urban small world

Chapter 83 Big Guy

Chapter 83 Big Guy

I don't know if the bait Li Qingyun took out is too tempting, or the fish in the lake are too hungry. Half an hour later, Li Qingyun caught two more fish, and almost as soon as he put them down, some fish would bite. Hooked up.But most of the time, it is spent on consuming the physical strength of the fish.

After catching three fish, Li Qingyun didn't continue. After all, he caught too much and couldn't finish it.

Although he stopped fishing, he could see many fish lingering on the edge of the ice cave with his naked eyes, unwilling to leave for a long time.

Obviously, they have not drawn fresh air for a long time, and they are all suffocated.

But the water monster that Li Qingyun had been waiting for had never appeared.This made him somewhat disappointed.

He came here specially for the legendary water monster, but after waiting for so long, he never saw it.

Li Qingyun thought to himself, could it be that it has hibernated?

After waiting for a while, Li Qingyun finally ran out of patience.He had something to do just now, but he didn't feel that, now that he is not fishing, let him wait, and he will not be unable to wait.

So Li Qingyun decisively got a few buckets of river water out of the small world, and then poured it down towards the ice cave.

Just fell down.

Li Qingyun realized that the fish below were crazy.They were swimming quietly at first, but their speed increased a lot all of a sudden, and some fish didn't know if they were excited or what, they actually jumped out of the water.

He made difficult moves directly in the air, and then fell into the water again.

Of course, there are still some who are not so lucky. When they jumped up, they were right on the edge of the ice hole, and when they fell, they didn't fall into the water, but fell on the ice.

As a result, it was frozen in less than half a minute.

Well, seeing such a result, Li Qingyun was thinking, what kind of fish did he catch just now? If he had known about this, he would have caught a lot of fish just by picking it up.

As the river water spread, Li Qingyun found more fish swimming over.

This frightened some small fishes to run away directly.

Because they know that this is no longer a place for them to stay.Otherwise, they are likely to be snacks for those big fish.

Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps. This is the natural law in the water.

Therefore, the fish that jumped out of the water became bigger and bigger, what a lively scene.It's a pity that Li Qingyun is the only audience here.

Li Qingyun waited there for an hour.I picked up a lot of frozen fish, but the legendary water monster never showed up.

At this moment, he wondered if the water monster was just a rumor.

Perhaps in the past, what others saw was just a big fish, because the whole picture was not seen, so, coupled with the rich imagination of human beings, the legend of the water monster spread.

It's not impossible either.Human beings always add their own guesses to unknown things.

If there is really a water monster here, why have I poured the river water here three times and still haven't seen it coming yet?

He didn't believe that the water monster could bear the temptation of the river.

It was impossible for Li Qingyun not to be disappointed.

Just when Li Qingyun was depressed and wanted to leave, he suddenly found that those fishes that were dancing happily here suddenly became flustered, as if they had encountered a natural enemy, and immediately began to sink into the water It went down, and soon disappeared within the range of Li Qingyun's sensing.

Li Qingyun was depressed all of a sudden, he didn't know what happened to them, why they all ran away all of a sudden.

But before he could think about it, he saw a black shadow breaking into his consciousness.

The next moment, Li Qingyun saw a big mouth protruding from the ice hole, Li Qingyun was also taken aback.

What are you kidding?That big mouth occupies one-third of the ice hole. If those fish hadn't run away just now, perhaps a small half of them would have fallen into this mouth.

This is not the place that surprised Li Qingyun, because at this time, his consciousness is all on.As a result, he found that his spiritual consciousness could not completely cover this guy who had just arrived.

How big does it have to be.Li Qingyun didn't even know.Could this be the legendary water monster?
Li Qingyun swallowed a mouthful of saliva.Looking at the mouth, this is completely an enlarged version of the catfish.The teeth in its mouth are as long as a child's finger.

The most important thing is that Li Qingyun also saw some blood streaks on it.It is estimated that the fish that ran a little slower just now were eaten by it directly.

It's fine for this guy to eat fish. At this moment, it is very greedy and wants to attack Li Qingyun. No, when Li Qingyun was stunned, it was biting towards Li Qingyun.

If he was really bitten by it, then Li Qingyun would be really ashamed.After all, he is also a master of Jindan stage.He was actually attacked by a bigger fish, so it's no wonder he wasn't laughed at when he said it.

Li Qingyun couldn't help laughing when he saw that guy wanted to attack him, he hadn't even troubled it yet, it actually wanted to bite him arrogantly.

This is like a tiger that just ran out of the zoo, saw a rabbit, was curious, and suddenly found that the rabbit was boldly provoking it. It is true that the tiger does not show its power and treats him as a sick cat.

Li Qingyun stretched out a hand towards the front.

It never occurred to him to feed the fish with his hands.So the next moment, he had an extra knife in his hand.If you look closely, it's exactly his magical kitchen knife.

Of course, he didn't intend to kill that big fish either.

If you want to kill it, Li Qingyun has a lot of ways, so why do you need to use an artifact.


The next moment, the big fish's teeth bit the kitchen knife, Li Qingyun couldn't help shaking his head pityingly.

Because he saw several teeth of the big fish were bounced off.

But he didn't just let it go just because he felt pity for it.The next moment, the big fish disappeared immediately.Even if it still has most of its body still underwater.

At this time, it was impossible to stop the suction of Li Qingyun's small world.The next moment, it appeared in the small world, in a large pool that had been prepared long ago.

After all, Li Qingyun's control over that small world is still very strong.

He just went on with one thought.A simple swimming pool appears there.Even with the arrival of the big fish, a pool of water flew from the river beside it.

Suddenly found that he had changed to a new place, and the big fish was also taken aback.When it found out that it was actually trapped in such a small pool, it became even more depressed.

If it had known that it would have such a result, it would have just stayed there and slept obediently.Why run around.All right now.Was caught by others.

This is also too careless.For so many years, there are many people who want to catch it.It can be said that every once in a while there will be some people who want to explore the secrets of the water monster.

Various methods have also been used, but it can still survive until now, and it is not simple.Because it is a smart fish, it is because of its carefulness that it can live until now.

But he didn't expect that this time, he found that Li Qingyun was the only one, and he didn't bring any tools, it was just about to let it go.I didn't expect that I would appear in such a place in a blink of an eye.

But soon it found out that the environment here is quite good except that the area of ​​activity is a little smaller. After just a few sips of water, it felt that its broken teeth didn't hurt so much. up.

After Li Qingyun threw the big fish into the small world, he didn't care about him anymore.

After all, there will be plenty of time in the future, and there is no rush at this moment.

At least now he has seen the legendary water monster, right?

From what he knew, the catfish was at least ten meters long. If it was swimming about one meter below the water surface, people who didn't know it might really regard it as a water monster.

But after all, he came here for the first time, and he didn't know if the catfish was really the water monster that others had seen before.So Li Qingyun was not going to leave just like that.

And catching such a big catfish also gave Li Qingyun some confidence, so he felt that he had to stay for a while longer.

So, the next moment, Li Qingyun continued to pour river water into the ice cave.

He wants to see if there are other big guys here.

If there were any, he was going to catch them all, lest their existence scare others, and the big catfish was still very dangerous. If someone was bitten by it, the chance of surviving was probably not high.It is not an exaggeration to say that they are water monsters.

It is said that the fish's memory is only seven seconds, and it was just now that it was in danger of life and death.So quickly, they unexpectedly gathered around again, and then began to dance the flying fish dance there happily.

Seeing that there would be no 'water monsters' coming over in a while, Li Qingyun took the fish he picked up on the ice to the small world, and then took a few and threw them into the catfish pond.

As a result, it was swallowed by it in a few strokes.

It's really open to thinking, as soon as it comes, it will be at ease. After tossing there for a while, it finds that it can't run away, so it accepts it.

Li Qingyun stayed here for a day and poured a lot of river water here. As a result, besides the big catfish, he also caught a big carp with a body length of more than one meter and a big herring.

Although their body length is about the same as that of the catfish.However, their arrival did not scare other fish, because they are not carnivorous fish.Of course it won't scare other fish.

But Li Qingyun found that they had grown so big, and felt that it was not easy for them, and wanted to invite them into his own small world.Maybe it won't be long before they can open their intelligence.

(End of this chapter)

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