urban small world

Chapter 373 Give One More Item

Chapter 373 Give One More

Seeing that Li Tian disappeared, everyone who had been there for a long time came back to their senses.

Although Li Tian didn't give them a sermon right away, he promised to speak in Xinmin City a month later.They were very excited when they got the news.

As long as the gods promise to tell them, there will be no problem.

And when they came back to their senses, they found that the gods who had been sitting in the top row every day for half a month had disappeared together without knowing when.

Without the gods here, it's time for them to revel.

I don't know who took the lead, but the forces behind the top ten contestants immediately ran over to the ring.

Then they surrounded the top ten in groups.

Of course, at this time, everyone is most interested in the storage equipment.Each one has too many questions to ask.

At this time, even Zhang Tianming and Xu Fei were surrounded by a large group of people.

There are ordinary people watching the excitement, and there are also people from major forces.Obviously, they are fragrant momos now, and many big forces want to draw them into their camp.

No matter what, after pulling them into their camp, they can also use one more storage equipment.

If you go on an adventure in the wild, but take them on the road together, it is equivalent to bringing a mobile warehouse.

But Zhang Tianming and Xu Fei were not so easy to be fooled, they were not stupid, if they joined those big forces, their freedom would not be in their hands in the future.This is not what they want to see.

Zhang Tianming, taking advantage of those people not paying attention, tiptoed, and then he flew up into the sky, and then flew away directly while the people below were surprised.

Xu Fei followed suit and flew out of the mountain.

There is no way to stay here, if they stay any longer, they will not want to be quiet in their ears today.

So, the two of them simply chose to leave.

Seeing Zhang Tianming and the others leave, although many people were able to catch up with them, they finally gave up on such a plan.
After all, now that they have recognized their storage equipment, it is useless to chase after them. On the contrary, it will only be annoying to catch up at this time.

But fortunately, at least one person in several main cities got the storage equipment, which can be regarded as saving the last bit of face.

Of course, there are also unhappy people at this time, such as those Taoist priests.Although Song Qiufeng took back a storage equipment for them, there is no harm without comparison.

Their old rivals, those monks, actually got two.

Those monks are also sluggish, you said you got two storage equipment and took it.Why did you deliberately run to those Taoist priests to show off.Isn't this intentionally creating contradictions?

What about all the four things that were agreed?

But those who do these things now are all monks who have just become monks in the past year, so it makes sense for them to do such things.

It was precisely because of the bragging of these new monks that it almost caused a fight between the two sides. If the last few city lords hadn't stepped forward, it might have really caused a big mess.

Those city lords came forward, and soon, they all left with their own people.At the foot of the mountain, they all have their own territory. At this time, the sun has also set, so even if they want to celebrate, they have to go back to celebrate.

When those masters are gone, there is no need for ordinary people on the mountain to stay any longer.Soon, they all left separately.

And soon after they left, word spread that Li Tian would preach three more times in Xinmin City a month later.

In less than one night, people from all over the mainland knew about it.

What I have to say is that with the virtual network, the transmission of information is much faster than before.Before it was changed, it would take at least a few days to spread throughout the martial arts continent.

The reason why it spread so quickly is because it is related to everyone's interests.Many people have been looking forward to Li Tian's sermon.

Especially those who have just arrived in the Wulin Continent in the past six months, they know from the mouths of their seniors that after hearing the sermon, as long as they are not fools, they will generally gain something, and it will be much easier to practice afterwards.Even some with good savvy can break through on the spot.

Anyway, there are so many such legends, it makes many people feel itchy.If they can also listen to it, will they become masters very quickly?

God is because of this, the last show of the Spring Festival Gala was canceled last time, which caused such a big disturbance.

Fortunately, in another month, they will be able to hear the preaching of the gods.Many people were so excited that they couldn't sleep that night.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.But the protagonist who made such a big commotion, at this time, hugged his wife and slept soundly.

The next day, early in the morning, Li Qingyun was walking on the street and heard people discussing Li Tian's preaching everywhere.And the limelight of the finals of the martial arts tournament was overshadowed.Not many people pay attention.

After all, for ordinary people, it doesn't matter who wins No. 1 in the martial arts conference, and they won't share any prizes, but Li Tian's preaching is different.

How much they can realize from it at that time is all their own.Of course they are more concerned about their own interests.

Of course, after the news of the storage equipment was sent out, it also attracted some people's attention.

But when they thought about who got those storage equipment, they could only be envious.

As for what rewards those who got the storage equipment will get when they return to their base camp, no one else knows.

But Li Qingyun knew that after Sun Yuan came back, he immediately became Liu Zhigang's lieutenant general. It can be said that he became famous in the first battle.

On the third day, after Li Qingyun and all the city lords returned to their respective cities, they went out in disguise again.

Two pieces of storage equipment were sent to each of their cities.

This was promised to them before the martial arts conference.

Anyway, these equipments are all made by Li Qingyun's practice, and they are still early practice.

Now in his private studio, there are not [-] but [-] such pieces.

So Li Qingyun didn't care at all.

It's only a few cubic meters. More than half a year ago, the storage equipment refined by Li Qingyun had more than this amount of space.

You know, now Li Qingyun's parents, Li Qingjing and Niuniu, have all changed into Li Qingyun's latest refined storage equipment during the Chinese New Year.

For example, Dad's current storage equipment is 100 cubic meters.This is also convenient for them to get things out of the space.

Every time you take something, it's enough to sell.

Li Qingyun has the memory of a god, but he still needs to learn the craft by himself, and it doesn't mean that he can do it in one step with the memory.

It is precisely because of this that he has such defective products.

These defective products are placed there, and he thinks they take up space.

So, before the martial arts meeting last time, Li Qingjing said, give these away as prizes.Although Li Qingyun doesn't like these things, in the eyes of those martial arts people, they are magical clothes.

After Li Qingyun listened to her suggestion, he went to various city lord's mansions, and only then did the next thing happen.

If it wasn't for Li Qingyun, they would probably even have to compete with the city lords this time.It is estimated that they still want to fight for a martial arts leader.

Li Qingyun told them that for this martial arts conference, they could only send their subordinates to participate, and they could not participate. After the end, Li Qingyun would give each of them two pieces of storage equipment for each city. At that time, those people agreed without even thinking about it.

Now Li Qingyun is of course going to fulfill his promise.

Of course, the storage equipment that Li Qingyun sent over could not be the best.Not to mention the comparison with Li Youde's.

Even compared with the one Xuanyuanxiong got, it was a little inferior.

This time, what Li Qingyun sent out were all storage equipment with only 8 cubic meters.

After all, good things should be brought out slowly.

If you have a lot of storage equipment at once, they will be worthless.

Although in Li Qingyun's eyes, they are really worthless, but in the eyes of others, they are good things that money can't buy.

Obviously, the storage equipment sent by Li Qingyun eventually became the private property of the city lords and their cronies.

After all, whoever gets such a good thing doesn't want to give it away easily.Although they all knew that it would be more beneficial to them if it was handed over to their subordinates.After all, it can only be used as a mobile warehouse on them, at most it can hold some of their personal items and some valuable things.

If you take them into the wild, it will be of great benefit to collecting resources.

Although everyone knows.But in the end no one did that.

Even Ye Bo and the others are the same.After getting the storage equipment, they first identified the owner first.

When Li Qingyun was here in Xinmin City, when he passed by, he saw Gangzi there.At that time, he threw one to Gangzi casually.

How to say, he is also his good buddy, of course, what he said to the outside world is that Gang Zi is a good buddy of his apprentice Li Qingyun.This time Li Qingyun begged him to give Gangzi one more piece. As a master, he gave Gangzi one more piece for the sake of his apprentice.

When Gangzi heard this, tears were about to flow down his face. He didn't expect that Li Qingyun would ask his master for him.

Although even if Li Qingyun didn't do this, Ye Bo would have given him one piece, but it would be good for the murderers to have one more piece now.

He also accepted this love, so after Li Tian left, he went home and brought Zhao Jie to Li Qingyun's house.

(End of this chapter)

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