urban small world

Chapter 882 This Is Not Earth Anymore

Chapter 882 This Is Not Earth Anymore

Even if someone has an idea, let them figure it out for themselves, anyway, it has nothing to do with Li Qingyun.

Besides, as martial arts people, they have long been used to the situation that there is a new building around them when they wake up.

Don't say it's a new building, they won't be surprised that there is an extra city when they wake up.

After all, such things have happened too many times, and they have long been used to it.

Otherwise, how can there be a saying that habit becomes nature?

At first they will be curious, but gradually, they all feel that this is also a normal thing.In their view, those gods are omnipotent, and it is not surprising that there is an extra playground suddenly.

Now that Li Qingyun had chosen a place, he didn't think too much about it.

Twenty kilometers away from Xinmin City, he found a place without farmland and started his large-scale construction.

This playground covering an area of ​​over [-] mu soon appeared in front of Li Qingyun.

It took only 10 minutes before and after.

When Li Qingyun completed the last building, that is, the fairy version of the ferris wheel, the first ray of sunlight also emerged from the horizon just now, and then directly shone on the top of the ferris wheel.As if celebrating their presence.

Soon, the brilliance filled the entire amusement park.Put a layer of gold on the amusement park.

It's a pity that a playground has been built here, but there is no one there.

Li Qingyun thought to himself, this doesn't work either.If no one is there, even if you wait a while and bring Xixi and Hanghang to play, it's no fun.

Soon, Li Qingyun rolled his eyes and flew towards Xinmin City. While flying, his appearance and figure also changed.

When he arrived in Xinmin City, he already looked like Li Tian.

Yes, Li Qingyun wanted to borrow Li Tian's identity again.

When Li Qingyun found Ye Bo, he was still practicing in the practice room.But it didn't matter, Li Qingyun quickly woke him up.With Li Qingyun around, it wouldn't make him go mad.

"Master, why are you here?" Ye Bo was overjoyed when he saw Li Qingyun.

Originally, he was taken aback when he found out that someone had come to his practice room just now, but fortunately the other party did not attack him, so he calmed down and stopped the attack. Unexpectedly, he saw Li Tian as soon as he opened his eyes.

"I'm passing by here, so I'll come and see, how is it, it's been alright after so long."

"I'm fine, master, let's go up, let me cook you a delicious meal."

"It's fine to eat. Food is not necessary for the teacher. You can ask any questions after so long. The teacher hasn't come to see you for a long time. It's the teacher who is sorry for you."

"Master, don't say that. I'm fine. Without Master, there would be no Ye Bo. Your kindness will never be forgotten by Ye Bo!"

Now that Li Tian is here, of course it is impossible to just ask Ye Bo to work for him.

As the saying goes, if you want a horse to run, you have to let the horse graze first.

Before letting him do things, you have to give him some benefits.

Although Ye Bo never forgot Li Tian's kindness, Li Qingyun didn't want to keep consuming Ye Bo's so-called kindness.

It would be best if he was always in debt of kindness.In this way, Ye Bo will always be his best supporter.

Anyway, it didn't take much time to solve some cultivation problems for Ye Bo.

After all, usually, Ye Bo and Li Qingyun walked very close. Many times, when Li Tian didn't show up, Li Qingyun, a 'senior brother', could help him solve many problems.

Sure enough, Li Qingyun soon helped Ye Bo solve some of his doubts. In the end, Li Qingyun also made a move and passed some five-element spells to Ye Bo.

This is similar to what Li Qingyun passed on to Li Qinglin and the others.It is much better than those in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

Ye Bo is also very grateful to Li Qingyun for this.

The reason why Li Qingyun passed on the Five Elements spell to Ye Bo.That's also because Ye Bo followed Li Qingyun, but he didn't benefit from Li Qingyun.He and Liu Zhigang's mental strength is also much stronger than that of ordinary warriors.Like Li Qinglin, they can barely practice some spells.

"Thank you master."

"It's nothing, it's just a little gadget, and practicing hard, it may help you in the future."

"Understood, I will definitely practice hard."

"By the way, I'm bored today, and found that the Wulin Continent lacks some entertainment venues, so I built a playground [-] kilometers northeast of Xinmin City, and I will hand it over to you to manage it in the future."

"Ah." Hearing Li Tian's words, Ye Bo opened his mouth wide, looking like he couldn't believe it.

Yes, he really didn't expect to hear such news from the mouth of the master.playground.What is that.Ye Bo said that he has never been in an amusement park since he grew up so big.

In his heart, the master has always been a high-ranking, non-human being. Now that he actually built a playground for people from the Wulin Continent, he has a little doubt whether this person is a counterfeit.

But thinking about it, it seems impossible. In the Wulin Continent, there are really not many people who want to pretend to be Li Tian in front of him.

Unless the gods from all walks of life see their heads but don't see their tails.But if it's them, there's no need to impersonate Li Tianah.Even if they came here with his real body, Ye Bo wouldn't dare to offend them, right?

Therefore, even though Ye Bo felt as if ten thousand muddy horses were galloping past him, he quickly came back to his senses.

Since it was a task entrusted to him by his master, no matter what he had in mind, he had to do it well.Otherwise, I'm sorry, Master.

"Don't worry, master, I will definitely manage it well."

"Haha, I believe you can do it. That's it, then I will go first." Li Tian said that he disappeared completely.

What else could Ye Bo say about this.Seeing Li Tian disappearing like this, Ye Bo could only envy him.He wants to achieve this, but he doesn't know how long he will have to practice.

But he believes that as long as he works hard, he will be able to reach such a height one day.

But now is not the time to be obsessive, the most important thing for him now is to take someone to the playground to have a look.It is best to find a few experienced people to run it.

"City Lord, you have left the customs. What would you like to eat for breakfast today?" As soon as Ye Bo left the customs, someone came over immediately.

After all, Ye Bo, as the lord of a city, still has servants in his family.

It is the so-called third-rank official in front of the prime minister.Don't think it's embarrassing to be a servant of the city lord.

In fact, this is a job that many people are rushing to do.

After all, those who can be servants in the city lord's mansion are all the city lord's cronies, and when they walk outside, others have to give some face.

Even those who are also officials in Xinmin City must not easily offend them.

"Forget it, I won't eat today, you go and find General Liu and Deputy City Master Zhang, I have something to tell them."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Soon, Liu Zhigang and Deputy City Master Zhang Chengzhang also rushed over after receiving the news.After all, they didn't live very far away. Zhang Cheng arrived a little later than Liu Zhigang because of his poor strength, but it wasn't too late.

"Okay, everyone is here, I have something to tell you."

"Twenty kilometers northeast of Xinmin City, there is a playground that we need to manage in the future, so I invited the two of you here to discuss how to manage it in the future."

"Ah, City Lord, are you okay? Let alone twenty kilometers to the northeast, there is no playground even fifty kilometers away. I just passed by there yesterday. Have you heard false news?" Zhang Cheng heard Ye After Bo's words, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

He dared to talk to Ye Bo like that, not because he disrespected Ye Bo, but because of his character.

Zhang Chengcheng is a straightforward person, and such a person often easily offends others at work.So even if he is very talented, when he was on Earth, he couldn't do every job for a long time.

After all, no leader likes such a subordinate who likes to tell the truth.Sometimes it will make them unable to come to the stage, which will be very embarrassing, okay?

But Zhang Cheng's personality is like this, if asked to change, he can't change it.

Later, he was also lucky and met Ye Bo. Ye Bo saw that he was very talented, so he made him the deputy city lord.

Sure enough, after having Zhang Cheng, he arranged all the big and small things in Xinmin City very well.This saved Ye Bo a lot of things.

Although his words are sometimes unpleasant, Ye Bo is not the kind of person who takes face very seriously after all, and he even thinks that it is even more rare for someone who dares to tell the truth in front of him.After all, there are too many people who usually flatter him.Those people are just sycophants.

"Haha, Deputy City Master Zhang, it's not the first day you've been to the Wulin Continent. Why haven't you changed your mind yet? You know, this is not the Earth anymore, this is the Wulin Continent where everything is possible. Haha."

Although Liu Zhigang didn't know what was going on, he did know one thing, that is, it was impossible for Ye Bo to lie to him about this matter.

In other words, there must be a playground in the northeast of Xinmin City.

"Ah. This." Zhang Cheng didn't know what to say for a while.

That's right, it hasn't been a day or two since he came to Wulin Continent.Don't say it's a playground.In the history of Wulin Continent, it is not uncommon for an extra city to appear overnight.

Well, he doesn't know why those gods above are so boring, they always like to run to work as construction workers in the middle of the night.

He just thought about such an idea, but he didn't dare to speak it out.

(End of this chapter)

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