Chapter 87

Another week later, Li Qingyun returned to Sen City. Sen City is where Li Qingyun's hometown is located. The reason why it was called this name is because there are not many other things here, but there are many mountains and trees.It is precisely because of this that they were very poor in the past.

However, there are many mountains and trees, and the environment is much better than those coastal cities, so it attracts so many people from all over the country to travel here.

In the past few years, Mori City has also developed rapidly, and some high-rise buildings have also risen from the ground.After not coming back for a year, Li Qingyun found that he was very unfamiliar with this place.

There were also a lot more cars on the road, which made him a little bit unbelievable that this was his hometown.

But seeing that familiar street.Only then did he know that he hadn't gone to the wrong place.

Called a taxi and prepared to go home.

"Hey, Qingyun, you're back."

As soon as Li Qingyun reported the place name, he saw the driver turn around and cried out in surprise.

Li Qingyun heard someone calling his name, and when he looked up, he realized that the driver was looking at him in surprise.

Seeing that familiar face, Li Qingyun couldn't help being taken aback, "Gangzi, it's you, why, you're driving a taxi now."

Li Qingyun couldn't help but smile when he saw Liu Zhigang. This is his childhood. He grew up together. From elementary school to high school, they spent most of their time in the same class, even if they weren't in the same class. a school.After graduating from high school, Li Qingyun was admitted to a third-rate university.And Liu Zhigang went out to work.

After that, the contact was gradually lost.He remembered that when he came back for the Chinese New Year last year, he hadn't seen Liu Zhigang yet.Did not expect to meet here today.

"Yeah, I can't help it. I have to live. I'm tired of working outside, and I'm always being troubled by my boss, so I came back in a fit of anger. Now I bought this car and rented it out. What about you, why did you come back so early?" Yes, it seems to be doing well. Haha."

"It's not bad to mess around. That's it. Driving a taxi is also good. Although a little tired, it's free."

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. How about we go have a drink." Gangzi said to Li Qingyun with a smile.

"Have a drink, you kid still likes to drink so much, but you still have to drive. It's better not to, if your kid wants to drink, come to my house after get off work, and I'll treat you to a drink."

"Yes, yes, don't drink while driving, don't drink and drive, I'm so happy to see you. That's fine, it's settled, I won't run today, let's go back now." Liu Zhigang smiled He patted his head and said.

With that said, he started the car and slowly drove out of the train station.

Under normal circumstances, he would not just pretend to be alone and leave, he would usually take a few more people along the way.After all, such a small city is no better than a big city, and it is normal for a car to carry several guests.

But now Liu Zhigang has no intention of pretending to be a guest.

Chatted with Liu Zhigang for a while, and heard the changes in the city over the past year from his mouth. I have to say that the changes here are still great, especially in the XC area, where there are many tall buildings The building was erected, and if Li Qingyun went there, he would probably get lost.

Not just in the city, but in the town and even in the village the changes are great.

I heard that many people in their village have built new houses.

This point Li Qingyun has heard from his father and the others.

Hearing the envious voice from his father at that time, Li Qingyun paid his father 50 yuan to repair his own house.

Of course, Li Qingyun once again told the story of selling jade in Tengchong last time.

Anyway, that's what he told Li Qingjing, and if he told his family again, there was no need to write a draft.

I don't know if my father has repaired the house after half a year.

If you ask Liu Zhigang, he doesn't say anything, he just asks him to go back and have a look. Well, if he doesn't say anything, Li Qingyun has nothing to do with him.

Talking, it seems that time always passes faster.Soon, Li Qingyun and the others came to the town.Li Qingyun asked Gangzi to stop in the town for a while, and he said he was going to buy something.

Originally, Gangzi said that he would go with him.

But Li Qingyun said that he was tired from driving, let him take a rest, and he will be back soon.Gangzi didn't say much when he arrived, and nodded in agreement.

After waiting for half an hour, Li Qingyun came back with two or three big bags.

"Damn it, you're too good. You bought so many things in such a short time." When Liu Zhigang saw Li Qingyun, he couldn't help being startled.

"I didn't buy many things. These bags were all sent back by me. I just arrived here, so I just took them back."

"Oh, let me just say, how could you buy so many things so quickly." Liu Zhigang didn't doubt it when he arrived, because only such an explanation could make sense.

But he didn't know that Li Qingyun had never sent a courier. He found these in a deserted place and took them out. He didn't expect to meet Liu Zhigang as soon as he got out of the station.Originally, he planned to go back to the village by car, and then find a place where no one was at the entrance of the village to take it out.

When passing by the town just now, he happened to see a tricycle delivering couriers, so he asked Gangzi to stop here for a while.

Sitting in the car again, Li Qingyun and the others went straight to the village.

I don't know why, just now I had a lot of conversations with Gangzi, but at this time, the closer I get to the village, the faster his heart beats. Could it be that the legendary feeling of being closer to the village makes him more timid?

He didn't have such a problem before.But maybe this has something to do with him spending more than half of this year abroad.In foreign countries, he has seen a lot of life and death, which makes him look forward to and miss the peaceful mountain village even more.

Gangzi also saw Li Qingyun's abnormality.But he just smiled and didn't say any more. He was very familiar with Li Qingyun's current state. He hadn't come back for several years, and he behaved similarly to him at that time.And a few days ago, he even got a guest who left his hometown for decades and came back. At that time, his performance was even stronger than that of Li Qingyun.

However, most of these situations will happen to those who are getting older. I didn't expect that Li Qingyun would have so many emotions at such a young age.

The car was running fast on the road, seeing the familiar environment backing away quickly, Li Qingyun also looked out the window.

Finally, he saw a big yellow horned tree in his eyes, isn't that the big tree at the entrance of the village.It is said that it has a history of hundreds of years.

Li Qingyun played there a lot since he was a child, and it left him with many good memories.Seeing it once, Li Qingyun's heart was plunged into memories.When he came back to his senses, he found that he had already reached the door of his house, and Liu Zhigang directly pulled him to the door of his house.

But when he opened the car door and looked outside, he was familiar with this place, but he found that the old house where he lived in for more than 20 years was gone.Instead, a three-story building.There is also beautiful tile on the outside.

At this time, Li Qingyun didn't know that this was repaired by his father at home.

With the money sent back by Li Qingyun.Li Youde really pushed down his old house and rebuilt a new one.

"Uncle Youde, there are guests at home."

While Li Qingyun was looking at his new home, Liu Zhigang shouted at the top of his voice.

As expected, as soon as he said his words, Li Qingyun saw a familiar figure walking out of it, it was his mother or someone else.

After not seeing each other for a year, Li Qingyun found that she had more white hairs on her head and more wrinkles on her face.This made Li Qingyun feel sad.The corners of the eyes started to get moist.

Thinking about myself running around outside for half a year, why didn't I think of my parents.

I didn't go home just because I was afraid that they would say about me. Now I think about it, I regret it.If he had come back when he got the small world and made up for them with the good things of his small world, they would not be like this now.Li Qingyun felt that he was very unfilial.

Obviously, Zhao Hongfang didn't have so many thoughts. When he saw Li Qingyun, his eyes lit up, and he walked over immediately. He hadn't seen her son for a year, but she missed her very much. Just as she was about to When he came to help Li Qingyun with the luggage, he suddenly saw Li Qingyun running over with red eyes and hugged her.

Zhao Hongfang couldn't help being taken aback, how many years had it been since her son had grown up and hugged her.Although she didn't know what was wrong with her son, she still patted Li Qingyun's back lightly, just like when she was a child, as if she was afraid that she would hurt her son if she applied too much force.

"Okay, Gangzi is still on the side. He is such a big man, and he is not afraid of being laughed at by others."

Although she said so, but from the smile on her mouth, one can know that she is very happy at this time.

When she wanted to pick up the bag from Gangzi, Li Qingyun took it first.Li Qingyun carried one in each hand, and the last gangster also helped to lift it up, "Auntie, I'll do it, you go ahead."

"Then thank you. Xiaoyun, you have to thank Gangzi well. He helped us a lot when you were not at home."

"Auntie, you're being polite, I should do everything." Liu Zhigang said with a smile and shook his head.

Li Qingyun glanced at Gangzi and nodded involuntarily. Although he didn't say anything, he took it to heart.Since I was a child, I don't need to say a lot of things, and the other party understands them with one eye.More talk than action.

In the future, if he finds an opportunity, he can just help Gangzi well.No matter from which aspect, he should help him.

(End of this chapter)

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