urban small world

Chapter 847 Use of Fire Element Spells

Chapter 847 Use of Fire Element Spells

People, who doesn't like to show off.Seeing other people's surprised faces gives them a sense of satisfaction.

Li Qinglin and the others were really surprised at this time. They thought that Li Qingjing had found a helper, but they didn't expect this to be the result.

They thought that Li Qingjing would be faster than people, but they didn't expect that it would be so much faster.

Is the gap between them really that big?

Li Qinglin and the others really began to doubt life.Originally, he had just won No.1 in the Wulin Continental Baodan group. Even though he didn't show much at ordinary times, he was more or less proud in his heart.

But today he discovered that his pride all along was actually so vulnerable in front of Li Qingjing and the others.

As for Li Qingjing lying to them, if you think about it carefully, there is no need at all.After all, they will know this once they verify it.It's useless to lie to them.

But it was precisely because they knew that Li Qingjing had no need to lie to them, so they were even more depressed, okay?After working for a long time, the four of them together couldn't handle the workload of Li Qingjing alone.Speaking of which, how could they have the face to face others?

Li Qingjing was proud at that time, but what she didn't know was that she unintentionally hit Li Qinglin and the four of them.

However, Li Qinglin and the others were not the kind of people who would become weak as soon as they were hit, they were the ones who became stronger the more they were hit.

What Li Qingjing didn't know was that in the days to come, these four people would work harder to improve themselves and try to get closer to Li Qingjing.

As for Li Qingyun, they still didn't want to think about it. Up to now, even if they were cousins ​​or brothers-in-law, they didn't know how powerful Li Qingyun was.

They might have guessed before, but now seeing Li Qingjing's performance, they still feel that they should not aim too high, set a small goal for themselves first, and catch up with Li Qingjing.

Of course Li Qingyun didn't know the small goals they set, but even if she knew, she wouldn't care.As long as they have the ability to catch up with her, that would be the best.Li Qingjing also hoped that they would be stronger.

But that didn't mean she had to stop and wait for them to catch up.During this period, she will also work hard to cultivate.

After all, no one wants to be surpassed by others.

"I said, what are you still doing in a daze? Don't tell me you big men really want us to serve you." Li Qingjing saw that several people were still in a daze, so she couldn't help urging them coldly.

"Oh, oh, let me come, you guys rest on the sidelines." Xu Fei was the first to come to his senses. If you really want to count, he is the lowest seniority here.The others are all of the same generation as Li Qingyun and the others, but he is Lin Qingwei's apprentice, so he is of course a junior. At this time, of course he has to be a little more conscious.

Barbecue is nothing to the few men sitting here.Whether it is in the Supreme Continent or when the city is being built here, they all do their own barbecue.

So their skills have also been tempered.

After Xu Fei took over, soon after, bursts of fragrance came from the deer.

In each of their space rings, there are a few things that are indispensable.

The first, of course, is their clothes.More or less, they will prepare several sets of clothes in the space ring.This makes it easier for them to move outside.

The second, the most indispensable is a set of kitchen utensils and various condiments.

With these things, they are not afraid wherever they go.

But Li Qingjing is different, she doesn't know how to bring kitchen utensils and condiments.Because she seldom goes out alone, when she goes out, she is usually with Li Qingyun and the others.With Li Qingyun around, how could she be asked to worry about food.

So, she doesn't need to bring these things at all.

It's better to bring a few more sets of clothes so that you can change them easily when you go out to play.

The same goes for Chen Yourong and Yinger.They all have space rings. The three of them caught a deer just now and roasted them on the fire. Then they remembered that none of them brought condiments. Fortunately, Li Qinglin and the others came out quickly. They, they don't have to worry.

Sure enough, Xu Fei quickly roasted the deer until it was delicious.

And it only took a total of ten minutes before and after.

If Zhao Fei and the others saw this, they would probably be envious.Such a big deer, if you let people roast it, it probably won't be roasted in an hour.

No one in the room was surprised that it was baked so quickly.

Because they all saw that Xu Fei would use fire spells to roast from time to time.

This point is also a skill that they have only recently learned. For this reason, they don't know how much meat they burned to master this skill.

When they learned spells from Li Qingyun, they just wanted to learn some earth-type spells. They didn't expect that Li Qingyun was so generous that he taught them the five elements spells directly.

They are also the most familiar with the earth spells after more than a month of use.The second is the fire spell.

Because they found that when building a house, if the earth spells and fire spells were combined, the built house would be more beautiful and stronger.

After they changed the shape of the soil with earth spells, and then burned it again with fire spells, the walls and ground would become ceramic and smoother.

It is precisely because of this that their mastery of fire spells is second only to earth spells.Finally, they thought of using fire spells while grilling.

Although they burnt out a lot of things.However, they finally found that as more and more things were burned, their mastery of fire spells became higher and higher, and their accuracy became better and better.

This not only improved their grip, but also allowed them to eat barbecue faster, so no matter how much meat they destroyed, they still persisted.

Hard work will always pay off, no, after more than a month, their grasp of fire spells has become more accurate.

"Let's eat, sister, come and eat soon."

Li Qingjing has long been greedy for the fragrance. Of course, she will not be polite at this time. You know, she was kicked out early in the morning, and he hasn't had breakfast yet.And she was too embarrassed to tell Li Qinglin and the others about such things, at this time, it happened to be a big meal.

Curious that the deer Li Qingjing caught was big enough, even if it was roasted, it still weighed more than 150 catties, enough for seven of them to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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