urban small world

Chapter 81 Fast Forward

Chapter 81 Fast Forward
But for the heroes, not only did Li Qingyun not thank them, but Li Qingyun was still thinking about them.

Although there are many animals in his small world, to be honest, there is really not a single eagle in it.For Li Qingyun, that was a huge temptation.

How could he forget the eagle.It really shouldn't be.

However, Li Qingyun cannot be blamed for this.Although it can be said that everyone knows the eagle, how many people have actually seen him.

Anyway, since Li Qingyun grew up so big, this was the first time he saw an eagle.If he hadn't seen them this time, he wouldn't have remembered that eagles had never existed in his own small world.

Therefore, Li Qingyun's eyes are bright at this time.

He wants to invite them into the small world.

It's a pity that although his strength is very strong.Li Qingyun wouldn't be afraid of them if he challenged them one-on-one or two together.

But I'm afraid that they won't confront me head-on.If they wanted to escape wholeheartedly, even if Li Qingyun could fly, there was definitely nothing he could do about them.

Therefore, although Li Qingyun was very excited now, Li Qingyun didn't make much movement, but hid behind the branch and watched quietly. If they ran in by themselves, everyone would be happy.If they don't go in all the time, then Li Qingyun can only think of a way.

The two eagles soon landed on a tree more than ten meters away from Li Qingyun.

They are also strange.When they were at high altitude just now, they discovered that there were many birds here. Why did they all disappear when they came down?

As soon as they came down, they found that it was so comfortable here.They are very strange, why there is such a change here.They had been here a while ago, but there hadn't been such a big change back then.

Obviously, even their little heads would never think that all of this was done by Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun was hiding very well at this time, even though they were only more than ten meters away from here, with their eagle eyes, they didn't notice Li Qingyun.

In fact, this is also very normal. Li Qingyun used the restraint technique to restrain the breath of his whole body. In their eyes, Li Qingyun is just a piece of wood, and they didn't notice Li Qingyun's existence at all. Otherwise, those birds just now It won't come close easily.

Although these two eagles are smarter than those birds.However, they are all just birds after all. After waiting for more than ten minutes, finally, desire overcame reason and flew towards the entrance.

"Oh yeah, it's finally done. Haha." Li Qingyun couldn't help laughing excitedly when he saw that they had all entered the small world.

The laughter spread far away, scaring some of the small animals on the side away from there.

But Li Qingyun didn't care.This time he actually got the dragon and eagle that he wanted the most, which was a big gain.

To celebrate, he disappeared on the tree root in a flash.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of miles away from the small town that Li Qingyun first built in the space, a group of blue sheep were running freely on a steep rock wall. Suddenly, a big hand fell from the sky, and then grabbed one of the blue sheep and moved away. Disappeared.

At that time, the sheep on the side were so frightened that their feet almost went limp and fell from the height.

And the next moment, the sheep appeared in front of Li Qingyun.

After a while, all the skin and internal organs of the sheep disappeared.

In this small world, Li Qingyun never needed to do such dirty work by himself.

He controls the power of the world, and it will be dealt with quickly.

"Wang Wang."



After a while, many small animals surrounded Li Qingyun.

Obviously, when they saw that there was food, they all ran over one by one. These guys are really weird, they can hunt by themselves, but they like Li Qingyun's cooked food very much.

Every time Li Qingyun cooks, he always sees them.

Especially the five brothers and sisters of Dahei and the couple of the eldest brother.

They are the animals that Li Qingyun raised early, and Li Qingyun still has a lot of affection for them.

Although later he raised some animals, even big guys like lions and tigers.

But they also live in the city at most, and Li Qingyun allocated a room for them.On the contrary, it was Dahei, the five of them and the elder brother and his wife who had been living in Li Qingyun's compound all the time.As the saying goes, those who are close to the water get the moon first.

Every time Li Qingyun cooks a meal, they will not be missing.

Even the big brothers who don't imitate them have learned to eat with chopsticks now.

It had to be said that it was precisely because of their existence that Li Qingyun felt less lonely.Therefore, in many cases, he will also prepare more food.

After finally feeding the animals beside him, Li Qingyun was exhausted. I really don't know if he is the master or they are the masters.Why does Li Qingyun sometimes feel that he is the one who serves them specially.

After eating, Li Qingyun teleported away and disappeared there. When he appeared again, he had already arrived in a forest.

The birds that came in just now were all put here by Li Qingyun, of course, except for the two eagles.

If you put them here too, such a long time has passed.I don't know how many of these hundreds of birds will be left.

The other birds, Li Qingyun, don't care.He was afraid that the flying dragon he had found with great difficulty would be killed just like that. If that was the case, he would have nowhere to cry.

Li Qingyun has long been greedy for this legendary flying dragon, but unfortunately, there is only one pair here, and it is not the time to eat them, otherwise, it is hard to say how long it will take to find it next time.

But delicious food is in front of him, he can't even walk, and he can't do it if he is asked to wait a few more months, so Li Qingyun's coming here this time directly speeds up the time in this area.In this way, although the growth of the small world will be slowed down a bit, he doesn't care at all.

The development of small world growth is equally important.

Soon, Li Qingyun discovered that there were great changes in the area of ​​about two square kilometers below him.

If there are other people here at this time, you will find that the middle area seems to be fast-forwarding, and the trees, flowers and plants in it are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.And the speed of the birds inside also exceeded the speed of sound. In many cases, their figures could not be seen at all, only a gray shadow drifting by.

Of course, this is just looking at it from the outside. If you go inside when you are in the sky, you will find that it is no different from the normal world.

This is caused by the acceleration of time.At the very beginning, Li Qingyun felt curious when he found this situation, but now, he has long been used to it.He sees this kind of situation almost every day, and he has long been familiar with it.

Soon, 10 minutes passed.He found that the flying dragon below had finally laid an egg.

After a few more minutes, they hatched six little flying dragons.

After that, more dragons would be hatched almost every half hour.

And when Li Qingyun finished and the time accelerated, the hundreds of birds at the beginning suddenly expanded many times.

There are at least tens of thousands of birds there, and this is the result of some birds flying away from the acceleration area, otherwise the number will be even more.

And the flying dragon that Li Qingyun had been caring about had also grown a lot.The number reached more than 100.

And the two who were first attracted by Li Qingyun were also old.

During the last wave of incubation time, they actually didn't lay any more eggs.Well, Li Qingyun knew that they were old and had fulfilled their mission.Therefore, Li Qingyun is ready to taste them.

But he had just eaten, so there was no rush, Li Qingyun put them in a cage and disappeared there.

With so many flying dragons, even without Li Qingyun's protection, they would grow stronger after a while.Whenever you want to eat it in the future, you should be able to eat it.

After putting the two old flying dragons back into the house, Li Qingyun left the small world again. He still remembered that he still had a task to complete.

Ginseng is more difficult to find than flying dragons.

It is not easy to find ginseng when it is not snowing, not to mention that it is still snowing so thickly.Although he has divine consciousness, he can only release two or three meters away, which is entirely dependent on luck.

If he was lucky, there happened to be ginseng in the place he walked just now, so he could find it. If he was unlucky, the ginseng might be one meter away from the range of his consciousness, and he would not even be able to find it.

At this time, it was even more difficult for him to find ginseng than ordinary people.

But this is also impossible.Who let him spare time to come here at this time.

He can only rely on luck, otherwise, he can only go to those dangerous places.

After Li Qingyun came out, he went straight to a dangerous place, and he went wherever it was dangerous.

For others, those cliffs are Li Qingyun's hope.

It has to be said that there are still many places like this in this forest. Unfortunately, Li Qingyun has searched for several places, but has not found what he was looking for.

But it's normal to think about it. What he can think of, others can't think of.

The place that is easy to find, even if it is dangerous, can't stop the footsteps of human beings.

Not to mention those professional ginseng seekers, even those adventurous rock climbers will often go there to play.

If there are really good things, where will they stay for Li Qingyun to come over?

But the hard work paid off, and finally, Li Qingyun found a ginseng tree under a cliff in the deep mountain.A real wild ginseng.Although it didn't grow for a long time, probably only about ten years, Li Qingyun was very satisfied.

 Ask for collection, please recommend! !

(End of this chapter)

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