Chapter 43 Returning to China
Fortunately, Li Qingyun had a night vision device, so he spotted those people in advance.

It's just that he didn't know that the other party found out that he hadn't.You know he has night vision goggles, don't those Hua-Xia soldiers on the opposite side disappear?

Fortunately, at this time, he hadn't crossed the border yet, so even if they found him, there was nothing they could do about him, but he wouldn't rush forward foolishly to let people discover his true colors.

So, at this time, he stepped back directly.He was going to go a little further before returning to China. There was no need for him to conflict with those soldiers.

In case nothing can be done, he will go to the small world to rest one more night, and find a chance to go back during the day tomorrow.

Li Qingyun was right this time. When he was still far away from there, he was discovered by those Hua-Xia soldiers. Their equipment not only includes night vision goggles, but even thermal imaging.So, from afar, they discovered Li Qingyun's existence.

They even turned on the safety of their guns, just waiting for Li Qingyun to cross the line, and then they can arrest him.

But what they didn't expect was that Li Qingyun seemed to have spotted them. He was still hundreds of meters away, but he retreated back again.This will be depressing to anyone.

Li Qingyun didn't care about the mood of those people.After retreating another few hundred meters, Li Qingyun found another direction and ran forward for more than ten kilometers. Just like that, another hour passed. Sure enough, there was no ambush here.Although Huaxia has a large population, it is impossible for the long border to be guarded at all times.That's unrealistic.

What's more, the place Li Qingyun chose to smuggle this time is a place with no roads at all, and no one would usually come to such a place.Li Qingyun dared to take this path because he knew a little bit of kung fu.

No matter what, Li Qingyun finally returned to China after ten o'clock.

After that, after he found a road, he let out the three rounds he used to sell vegetables, and then headed towards the small town ahead.

After more than ten minutes, he came to a border town. He thought it would be deserted here. After all, this is not a developed area, and the night life should not be too late.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he entered the town, he found that there was a sea of ​​people there, and it was very lively.

Although this small town is not very famous, Li Qingyun had never heard of it before, but it is still very famous among some rich people.Especially for some rich foodies.

It is very close to Shanmian store.Therefore, many Burmese 'specialties' are very popular here.

A lot of animals live in China-Xia, which is to protect animals, and killing them is a felony.But it's different in Myanmar.In a country where the regime is not even stable.There are not so many rules, so.There are many hunters over there who will sell their prey to Hua-xia, and many rich people in Hua-xia prefer this, because the more difficult it is to get easily, the more expensive it is.

Therefore, there are not a few rich people who come here to eat wild animals every year.

Even though it's eleven o'clock now, it's still very lively.

In fact, this situation has been reported in the news.But there is not only one place like this.On the long border between China and Xia, there are actually many places like this.

As the saying goes, there is no killing without buying and selling.There is a market for buying and selling, and it is impossible to prohibit such a place.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun is not a law enforcement officer.Although it was distressing, there was nothing he could do.

Even smelling the fragrance, Li Qingyun's own greed was aroused.

Tonight, he just ate a little casually.There are still so many sports in the back, and the consumption is also great.He was also hungry at this time, so he found an excuse for himself, then ran to a small stall on the side of the road, ordered some barbecue and a bottle of beer, and started eating excitedly.

Well, no wonder so many rich people like to come here. This wild meat is delicious, but it is not comparable to those raised with feed.

After eating and drinking enough, Li Qingyun didn't stay in this town for too long, but left here on his tricycle.

As for whether someone would come to check on him for drunk driving, he never worried about it.

Traffic police are human too, who would come here at night.Of course, the most important thing is that he only drank a bottle of beer.With his strength, that little alcohol would not affect him at all.As soon as the true qi circulated in the body, there was no feeling at all. (Everyone, it is better not to drink and drive, and be responsible for the safety of yourself and others)

Half an hour later, he could see the county town from a distance, so he stopped the car. He had no intention of going into the city.

The reason why he ran here overnight was just because he wanted to make it easier to enter the city tomorrow.After all, it's not easy for him to put away the tricycle during the day, in case he is discovered.

On the side of the road, he found a hidden place and entered the small world.

The day and night of the small world are synchronized outside, so at this time, the small world has long been quiet.

Even the two most noisy monkeys fell asleep early on the small bed Li Qingyun prepared for them.

As for Dahei and the others, they slept very lightly. As soon as Li Qingyun appeared, they discovered it.They also ran over and rubbed against Li Qingyun's feet a few times, until Li Qingyun let them rest by themselves, they stopped pestering Li Qingyun.

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, Li Qingyun retreated habitually, and then ran to an open space in the small world to practice boxing skills and then saber skills.

Originally, he wanted to practice swordsmanship, but unfortunately, he has not found a sword all this time.I finally found a few kitchen knives.I had no choice but to practice knife skills.

In fact, this is the first time he has practiced this saber technique. If he hadn't discovered that this humble kitchen knife was so powerful yesterday, he would not have thought of practicing it yet.

After last night, he always wanted to practice lightness kung fu, but unfortunately, he didn't find the practice method of lightness kung fu from Zi Qi's memory.

However, his cultivation method, at the end, already has some body skills in it, but that requires a strong skill, which is not what Li Qingyun can do in a short time.

Whoever called Ziqi God has a higher starting point than Li Qingyun.

Although he also improved step by step.However, his parents are both cultivators. As soon as he was born, he was equivalent to the spiritual level, which is almost the same as the legendary Nascent Soul stage.It's not like Li Qingyun, who started his cultivation completely from a mortal.

But what kind of lightness kung fu, it is estimated that people like Ziqi Shenzun would not like it at all, so now Li Qingyun is a little depressed.So he was wondering if he confiscated so many things last time, would there be something he wanted in them.

It's just that there are too many things. After all, it is a small town. God knows how many people lived there at that time.Even if Li Qingyun collected some of their living utensils, the amount was not small.

But he doesn't have so much time to do these things now.

Seeing that it was almost dawn outside, Li Qingyun left the small world directly, and then headed for the small county.

There were also kind-hearted people on the road, who gave him a ride, and soon appeared in the small county town.Fortunately, there is a train here. Li Qingyun booked the train ticket when he was eating barbecue yesterday.

It's been almost half a month since I came to South Yunnan, and it's time to leave.

It happened that there was a train going north here, and he was planning to go to Shenlongjia to play.He is very interested in the legendary savages.

I don't know if I can meet wildlings there.It's exciting just thinking about it.

Soon, Li Qingyun got on the train. This time he bought a sleeper berth. After all, he was rich, so he still knew how to enjoy it. He didn't want to squeeze hard seats anymore.

Maybe this was a train departing from southern Yunnan. There was no one there, let alone a sleeper, and he was the only one in this private room.But Li Qingyun didn't think much about it.

He didn't have any luggage either. After sitting on the bed, Li Qingyun took out his mobile phone and hadn't played with it for several days.

The main reason is that in the forest, the signal is not good, and there is no WIFI, even if you take out your mobile phone, you still don’t play, just check the time or something.

At this time, when he opened Weixin, he found several red dots at the front.Moreover, the numbers in the red dots have all changed to 99+, and the owners represented by these red dots are Ami and Niu Niu who have just met.

As for Li Qingyun's former friends, there was no news at all.No matter how good the relationship was when he was working, but once he left, those people stopped contacting him.On the contrary, the few students I just met still remember him.

Clicking on them one by one, I found that they were all worried about Li Qingyun.At the beginning, he asked Li Qingyun why he didn't reply to their messages, whether he didn't treat them as friends, etc. Later, he worried about Li Qingyun's accident. Anyway, after seeing those messages, Li Qingyun didn't know, and his heart felt warm all of a sudden.

He felt that in this world, someone finally cared about him.

Li Qingyun sent them a message back, saying that he was back, that he had entered the forest with others a few days ago, and there was no signal in the forest, and explained why he had no news at all these days.

Unexpectedly, Li Qingyun's message was just sent.Niuniu's video call actually came over.

Li Qingyun was stunned for a moment, and then picked it up without thinking too much.

Then Li Qingyun saw the beautiful girl on the opposite side without saying a word, just staring at him upright, as if to see if Li Qingyun was injured.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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