Chapter 799

When Li Qingyun remembered that there was more than half of the leftover dragon and phoenix soup left at noon in the cauldron, the cauldron with the soup had already been put away by Lao Wu.

Will he take out what is in Lao Wu's hands again?That's obviously impossible.What if he took it out and Li Qingyun took it back together with the cauldron.

Although Li Qingyun should not do such a thing, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

When Li Qingyun saw it, Lao Wu pretended not to hear it, so he was also speechless.

Well, since the cauldron has been delivered, some soup, what can he say.It's not Li Qingyun's style to give away the bulk of the money, and it's not Li Qingyun's style to worry about it.

"By the way, Old Wu, what exactly are you going to do here this time? If you don't say it now, I'll take it seriously."

"Ah, um, I'm here for a small matter, well, I just want to buy something from you."

"You, you still need to buy something. I gave you the cauldron, what else do you want to do?" Li Qingyun said pretending to be scared.

What to buy, isn't it just that you have taken a fancy to the good things in Li Qingyun's hands? He said to buy it every time, but has he ever paid for it?

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been blacklisted long ago, and he would not be allowed to come to the door again.

But of course Li Qingyun is not so stingy anymore, after so many years, Lao Wu is still a frequent visitor to their house.

"Hey, actually, I just want to ask, do you have any extra speeding cars, why don't you buy one for me." After finishing speaking, Lao Wu looked at Li Qingyun with his not too big eyes.And he looked at Li Qingyun expectantly.

"Oh, so, that's why you came here. I thought it was something."

"Yeah, yeah, I know that all the flying cars in the Wulin Continent come from you. I'm not greedy, as long as you can sell me a second-hand flying car."

At this time, Li Qingyun was laughed at by him. What a difference between the first-hand and second-hand speeding cars. You must know that they are spiritual weapons, but there is no depreciation fee.

Even if it is a second-hand speeding car and a new speeding car, in essence, there is not much difference.

In fact, Li Qingyun thought that he should have come to talk about the flying car a year ago, but he didn't expect that he just waited until now to come.

It has been more than a year since the speeding car appeared in the Wulin Continent.

During such a long time, Li Qingyun has also refined many sets.Gave some to friends and family.

Based on his understanding of Lao Wu, he thought that Lao Wu would come to play Qiufeng a long time ago.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would come here today.

What Li Qingyun didn't know was that Lao Wu actually wanted to come a long time ago.

After all, he has seen the power of the speeding car from the Internet, and the more he understands it, the more itchy he feels.He also wants to have a flying car of his own.

But it was precisely because the flying car was so precious that he was too embarrassed to go to Li Qingyun to ask for it.

Even if he paid for it, he didn't know whether he could afford it with the contribution points he could use. That's why he didn't talk to Li Qingyun and the others about it for so long.

At this time, the reason why he spoke was not because he had a lot of contribution points in his hand.

Isn't this the beginning of the age of great navigation?

Their military also sent some people to sea,
Unfortunately, ten days have passed.They were just wandering around the periphery of the sea, and they didn't even dare to go deeper, otherwise, they didn't know what kind of fate would be waiting for them.

Although those soldiers are not afraid of sacrifice for the mission, but as a general, Lao Wu can't just watch them sacrifice, right?

Therefore, he thought of Li Qingyun, and when he thought of Li Qingyun, he also thought of Li Qingyun's speeding car. Yes, that's right, Li Qingyun's speeding car was what he wanted most at this moment.

If you have a speeding car, maybe you can reach the Supreme Continent very quickly just by speed.

Isn't that what Li Qinglin and the others did?

Their military also has some powerful experts in the pill-holding realm.After all, there is the support of the country behind it, and it is normal to have some masters.

Now they have masters, all they need is Speeding.

If they have a speeding car, then the Supreme Continent is waving to them.

As long as you reach the Supreme Continent, are you afraid that there will be no contribution points?

If Li Qingyun wants to collect his contribution points, he can still owe it first, and he is not afraid of not being able to pay it back.And it would be even better if Li Qingyun didn't charge his contribution points.

After all, he was looking for something from Li Qingyun, and he was too embarrassed to ask, so he said that he came to chat with Li Youde.

But he didn't even think that he came here today just to 'buy' a speeding car from Li Qingyun, but at this time, he got an extra cauldron, so to speak, even if Li Qingyun didn't 'sell' a speeding car to him.

He also earned it.

You know, the cauldron furnace is not necessarily cheaper than the speeding car.Even to a certain extent, the cauldron is more valuable than the speeding car.

The flying car can only be used for traveling, but the cauldron is one of the necessary tools for alchemy and weapon refining. As the saying goes, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools.With the cauldron, they can greatly improve their efficiency when refining alchemy and refining weapons.

Of course, in fact, the best way is to get both. Such a combination is better for them.

In fact, everyone thinks so, but for many people, it is not easy for them to get one of them.

Other forces, if they can get any one thing, they will be happy for a long time, how can they be so greedy like Lao Wu, who wants to get both.

Hearing Lao Wu's words, Li Qingyun was also very speechless.

"Flying car, didn't you say before that flying car is just a toy for children, why do you want to buy flying car anyway?"

Old Wu couldn't help but blush.He said that right. Isn’t that what he said when the speeding car first came out and he didn’t understand it? Is it necessary for you to bring it up and talk about it at this time? How embarrassing it is.

At that time, he didn't even know about the existence of the Supreme Continent, let alone the specific performance of the speeding car, so he said that.

No, he regretted it for a long time.

"Haha, is that right, did I say that, I don't even remember."

Li Qingyun was not surprised to see Lao Wu not admitting it. Lao Wu knew Li Qingyun, and Li Qingyun also knew him very well.He already knew that Old Wu would say that.

"Forget it. After all, we are all old acquaintances. The cauldron is already given to you. If the speeding car charges you again, it will make me feel so stingy."

(End of this chapter)

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