urban small world

Chapter 794 Dragon and Phoenix Soup

Chapter 794 Dragon and Phoenix Soup

This may be what other people call intergenerational relatives.

They are their own children, and many people feel that it is better to let them suffer a little bit, and to call them a better name.

But once people get older.When they become grandparents, they will love their grandsons and granddaughters.I wish I could follow them 24 hours a day and take care of them.

Li Qingyun remembered that when Li Qingjing was a child, her parents never took care of her like this.

At that time, they either worked in the fields or went out to work to earn money.

And Li Qingjing could be said to have been brought up by Li Qingyun since she was a child. At that time, she was a little girl, but she did not miss running around behind Li Qingyun and his ass.

At this time, Xixi and Hanghang ran twice, she was afraid that they would fall down, Li Qingyun was also speechless.

Moreover, he can't talk about Zhao Hongfang about such things, otherwise, in the end, it's not Li Qingyun and the others who will teach her, but she will educate Li Qingyun and the others in turn.

And Xixi and Hanghang were also stunned at this time, this is not the result they wanted.

They didn't really want to complain to grandma, they were just playing with their aunt.But how did things develop into this way?Obviously, their little heads can't think of so many things.

"Grandma, grandma, it's okay, we were playing with my aunt."

"Yeah, grandma, we're playing, it's okay."

"Okay, okay, grandma knows, how about grandma playing with you?"

Zhao Hongfang was still pointing at Li Qingyun and his two siblings just now.But in the blink of an eye, when she faced Xixi and Hanghang, she immediately showed a kind smile.That face changed so fast.

It is estimated that those who play face-changing stunts will admire it if they see it.

When other people play face-changing, they are all drawn masks in advance, but Zhao Hongfang's is not just prepared in advance, but a live broadcast.

"Okay, okay, then grandma will play with us." Xixi and Hanghang are very smart.They knew that if grandma's attention was not diverted at this time, father and aunt would be in trouble.

If they dare not agree, but say that they want their father or aunt to play with them.

Although grandma won't get angry with them, but when the time comes, aunt or father will be in trouble.Grandma will definitely make trouble for them.

This point, although the two little guys are young, they can see it very clearly.

No, both Li Qingyun and Li Qingjing gave the two little guys a grateful look.

"Brother, tell me, I've reached the marriageable age but haven't gotten married yet. Is it a huge sin?"

"What do you think, just think about what happened to me a few years ago."

Li Qingjing couldn't help showing a wry smile when she heard her brother say that.

To be honest, my brother's life was really difficult in the past few years. Of course, she also has a large part of the credit for this.

At the beginning, she thought it was fun, and always fanned the flames in front of her parents, so Li Qingyun was often scolded by her parents.

But I didn't expect that in the 30 years of Hedong and the 30 years of Hexi, the feng shui took turns, and this year it finally turned to her.

When she was still in college, she could play freely and carefree, but after graduation, she felt that she was much older, because her mother would always remind her in front of her that she could get married, you It's not too old anymore.

But after practicing cultivation, can he live to be hundreds of years old? He is now in his 20s, so he is still a child, okay?Unfortunately, Zhao Hongfang would not listen to her theory.

She would only tell Li Qingjing that Li Qingyun could scream at her age.

Sometimes, Li Qingjing felt that she couldn't communicate normally with her mother, at least before she got married.

Sometimes, Li Qingyun would do something that made her want to beat someone up.He was obviously trying to get revenge on himself for booing him back then.

Seeing that Zhao Hongfang was taken away by Xixi and Hanghang, Li Qingyun hurriedly left here to avoid being taught a lesson by her again.

Of course, Li Qingjing also ran away with Li Qingyun at this time.She doesn't want to stay here to cause hatred.

Li Qingjing also wanted to find a boyfriend, but unfortunately, there was no one he liked.What can she do.She can't let her find someone to marry casually.

Li Qingyun had no choice but to return to the front yard again.

As for Li Youde and Lao Wu, they were chatting happily at this time, they seemed to have stayed there for a while, and found that he had no chance to interrupt, so they simply left again.He had no choice but to go to the kitchen to help Niu Niu.

Obviously, today's noon meal fell on Li Qingyun and the others.

Zhao Hongfang didn't have time to do it.And Li Qingyun's father-in-law and mother-in-law were not there today, after all, it was a holiday at this time, and Lin Yunfei also went to the Supreme Continent.They finally had a two-person world, and they didn't know where to go to play.

As for Xixi and Hanghang, they have grown up too, and they don't need to watch them all the time like before.

So, they also have more free time.Can play everywhere.

When Li Qingyun came in, he saw that Niu Niu was dealing with a bird monster.

If Li Qinglin and the others were here, they would have discovered that this monster was not exactly the kind of monster they encountered when they went to the Supreme Continent?

That's right, this monster was exactly the monster that Li Qinglin and the others killed at that time.

As for how it appeared in Li Qingyun's house, needless to say, it was Li Qingyun who quietly moved it back while they were not paying attention.

At that time, they killed hundreds of monsters in one go, and they all fell into the sea. If there were less than ten or so monsters, they would not have been able to find them.

Li Qingyun held the reason not to waste, so he got a little back.

Li Qingyun specially found a space ring to hold them.It was still fresh when I took it out in the morning.Even the blood inside is still flowing out.

When Li Qingyun came in, Niu Niu was dealing with the fur on the monster's body.

This is not an easy task.

They are monsters after all, even if they are dead.Their bodies are not comparable to ordinary chickens and ducks.

Those hairs grow on them, and it is not easy to get rid of them.

You know, many monsters don't know how to refine weapons.They all refine some things in themselves to make them stronger.Like the claws of some birds, or their feathers.

This can be used as a weapon for them.

"Do you need help?"

"Husband, you came just in time, come and help me remove their hair."

"You've been working on it for a long time, and that's all you've done."

"You can handle it easily. If you don't believe me, try it yourself."

"Ah, since the hair is so difficult to remove, wouldn't it be better to just shave off the skin?"

"No. My mother said that it is better to keep the skin. If you are not afraid of what my mother will say about you, then you can just peel the skin."

"Forget it then, let me do it." Li Qingyun immediately became cowardly when he heard Niuniu's words.

If it was Dad who spoke, he wouldn't care.My mother has already spoken. If she doesn't do what she says, then Li Qingyun won't listen to her nagging.

Li Qingyun took the bird monster that was only the size of a desk from Niuniu's hand, and Li Qingyun tried to pull it out, but it was really not easy to pull it out.

After receiving the boiling water from the side, and repeatedly pouring it several times, Li Qingyun felt that it was easier to pull out, but once the boiling water was cut off, it would soon become difficult to pull out again.

No wonder, it's been half an hour, and Niuniu has only made such a small amount of it.

It will take a long time just to boil water.

But this is not difficult for Li Qingyun,

Even if it was a bucket of ice water, as long as it was in his hands, it could turn into scalding boiling water in a few seconds.

This is a monster after all, even if it is boiled in boiling water, it will not be impossible to cook for a while.

With Li Qingyun's joining, the two of them cooperated, and it took them more than ten minutes to pluck out the monster's fur.

However, Li Qingyun found that there were still a lot of cold hairs on its body.

As a result, a flame burst out of Li Qingyun's hand.Throw the monster into the fire, and soon, all the cold hairs on its surface disappeared.

And its skin has also turned into an attractive golden-yellow color.

"This monster, how do you want to eat it?"

"I don't know. Mom likes to drink soup. Why don't we make soup. By the way, I heard that dragon and phoenix soup is good. Dragons don't, but you can catch a snake and cook it together."

"Okay, then you wait, I'll be right back."

When we were on the earth, many people took chicken and snake and cooked them together, which can be called dragon and phoenix soup.

Now Li Qingyun has replaced all of them with monsters, which tastes pretty good after all.

Although Li Qingyun has never done this before, he is very interested in trying it now.

For Li Qingyun, there would be no secrets on the initial star, no matter how secretively those monsters hide, they cannot escape Li Qingyun's perception.

So, he went out and came back in less than 5 minutes, and he also had a bucket group in his hand, a big snake more than 20 meters long.

That guy looked scary at first glance, but unfortunately, at this time, it was already dead.

If Li Qingyun made a move, he would be considered unlucky.It's been a long way to practice until today, but now it has become Li Qingyun's food.

This world belongs to Li Qingyun, and it is their honor that Li Qingyun wants to eat them.

Haha, isn't it a bit evil to say that?But Li Qingyun didn't care.In this world of the jungle, this is all very normal.Weak people have no reason to speak of.Because here, there is no law to restrain those monsters.

This is Li Qingyun, another person, such a big monster, it is not easy to cook them.

But for Li Qingyun, this is not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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