urban small world

Chapter 50 The wolf is here

Chapter 50 The wolf is here

Eldest brother is not stupid, although he has only been with Li Qingyun for a few days, he can still understand some of Li Qingyun's words, so he is trying to please him in every way, and he is afraid that Li Qingyun will not want him. If it doesn't want to follow the master, it should choose to follow the master.

After all, it can get a lot of benefits from its master. Although its freedom is somewhat restricted, it is normal to lose something if it wants to get something.

Li Qingyun couldn't help laughing at the flattering look of the elder brother, this guy is a monkey, no, he is a monkey, it's normal to be shrewd.

After unlocking the new skills, Li Qingyun is much more convenient, at least he doesn't need to catch those animals by himself, he only needs to slowly dig the plants he needs.

Time passed, and Li Qingyun stayed in Shennongjia for a week. He never left the forest during this week. Fortunately, no one knew he was here.Therefore, it was very useful for him to choose to enter the forest from a small path.

This week, Li Qingyun can be said to have traveled a lot of places, and even some dangerous places have Li Qingyun's footprints.After all, the more dangerous the place, the fewer people go there.It is also more likely that there will be some rare things.

For example, he has been to some abysses. Fortunately, he bought enough ropes. Once he went down a cliff and put it down for more than three meters before reaching the bottom.

In such a place, even some adventurers dare not go down casually.God knows what will happen next.

After all, in such a place, even if it is above, you may not be able to see the situation below clearly with a telescope.

However, Li Qingyun also has his own hole cards, even if he is in danger, he still has a small world to hide from.

I have to say that the isolated world below is really dangerous.

First of all, all kinds of animals are very dangerous. Li Qingyun has encountered some rare and even extinct animals below.

Even tigers, he met a pair.But no matter whether they were seen or not, they were all led to the small world by Li Qingyun in the end.

In fact, the biggest problem here is not the animals that may appear at any time.It's miasma. Ordinary people are easily poisoned when they go to that place.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun has a small world, and he can completely draw out the atmosphere of the small world, so nothing happened.

But in addition to the harvest of animals, in that abyss, the harvest of those plants or medicinal materials is also very large.He even picked a lot of century-old ginseng.

Therefore, the harvest is often linked to the danger. The greater the harvest, the greater the danger.

But it's a pity that they encountered such a bug as Li Qingyun, not only did they not encounter any danger, but instead let him return with a rewarding experience.

What he paid was only some of the valley's physical strength.

In this way, for ordinary people, the dangerous jungle is like a stroll in the garden in Li Qingyun's place. How can this be an adventure? It's completely like visiting the back garden of your own home.

If others see him like this, they must die of envy.

But it's a pity that although Li Qingyun met some people this week, Li Qingyun didn't meet them face to face.

After a week of searching, almost all the species in Shennongjia were harvested. Li Qingyun felt that there was no need for him to stay here any longer.It's better to leave quickly, it's time to go to the ocean.

The space is so large, the area is several times the size of the Earth.

However, most of the places in it are land, and a few are rivers.

The ocean, on the other hand, does not.Water is the source of life, how can we do without water.

Li Qingyun felt that if he wanted to develop it into a great world, water was indispensable.So, he was going to the ocean to steal some sea water.

After the small world grows, he can use those sea water as a basis to make it grow some oceans.

Li Qingyun had already thought about this point.

After the ocean, he plans to go abroad for a while, but he plans to collect most of the species in the world.

After all, every collection of a species is also very helpful for the growth of the small world.Otherwise, he wouldn't have done it.

Because he was about to leave here, Li Qingyun sent the senior brother who had been with him for a week to Xiaoshijie.

At first he was reluctant to accompany Li Qingyun's elder brother, but now he is a little bit reluctant to let him go to the small world.

After all, it is normal to develop feelings after getting along for a long time.

The elder brother felt that being with the master was very fun and interesting, even if those tigers were in front of the master, they had to surrender obediently.This time, it passed the fox's fake tiger's prestige, no, it was the addiction of the monkey's fake human's prestige.

When Li Qingyun met the tigers, of course they were not polite to Li Qingyun as food.But it's a pity that they picked the wrong target and were dealt with by Li Qingyun.After tidying them up, Eldest Brother, an unmotivated fellow, jumped down from the nearby tree, ran to the tiger and slapped it hard.Things like this have happened a lot these days.

It's just a pity that I heard that there are savages in Shennongjia.It's a pity that Li Qingyun has never met him.I don't know if it was his bad luck.Or the legend is simply false.

Now that it hears that it is going back to the small world, although it also trusts his wife, it has not played enough yet.

But Li Qingyun doesn't care what it thinks, it is not needed now, and he doesn't want to leave it to make trouble outside.

This is a typical example of crossing a river and tearing down bridges.

But Li Qingyun would not admit it.Ha ha.

After finishing the big brother, Li Qingyun started to run towards the exit.

It may be that he ran too deep, and if he wanted to get out, even at his speed, he would not be able to get out in a day.


"Run, the wolf is coming!"

"Don't run, climb the tree quickly, you can't win by running."

"Hey, I don't know how to climb trees, what should I do?"

"Damn it, I didn't expect the savage to meet a wolf without seeing it. How could he be so unlucky?"

"Mom, I miss my mother, I don't want to die."

On this day, Li Qingyun walked more than half of the distance, and he will be able to go out in a few hours.But at this time, he heard some cries from afar.

And, of course, the howling of wolves.Such a voice, in the past few days, he has encountered many times.

When other people met them, they would be scared to death, but when they got to Li Qingyun's place, those wolves regretted having troubled him.

Not afraid of being cleaned up and caught, this is a complete shame.

If they are here at this time, they will definitely tell their fellows how far they can run, and don't mess with this humanoid tyrannosaurus.Otherwise, just wait for their company.

If he just encountered a pack of wolves, Li Qingyun wouldn't care too much. Anyway, there were wolves in his small world, and there were quite a few of them, so he wouldn't bother with them.

But at this time, it seemed that the problem wasn't just the wolves. The problem was that some humans were being targeted. If Li Qingyun didn't take action, even if they could hide for a while, they wouldn't be able to escape for a lifetime.

Even if all those people climbed up the tree, it didn't mean they were out of danger.

In this jungle, danger can be said to be everywhere.

Even if you are on a tree, you have to be careful of snakes, insects and ants, and if those wolves guard and don't leave, they can boil them to death.

If you don't meet it, that's fine, then the Chinese can see their good fortune.It's a pity that he found out now. If he doesn't care anymore, it really can't be justified.You can't just watch those people die.He can't do such a thing.

Especially if those people were still his compatriots.

Therefore, Li Qingyun shook his head, had no choice but to change direction, and ran towards the wolf's howling.

"Climb quickly. Or the wolf will come."

"I want to too, but I can't climb!" A girl cried and said.

"Can't crawl or crawl, otherwise, when the time comes, the wolves will chase you and they will eat you. Do you want to watch your legs being eaten bit by bit? And then your stomach"

"Ah, don't say it, don't say it. Ah, it's hard."

Thinking of that terrifying scene, the girl suddenly seemed to have stimulated the potential of life. She climbed the tree that she had failed to climb after more than ten attempts, but she climbed it all at once.

It has to be said that sometimes the potential of human beings is still very scary.

I have heard before that in order to protect their children, mothers used their weak bodies to lift a car abruptly.

Most of the time, their weakness is due to not being forced to do so.

But it's clear that not everyone can be driven to their potential.Some people were so frightened that they were paralyzed to the ground, and they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

And at this time, this happened to one person. More than a dozen of them climbed up the tree, but there was another girl who was so frightened that she didn't have the strength to stand up at this time.


Fortunately, at this time, a wolf ran out from the nearby jungle.Then it barked loudly.

It seems to be excited about chasing prey.

Afterwards, more than a dozen wolves ran out one after another.

They looked at the people on the tree, then at the girl under the tree, and cried out excitedly.

After chasing for so long, it was finally not in vain. Now they can't escape.Although there is no way to take those people on the tree for a while, they are not in a hurry, they are more patient, they are really not afraid of anyone.

And soon, they all focused their attention on the frightened girl.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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