urban small world

Chapter 7 Time Acceleration (For Collection)

Chapter 7 Time Acceleration (For Collection)
The next day, Li Qingyun woke up early in the morning.He got up from the bed and found the place where he lived, and couldn't help but let out a long breath. He was really afraid that all this was a dream, and everything would return to the original point when he woke up. If that was the case, he probably would Depressed to death.

Fortunately, all this is true.So, he was in a good mood.

After a casual breakfast, he started his day's work.

Under Li Qingyun's cheating, in just one morning, Li Qingyun actually reclaimed 100 mu of land, and planted vegetables respectively.That speed is unmatched by the machines outside.

Even after the vegetables were planted, Li Qingyun came to artificially rain them.

After finishing these, Li Qingyun suddenly found that he seemed to have nothing to do all of a sudden.

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking that when he read novels before, the vegetables of the protagonists could always be harvested in a few days or even a few hours. He wondered how long it would take for the vegetables here to mature.

If it was still the same as the outside, he might be hungry.

Who made him so excited yesterday that he forgot about this.Now he doesn't have much money.How long can you live with a few hundred yuan in today's society.

Just when Li Qingyun was annoyed, he was suddenly taken aback.

Because at this time, he heard something from the Heavenly Dao of the small world to him.

"Haha. It turns out that you can still play like this. Sure enough, I didn't disappoint you. Haha."

Li Qingyun has no reason not to be excited.It turns out that he just learned from Tiandao that, as the master of this world, he can control everything here, including space and time.

He already knew about space.For example, the space set aside by him as a private warehouse, and the safe space with a radius of more than 1000 kilometers set up by its former owner, all these are the control of space.

I didn't expect that even the most mysterious time can be controlled. If Ziqi Shenzun is still alive, he will definitely disdain him. What's the fuss about it, time and space are not separated, time and space are always a whole .

The law of space is generally nothing to those gods. Most of the gods have mastered the ability of space, but time is not so easy to master, and the appearance of this world bead, why does it cause so many great people? snatch it.Because this contains the power of time, as long as they are given time, they will be able to go one step further, even without the World Orb.They can also outshine other gods.

It's a pity that they beat Li Qingyun for so long, and finally took advantage of Li Qingyun.

Now Li Qingyun was as excited as a child after hearing the news.Laughed out loud there.If this was outside, others would probably think he was crazy.

Fortunately, there were no outsiders here. Li Qingyun immediately started to experiment after being excited.

The time he spent controlling that vegetable field sped up.Possibly the first such law to control time.The accuracy is a little bit worse.

Therefore, if there are outsiders here, they will see that in the vegetable field, the vegetables in some places are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.But there are some places where there is no response.

Seeing it really works.Li Qingyun laughed again.Although there are still some flaws in his control, he doesn't care about it.As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.Just do it a few times.

If those gods were to know, an ordinary person like Li Qingyun had done something that they couldn't even do.I don't know if they will die of depression.

"Hey, why don't those grow anymore?" Suddenly Li Qingyun found that some eggplants, tomatoes and watermelons grew to a certain extent and stopped growing.

"Oh, I see. They didn't pollinate!" Li Qingyun, who grew up in the countryside suddenly, his eyes lit up and he remembered.

When he was a child, when the watermelons at home were growing, he did a lot of pollination for them, which he was still very familiar with.

On the earth, even if there is no artificial pollination, at most it is a reduction in production. After all, there are many small animals outside, such as butterflies, ants, and bees can all help.But in this small world, there is not a single other animal for thousands of miles around.Don't think about these things.

However, this did not bother Li Qingyun.As soon as his heart moved, some male flowers on some vegetables and fruits that needed to be pollinated flew up from the branches and leaves.

If someone was here at this time, they would have seen the wonderful scene of hundreds of flowers dancing, but unfortunately, only Li Qingyun could see such a beautiful scene.

After half an hour, Li Qingyun accelerated the time again.

Sure enough, this time the fruits and vegetables continued to grow.

In a few minutes, the branches are covered with vegetables and fruits.

Just now he was still worried about when these things would mature.Didn't expect them to mature so quickly.

Coincidentally, Li Qingyun hadn't had lunch yet.After thinking about it, he decided to try the taste of the vegetables he grew himself.

So Li Qingyun walked into the city, and behind him, several tomatoes, an eggplant, two potatoes and a big watermelon automatically followed.

He can't eat much by himself.Pick a few that you like and try them out.

A child from a poor family, he has been in charge of the family for a long time. Li Qingyun learned to cook at a very young age. Although he is not as skilled as those chefs, he has been cooking for so many years, and the dishes he cooks are quite suitable for him. appetizing.

"Wow, it's really delicious. Is this still a potato?" Although the taste is still the same, the feeling is completely different.

"This tomato is also delicious. It's so sweet, it's very popular to make fruit directly."

Eggplant didn't disappoint him either.Although there was no meat on the table, just these three vegetables whetted Li Qingyun's appetite, and he ate an extra bowl of rice.

He ate up the last three dishes.He believes that with these things, if he goes out and opens a restaurant, the business will probably be very good.

But when I think that there are so many vegetables outside, I guess it is impossible to digest them all if I open a restaurant.Besides, opening a restaurant requires investment, so what can he do with his few hundred dollars.Let's just sell vegetables honestly.

After the meal, he tasted the watermelon again, and it did not disappoint him. The taste made people want to eat it again.It's a pity that Li Qingyun's stomach can't hold it anymore.

Selling vegetables is usually the hottest in the morning and evening.In the morning, many grandpas and aunts came out to grab fresh dishes.And in the evening, more often, some office workers, after get off work, will buy some to go home and cook by themselves.

In the morning, Li Qingyun missed it, but he didn't want to miss the prime time in the evening.

So in the afternoon, he went out to buy a few plastic boxes for vegetables and came back with a bundle of plastic bags. This was the starting tool for his business.Not even a scale.Have no idea.Who told him that he didn't have much money on him?

An electronic scale costs several hundred yuan.

Originally, he wanted to get a small three-wheeler, but he had no money.There is no other way.So today I can only give it a try.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun entered the small world in an abandoned factory in LC district yesterday, and he can walk to the street in a few minutes from here.

Moreover, there are not many people here compared to the place where he lived before. There are several pedestrian streets next to it, and the flow of people is still very large.

With his current conditions, it is impossible to go to the vegetable market. Li Qingyun just wants to find a place and set up a small stall. As for whether he will be arrested by the urban management, it is not in his consideration at all.Even if the city management comes, the big deal is that the goods are not sold, what's the big deal.It's not like he can't afford to lose this little thing.

Well, in fact, Li Qingyun is a bit cynical now.He took it all as a game.You don't have to live by this.Even if he lost a penny.With that small world, his future is also limitless.

It has to be said that Li Qingyun's personality has changed a lot now, and he is no longer the same Li Qingyun as before.

"Passing by, don't miss it. New varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, and corn. It's delicious to eat as a vegetable or as a vegetable. The quantity is limited, first come, first served."

After a while, people surrounded him.I have to say that Li Qingyun's vegetables not only taste good, but also look good.Each one is not only big.It looks very shocking, and there is an attractive fragrance, coupled with Li Qingyun's yelling, of course it attracts people's attention.

"This handsome guy, how did you sell your tomatoes? They look delicious."

"Haha, beauty, you really know the goods. I can guarantee that they will not disappoint you. Let's not talk about it. Come on, let me cut some for you to taste. Taste first and then sell." Li Qingyun saw more than ten people gathered around , said with a smile.

Some passers-by, who didn't pay attention at first, also stopped after hearing Li Qingyun's intentionally amplified voice.Hua-xia people always have a special hobby for free things.

Anyway, try it first.No, when they heard that Li Qingyun Mountain was being tasted for free, more than [-] people surrounded him.

Li Qingyun nodded in satisfaction.Then he took out a fruit knife from the side, unscrewed a bottle of water, took out the tomato and washed it together with the knife.

Although he knows that his tomatoes are very clean.But others don't know, they only believe what they see with their own eyes.

Sure enough, seeing Li Qingyun's actions, many of them nodded.My affection for Li Qingyun has also improved a little.

(End of this chapter)

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