urban small world

Chapter 866 New Guanghan Palace

Chapter 866 New Guanghan Palace

If it had been replaced by other monsters, a guy like Li Qingyun who came over suddenly would have been attacked by them long ago.

Therefore, Li Qingyun was very surprised by the rabbit's reaction now. Others said that the rabbit bit people when it was anxious.

But seeing this cute white rabbit, Li Qingyun liked it more and more.I believe that if Xixi sees it, she will definitely like it very much.

That cute rabbit was looking at Li Qingyun curiously. It didn't know that Li Qingyun was planning on it.Otherwise, it must have run away long ago.

"Haha, it's you." Li Qingyun nodded and said to the rabbit.

The rabbit "."

It didn't know what Li Qingyun was talking about, but it didn't matter, the next moment, Li Qingyun disappeared again, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the rabbit.

This frightened the rabbit, and by the time it reacted and wanted to run, it was already too late.Because at this time, Li Qingyun had already pulled its two long ears.There was no way he could escape.

The rabbit was suddenly photographed, of course I was terrified to death.As a rabbit in the baby demon stage, it is not a simple rabbit. Although her attack power may not be very strong, its ability to escape is very strong.Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to live for such a long time.

No matter who is caught suddenly, they will struggle hard, and so will the rabbit.But the next moment, Li Qingyun pointed to its forehead with one finger.

Then, the rabbit quickly quieted down.

It's not that Li Qingyun killed it, but Li Qingyun passed some knowledge into its mind.

After all, Li Qingyun was going to let him be his daughter's pet, so of course he had to understand some basic human knowledge.

If it couldn't even understand human language, then Li Qingyun wouldn't worry about putting a wild monster beside Xixi.

Of course, if Li Qingyun wanted it to be his daughter's pet, he had to give it some benefits, otherwise, it would definitely not agree.

Li Qingyun is not stingy, he has not only the exercises of humans, but also the exercises of some monsters.

He didn't even need to dig through the relics of the gods, but there were many suitable exercises in Ziqi's memory.

Zi Qi God Venerable must have dealt with monsters in his life in units of billions.

Even many monsters can transform into human form after cultivation.They are also a large cultivating race in the universe.Because they are all cultivated from various animals, they are also called monster races.Even in many places, the strength of the monster race is no worse than that of humans.There are even those that surpass human strength.

And the battle between the human race and the monster race has never stopped.Humans want to get the flesh, fur and bones they want from the monsters, and the monsters also want to devour human practitioners, because this will allow them to evolve faster.

Even those monster clans have their own skills. Of course Ziqi Shenzun has killed many monster clans in his life, so it is not surprising that there are some monster clan skills.

In the world of cultivation, it would be strange if anyone didn't have a few books on demon cultivation techniques.

However, it is obvious that in Li Qingyun's small world, many monsters, even those who have the cultivation base of the demon infant stage, but they do not have serious cultivation skills, many of them are coincidences, fused with chaotic aura, Now that they have the current cultivation, even if they cultivate, they simply absorb the power of the sun and the moon to cultivate, and there is no comparison with the cultivation methods given by Li Qingyun.

No, that rabbit, after absorbing what Li Qingyun passed on, also knew the preciousness of the exercises Li Qingyun gave.

It's just that Li Qingyun didn't pass on all the exercises immediately.Li Qingyun is not stupid.

Although with his strength, it is not difficult to make the rabbit submit, but Li Qingyun still wants to make him submit sincerely.

No, Li Qingyun let go of it quickly. If it was another rabbit, it would have already started running away.

But the rabbit hesitated for a moment, and did not run away.

After learning the human language, it also wanted to hear what Li Qingyun wanted to do.

Since this person didn't kill it and gave him so many benefits, there must be something wrong.

Seeing that the rabbit was lying on the side obediently, Li Qingyun nodded in satisfaction.This rabbit is very smart.He really liked it more and more.

"Okay, now you should understand what I'm saying."

The rabbit opened its mouth, but unfortunately, it couldn't find the sound it wanted to make, but it understood what Li Qingyun said, and nodded quickly.

"It's good if you understand it, well, you will follow me from now on, as long as you satisfy me, the following exercises will not be a problem."

Hearing this, the rabbit's eyes lit up.

No creature can refuse to keep getting stronger.

Because, in this world where the strong are respected, only those who are strong can protect themselves and their families.

Although the rabbit no longer has any family members, it doesn't feel safe here, if it can follow the strong.That's a good option too.

The rabbit nodded wisely.He was betrayed by a practice.

But is that good or bad?It's really hard to say now.

"Okay, since you agreed, I'll pass on some information about me and our family to you. When you meet them later, don't miss them."

Li Qingyun said, and sent some information to the rabbit's mind.

That rabbit, no matter what, is also a demon baby.Its spiritual power is much stronger than that of ordinary people.Not long ago, when he sent information to Zhao Fei and the others, they still had to digest it for a long time before they could absorb the information.

But now the rabbit doesn't have any troubles in this aspect at all, and it soon absorbed it.

Then Li Qingyun took him out of here, and when he appeared again, he came to a big tree.The rabbit didn't know what his master wanted to do, and he didn't know the tree either.But if someone is here, they will find that this is an osmanthus tree.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree grows very slowly, and the hundred-year-old sweet-scented osmanthus tree is only more than ten or twenty centimeters thick.

But now the osmanthus tree in front of Li Qingyun is at least 50 centimeters in diameter.

Even so, Li Qingyun was still not satisfied.

Li Qingyun looked at the tree in front of him very dissatisfied.Unfortunately, this is already the largest sweet-scented osmanthus tree in this small world.

The next moment, the soil ten meters below the base of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree directly broke away from the ground, and Li Qingyun put it away with a wave of his hand.When it appeared again, Li Qingyun had already arrived on the moon of the original star.

Although he did so many things, in fact, it only took 5 minutes.Yes, that's right.In just 5 minutes, Li Qingyun has already run back and forth between two very distant planets.

What kind of spaceship, compared to his speed, is completely weak.

After coming to the moon, Li Qingyun quickly planted the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

The next moment he started building again.

Soon, a beautiful palace appeared not far from the osmanthus tree.

This is a Chinese-style building.And it's a palace.On the plaque at the entrance, there are three elegant characters of Guanghan Palace.

If outsiders see this, they will definitely wonder whether the legends of the gods on the earth are the same as the gods here in the Wulin Continent.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is not impossible.

After all, this space had exchanges with Huaxia thousands of years ago.

This is what Li Tian told those people when the Wulin Continent first appeared in front of the world.

Li Tian told them at the beginning that his ancestors also came from the earth.It's just that he stayed in the Wulin Continent all the time.

Then Li Tian's ancestors were like this, would more people stay here back then, and would someone leave here?They spread everything they saw here, which is why there are legends about immortals in China.

Well, if people saw the situation here, even if Li Qingyun didn't say anything, there would definitely be people thinking about it.

But it's a pity that apart from Li Qingyun, there is no other person who can reach the moon.

Even if Niuniu and the others wanted to come here, it would not be easy, and they needed Li Qingyun's leadership.

But if Li Qinglin and the others saw the speed of Li Qingyun's Ministry of Construction, they would definitely be hit.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Originally, they thought that Li Qingjing's construction speed had surprised them, but compared with Li Qingyun's speed, there was no comparison at all.

Of course, only Li Qingyun and a rabbit saw it here, so the others were doomed to have no luck seeing it all.

Li Qingyun looked around and nodded in satisfaction.

He was very satisfied with everything he had done.

Compared with the moon on the edge of the earth, the moon on the initial star is not a hairless place.

On the moon of the primordial star, there is also life.

After all, as the master of this world, Li Qingyun set it up a long time ago when he set up the moon.

There is life on it, and it does not affect its function as the initial star satellite.

And this place is suitable for life, and it is much more convenient. In this way, Li Qingyun doesn't have to worry about Xixi and Hanghang coming over and unable to survive.

Otherwise, they would all have to wear special spirit weapons when the time comes, which would be no fun.

"Okay, you wait here, I'll come as soon as I go." Li Qingyun said while stroking the white rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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