Chapter 786
Ye Bo was also taken aback.

Was he frightened by tigers? Tigers are on the earth, although they are at the top of the food chain.Humans encounter them, and if it is hungry again, there is little chance of running away.

But those are only on the earth.

Let them come to the Wulin Continent, and those warriors in the Wulin Continent will teach them how to make tigers in minutes.

Even monster tigers, many people don't take them seriously.In recent years, there have been many tiger-skins, tiger-whips and tiger-bones circulating on the market.There are even a lot of people who have been bought to China-Xia.

After all, in Huaxia, these things are forbidden to be sold. If they are brought out from the Wulin Continent, then there is no problem.

Although Ye Bo has never killed a tiger demon, but with his strength, he is not afraid of a tiger demon.

The reason why Ye Bo was taken aback at this time was because before the tiger demon appeared, he had no sense at all.

Fortunately, there is still a certain distance between them, otherwise, if it rushed out suddenly, the consequences would really not be what he wanted to see.

You know, at this time, they have just separated from Li Qinglin and the others.

It's not too far from the sea, and it's so easy to meet such a powerful monster!This is impossible in Wulin Continent.

This can only show that the danger of the Supreme Continent is not comparable to that of the Wulin Continent.

And the ones on the periphery would not be so powerful monsters. At this time, Ye Bo began to feel regret for his choice.

Yes, at this time, he was the only one with Zheng Xinyun.He himself is not afraid, if Zheng Xinyun is hurt, he will not forgive himself.

Ye Bo quickly ran a few steps, protected Zheng Xinyun behind him, and then he immediately released his momentum, trying to scare the tiger away.

It wasn't that he couldn't beat the tiger, but that he was afraid of making too much noise and attracting the attention of more monsters, so Zheng Xinyun would have no one to protect him.Therefore, at this time, he didn't dare to fight those monsters easily.

But it's a pity that the tiger was not scared. As the king of the forest, Zheng Xinyun and Ye Bo came to its territory, which was a provocation to it. Now Ye Bo is showing off his momentum, From the tiger's point of view, Ye Bo was challenging it.

As a dignified tiger, he has no habit of fleeing without a fight.


As soon as Ye Bo saw that the tiger's fur was standing on end, he thought to himself, 'Not good. '

He also knew he was impatient.

If I didn't show off my aura just now, but took Zheng Xinyun to leave, maybe the situation would be better.

With Ye Bo's understanding of monsters, he also knew that if he showed his aura, they would be regarded as a provocation by them.

But everything happened, and there was no chance for him to regret it.

Seeing that the tiger was about to attack, Ye Bo had no choice but to gently push Zheng Xinyun away, "Stay back, it seems that this matter can't be resolved, we have to do it before we talk about it."

"Okay, then be careful."

At this time, Zheng Xinyun didn't add trouble to Ye Bo.He retreated directly to the open space behind.

At least there are not many trees there, and there are no other sundries around, so you can see the surrounding situation clearly at a glance, unless there are monsters emerging from the soil, otherwise, they will be killed before they get close. found.

Ye Bo glanced at Zheng Xinyun from the corner of his eye, and then rushed directly towards the tiger.

He wanted to keep the battlefield as far away from Zheng Xinyun as possible.

Because he didn't want the aftermath of the battle to hurt Zheng Xinyun.

That tiger is so angry.

These two two-legged monsters ran to their own territory and were so arrogant, I really thought they were easy to bully.Originally, it felt that the two-legged monsters were a bit difficult to deal with, and it just wanted to scare them. If they quit by themselves, it would have a lot of big tigers, and it would not be as knowledgeable as them.

But what I didn't expect was that the other party was not kind.How dare he attack first.Then, it doesn't think about anything else, let's talk about it after a game.

In the thinking of monsters, the strong are respected, they only respect the strong, and the weak are usually encountered by them, and their fate most of the time depends on whether they are hungry or not.

If they are full, they may turn a blind eye or close one eye, pretending not to see it.In case they are hungry, the weak can only become their food.

As for a two-legged monster like Ye Bo, it has never seen it before.

However, from its inheritance memory, there are some pictures showing that although the two-legged monsters are not as powerful as them, they are not easy to mess with. Many of their kind have been caught by these two-legged monsters.

Although in my heart, I have a little fear of these two-legged monsters, but as a new generation of tiger monsters.It has never seen a two-legged monster, so it still has a lot of dissatisfaction in its heart.

Otherwise, if those first-generation tigers from the original star came over, they might not think so much, and would have run as far as they could.

The tiger leaped towards Ye Bopu and bit it.

If it hits the target right now, ordinary Baodan realm warriors will be out of luck.

But Ye Bo is not an ordinary warrior, he turned sideways lightly, and let him go.

Even when he turned sideways, he stretched out his right hand towards the tiger.

The next moment, a fluffy whip appeared on Ye Bo's hand, no, it was not a whip, if you look carefully, isn't that a tiger's tail?

It is said that a tiger's butt cannot be touched.At this time, Ye Bo even grabbed its tail in his hand.


The next moment, a scream came from the tiger's mouth.

But before it screamed, the body that was running so fast just now stopped suddenly.

Yes, Ye Bo, grabbed its tail and pulled it to a stop.

Even, because the tiger was so powerful, it pulled Ye Bo forward three steps.

The tiger was angry and ashamed at this time, it had never been treated like this before.

At this time, it regretted it very much. In the inheritance memory, it was told that the two-legged monster was not easy to deal with, but it just didn't believe it, and now it fell into such a situation.

This made the tiger burst into tears of regret.

One move, one move, just one move, and he just lost.This also makes the tiger alive.If I knew this was the result, it shouldn't have appeared at all. Now it's fine, it regrets it very much, maybe its life will end.

For a tiger full of ideals, it still leaves a lot of regrets.

The world is so big, it still wants to go out for a walk.It's a pity that the start was unfavorable. I just laid down a piece of land, and I haven't had time to enjoy it yet.They are being caught now.

The tiger wept.Of course Ye Bo didn't see it, but Zheng Xinyun saw it clearly.

Ye Bo succeeds with one move, of course, there will be no big thunder, and the rain will be light. The next moment, he exerted force on his hand, and then the tiger was thrown 180 degrees by him.

"Bang!" The next moment, the tiger made close contact with the ground again.

Afterwards, before the tiger could react, he jumped up and rode directly on top of it, crushing it on top of him.

After that, Ye Bo raised his casserole-sized fist and punched the tiger.

Now that the fight started, Ye Bo wouldn't be polite. After all, he still needed to protect Zheng Xinyun, and he couldn't tolerate any soft-heartedness.

The soft heart towards monsters may be the cruelty towards oneself.If Zheng Xinyun was hurt because of his momentary soft-heartedness, then it would be too late for him to regret it.

Seeing Ye Bo punching the tiger, Zheng Xinyun couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands, but what's the gap between his fingers so wide?It's completely deceptive.

Because the tiger was turned 180 degrees by Ye Bo, Zheng Xinyun couldn't see the expression of consideration at this time.But I don't know why, at this time, the picture of thinking about crying just now always pops up in her mind.

Then when he saw that the tiger was in Ye Bo's hands, it had no strength to resist.

When Zheng Xinyun felt proud of her boyfriend, she couldn't bear it again.

Yes, I don't know why, but her heart softened at this time, it may have something to do with the tiger not hurting her.

"Brother Ye, why don't you stop first."

"Ah, why!" Although Ye Bo was fighting the tiger, he still kept an eye on Zheng Xinyun's side. He didn't want to ignore Zheng Xinyun and cause her to be hurt because of his tiger's fight.

So, at this time, as soon as Zheng Xinyun opened his mouth, he stopped his fist.

In fact, Ye Bo didn't intend to kill it, he just wanted to scare it. Although the tiger frightened Zheng Xinyun, it didn't hurt it, so he wasn't very angry.

Besides, tigers are China-Xia's protected animals after all.

Don't look at Ye Bo hasn't returned to Hua-xia for a long time now, but this doesn't mean he has no feelings for Hua-xia.

In fact, the more people like him, the more favorable they are to the motherland.

It's just that for various reasons, he hasn't gone back for a long time.

Although Hua Xia had withdrawn his arrest warrant long ago, Ye Bo still didn't want to go back.

But most of the time, just from Ye Bo's life, he still abides by Huaxia's laws.

For example, now he has no thought of killing the tiger.

In his capacity, if he wanted tiger skin or something, many people would give it to him, but he didn't do that.Even his city lord's mansion can't see the figures of those protecting animals on the earth.

At this time, Zheng Xinyun also asked him to stop, so he also stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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