They didn't know that it was just that Li Qingyun was anxious to take Xixi and Hanghang to see the beautiful scenery, so he made a small hand break to make them fall asleep.

After all, time waits for no one, and Li Qingyun had no choice at that time.

However, when Li Qingyun saw Li Qingjing, Li Qingyun greeted her warmly, but in return he let out a cold snort.

At that time Li Qingyun was stunned, what is the situation, it seems that he did not offend her.

Of course he didn't know that Li Qingjing was angry because they went out to play yesterday and didn't take her with them, otherwise, Li Qingyun wouldn't be asking for trouble.

Just kidding, at a time like yesterday, it was the time when the four of them were alone, so what if I took her alone.

Even if it was to come again, Li Qingyun would not take her with him.Isn't it like bringing a kilowatt light bulb with her?

When Xixi and Hanghang got up early in the morning, they were very happy.Can you not be happy, Dad showed them so many beautiful scenery yesterday, thinking about it makes them very excited.

Yesterday was a birthday that they will never forget, and I believe they will always remember this birthday in the future.

After breakfast, Li Qingyun's relatives left one after another.

Although they are closer to Li Qingyun's family, they also have their own lives, and it is impossible to live in Li Qingyun's family all the time.

Of course, when sending them away, Li Qingyun also gave each of them a big gift bag.This is a bigger and more valuable gift from yesterday.

"Okay, now that the relatives are all sent away, let's go out and play together."

Zhao Hongfang glanced at Li Qingyun and said: "I want to play, go on your own, I won't go, I was exhausted yesterday, I have to take a good rest."

"No, Mom, there's a playground on the edge of Xinmin City. Xixi and Hanghang have long wanted to go there. Let's go and play together. Let's treat it as being with Xixi and Hanghang. You guys You haven't been to the playground yet, so let's go together. It's more interesting to play together."

Li Qingjing heard her brother's words and thought, when will there be a playground around Xinmin City.But when she thought of her brother's identity, she felt relieved.

Brother wants to have it, then there will definitely be one.Even if you don't have it, you have to have it.

She has been to the playground, and not only once or twice.

After all, as a girl, she also likes playgrounds very much. When she was in college, she used to go there a lot.Especially the last two years.

At that time, she knew Li Qingyun's identity, and also knew that Li Qingyun was prosperous, so she would not save money for Li Qingyun at all.During that year or so, she played, bought and used all the things she hadn't played or used before.

Looking back now, she still feels that she was so naive back then.

She thought about it again, maybe the old brother and the others went out last night to build a playground.

I don't know how the playground is repaired.Is there any amusement park that he played in Shenzhen City before?

Xixi and Hanghang's eyes lit up when they heard their father's words.

They looked at each other, then both smiled.Sure enough, their birthday wish came true.

Yes, that's right, they did it on purpose yesterday, they purposely expressed their wish, just to let Dad hear it.

Unexpectedly, in one night, Dad helped them realize it.Of course the two little guys are very happy.

Seeing my father inviting grandparents now, they turned their eyes and ran over to hold Zhao Hongfang's thigh and said loudly: "Grandma, you can go with us. Okay. Let's play together."

The two little guys always like crowds and excitement.At this time, of course, I want to let the whole family go with them.

Zhao Hongfang, who didn't let go of what Li Qingyun said just now, saw that her granddaughter and grandson had invited her.How could she refuse?

"Okay, okay, grandma will accompany you. But grandma has never been to the playground, so you have to take grandma with you."

"Well, well, don't worry, we will take grandma to play together." Xixi patted her chest and promised.

Although she hadn't been to an amusement park herself, it didn't matter. He had seen pictures of amusement parks many times on TV.

Although he hasn't played it himself, he still knows how to play many things.

Li Qingyun was speechless when he saw his mother so unprincipled.If I had known this before, I shouldn't have just let Xixi and Hang Hang go.

"Haha, let's go right away." Seeing that Zhao Hongfang was booked, Li Qingyun immediately announced happily.

Now that Mom has been dealt with, there is no need for Dad to ask for his opinion.Anyway, he has always been based on Zhao Hongfang's opinion.She just needs to follow closely behind Zhao Hongfang.

"Wait a minute, let's call Xiaoshuai brother, it's so lively." Hanghang interrupted Li Qingyun at this time.

"Yeah, I have to take Xiaoshuai brother with me. Otherwise, he will cry when he finds out that we don't take her when we go out to play."

"Okay, then let's go find Xiaoshuai."

It's a pity that when Li Qingyun and the others arrived at the general's mansion, they found out that Xiao Shuai had gone out with his father early in the morning.Not at home at all.It was later that Li Qingyun found out that Xiaoshuai was taken to the playground by Liu Zhigang early in the morning.

To be more precise, it should be Xiaoshuai who asked Liu Zhigang to take him there after he heard about the playground from his father.

Li Qingyun didn't have any opinions, but Xixi and Hanghang had big opinions.

"Hmph, handsome stinky guy, you're so unmotivated, you don't know to tell us about such a good thing."

"That's right, I won't be with him in the future."

But they misunderstood Xiaoshuai.It's not that Xiaoshuai doesn't show loyalty, he also wants to tell Xixi and Hanghang.

It's a pity that he is still young and hasn't activated the phone function yet.

After all, they are ignorant, who knows if they will fight in the middle of the night after the phone is activated for them.It's not good to disturb others at that time.

Not only Xiaoshuai, Xixi and Hanghang are also the same, anyway, there are people around them at any time, and it is useless to call them.

And Xiaoshuai himself didn't have a phone, so he wanted Liu Zhigang to help inform Xixi and Hanghang, but unfortunately, Liu Zhigang didn't do that.

Because Liu Zhigang knew that Li Qingyun and his family still had some relatives, even if he called, Li Qingyun and the others might not have time to go there.After all, those relatives in their family still need someone to accompany them.

But what he didn't know was that Li Qingyun sent those relatives away early in the morning.And in this way, Xixi and Hanghang misunderstood Xiaoshuai.

When Li Qingyun and the others came to the playground, there were not many people there.

Most of them are officials from Xinmin City and their families.

Ordinary people also have some, but the number is not many.

Although Zhang Cheng asked people to release the news.

But not everyone can receive the news at the fastest speed.

And there are many people who may have already made work arrangements.If it's not a big deal, they can't easily change their arrangements.

And more people think that playgrounds are places where children play, and they are all grown-ups, so they are too embarrassed to go there.

And only a small number of people who have children, have no arrangements, and are free, brought their children to the playground.

Twenty kilometers may be a long way for ordinary people, but it is nothing to martial artists from the Wulin Continent.

Even if they are dark warriors, they can come here within half an hour.

"Sister Xixi, brother Hanghang, are you here too? That's great, let's play together." Xiaoshuai has a good look in his eyes, and Li Qingyun and the others just came here when Xiaoshuai spotted him.He ran over happily from a long distance.

But what he got in exchange for his happiness was the cold faces of Xixi and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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