urban small world

Chapter 34 Trap

Chapter 34 Trap
The monkey obviously wanted Li Qingyun to give the peach to him, but Li Qingyun would not do that.

Not only did he not give it away, but he took the peach under his nose and smelled it, and then acted intoxicated, as if he hadn't seen the monkey at all.

Now, the monkey became anxious. If Li Qingyun ate the peach, what else would it eat?


Seeing that Li Qingyun ignored him, the next moment, the monkey finally couldn't bear it anymore, and then quickly ran to Li Qingyun's side.

Originally, it wanted to snatch the peach and leave, but when it stretched its hand over, it found that Li Qingyun staggered its hand slightly, while its body took two steps back, Only then did I realize that my hands were empty.And at this time Li Qingyun was still looking at it with a half-smile.

Now it's embarrassing.If it grabs the peach, then forget it, it will only be proud, and then run away with the peach, but now.
"Ha ha."

Seeing the monkey circling its head there, Li Qingyun couldn't help laughing.

I have been here for half a day today, and although I have gained a lot, he is always bored by himself. Originally, he wanted to let one of them out, but he found that it is not so easy to walk in the deep mountains and old forests. Yes, the big blacks have come out, it may be very inconvenient to move around.

After all, they are not wild animals. Wild animals have long adapted to such an environment, but Dahei and the others have never been in such an environment since they were born. Getting them out will only drag Li Qingyun down, so he didn't let them out.

Now that he met this monkey, how could Li Qingyun let it go so easily.

The monkey seemed to know that Li Qingyun was laughing at it. At this moment, he covered his injured buttock with one hand, and pointed at Li Qingyun with the other, and shouted loudly, as if scolding Li Qingyun. Unfortunately, , Li Qingyun can't understand monkey language.

Li Qingyun shook his head and hooked his fingers at the monkey.Now the monkey seemed to understand it. After being stunned for a while, it finally slowly approached Li Qingyun.


This time it was close to Li Qingyun, it pointed to the peach in Li Qingyun's hand, this time it didn't grab it, I don't know if it knew it couldn't grab it, or it was afraid of Li Qingyun's anger.

"I want to eat it. Haha. Here it is." This time Li Qingyun didn't tease it anymore.Soon the peaches were given away.

This time, the monkey didn't run away, and just gnawed on the peach.It looked like it hadn't eaten for a few days.

Well, Li Qingyun knew that this was entirely because his fruit was so delicious.When he traveled with Niu Niu and the others before, he also took out fruit a few times, and every time they ate it, they lost all image.It's almost the same as the little monkey now, so he's no stranger to it.

Seeing the monkey eating the peach wholeheartedly, Li Qingyun couldn't help stretching out his hand, wanting to feel it.

It was obvious that the monkey had never been so close to humans before. When Li Qingyun's hand touched it, Li Qingyun obviously felt it tremble.

But soon, when it realized that Li Qingyun didn't make the next move, it gradually relaxed. After glancing at Li Qingyun, it no longer avoided Li Qingyun's hand, but concentrated on eating peaches coming.

Even when Li Qingyun hugged it, it didn't resist.

"Don't move, I'll take a look at the wound for you and treat it later." It doesn't matter if the monkey understands or not.

Li Qingyun gently patted its hand covering its ass, although it didn't understand what Li Qingyun said, but the monkey didn't feel any malice, so it just took a look at Li Qingyun, and then compromised.

Li Qingyun took out the medicine box he had prepared not long ago from the small world.

Then I found a bottle of alcohol from inside and helped it clean carefully.

After that, he took out Diannan Baiyao and sprinkled some on the wound, and then wrapped it up with gauze, which was better than letting it cover itself.

When the monkey saw Li Qingyun's actions, it was so clever that it didn't know that Li Qingyun was doing it for its own good.In the end, it nodded gratefully to Li Qingyun.

In fact, the monkey's wound was not very big, and it was cut four to five centimeters by something.

Although the wound is not big, it is very fatal, especially in this deep mountain and old forest, where the temperature is already high. If it is not handled well, it is easy to be infected, and it will affect its actions at that time, not to mention encountering it. For other dangers, if you can't move, you can starve to death.

As for how it got injured, Li Qingyun didn't know, after all, in this forest, there were too many possibilities.He didn't think much of it either.

Maybe he saved the monkey, or maybe it was homeless. After treating its wound, it didn't leave, but jumped onto Li Qingyun's shoulder and used it as a car.Of course, Li Qingyun was more willing to believe that it was reluctant to part with Li Qingyun's fruit, so it stayed.

However, Li Qingyun didn't say much. Isn't this exactly the result he wanted.

He has done so much, not out of good intentions, but he has his own purpose, he just wants to keep it, and now his purpose has been achieved.


"What's the matter, do you want me to go this way?" Li Qingyun just started on the road, but unexpectedly, the monkey yelled loudly, and then pointed with one hand in one direction.


"Well, although I don't understand what you are saying, forget it, I don't have a specific direction anyway, so let's go this way." Li Qingyun said indifferently.

Along the way, Li Qingyun followed the monkey's guidance and walked forward.

Even he himself didn't know where he went.If ordinary people got lost in this forest, it would be very troublesome, but Li Qingyun didn't care at all.It's all about the audacity of a high-tech artist.

Besides, he still has the small world as his backing.What is he afraid of.The big deal is to hide in the small world, the earth is so big.I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of here.


After half an hour, suddenly the monkey cried out urgently.This also caught Li Qingyun's attention, not knowing what happened to it.So he also slowed down.

Then he looked at the monkey as if he was in a hurry.Although he didn't know what happened, Li Qingyun observed it carefully.

Soon, he discovered the abnormality.

The grass on the ground not far away was not the right color, and if the monkey hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have noticed it.

It's obvious that the grass is a little more withered than normal grass. If you look carefully, it's true that someone has tampered with it. Although someone has covered it up, if you don't pay attention, you really won't find it, but Li Qingyun pays attention to it. When you arrive, you won't be fooled.

So he cut a big branch from the side, and leaned forward.He will not move forward until the ground is confirmed.

After slowly coming to the wrong place, he used the branch to poke there.

Sure enough, the feeling there was very different. He increased his strength a little more, and the branch passed through in one go.

After that, Li Qingyun picked it up lightly, and then some dead leaves, branches and weeds flew into the sky, revealing the trap below.

The next moment, he couldn't help but gasped.I saw that the trap was two meters and five meters deep, which is not a big deal. It is impossible for ordinary animals to escape if they fall into it. What about the pointed bamboo?

If it falls, several holes will be inserted in the body.

To be honest, if you fall into such a trap, no matter if it is a human or a beast, your life will not be guaranteed.

He has only seen such a trap on TV, and this is the first time he has seen it in reality.

Even when I was a child, I followed those older children to go hunting in the mountains, but I never did such a thing.

At that time, at most it was to make a cover, and then find the roads that the rabbits often walk to put a cover or put an eel cage in the seedling field.

At first glance, it was made by poachers, but why did this little monkey know that there was a trap here.Does it matter if it hurts?

It's a pity that this can only be his own guess, who made the little monkey unable to speak.Otherwise, he can still ask.

I've heard before that those poachers are very cold-blooded. Now Li Qingyun has really seen it. If it wasn't for the little monkey, maybe he would have fallen into it today.

With his strength, although it won't be as miserable as others falling in, it is normal for him to get injured accidentally.

Li Qingyun's face turned cold all of a sudden.

He didn't like those poachers.Although he himself was doing similar things to them, he would not admit that he was in the same category as them.

After all, he didn't aim to kill, he just found a more suitable place for them to survive.

After all, the animals he photographed had to thank him.If it wasn't for him, how could they possibly live in that fairyland on earth.Li Qingyun provided them with a place to evolve, which was much better than wasting their lives in this forest.

Li Qingyun snorted coldly, then found some branches from the side, and threw them all into the trap.Don't move on until it's filled.

But next, when Li Qingyun acted, he was much more careful.

 PS: Please collect and recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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