urban small world

Chapter 324 brother, see you

Chapter 324 Brother, See You
"Hey, isn't this Qingjing from our family? I haven't seen her for a few months, and she's become more beautiful again. I almost can't recognize her. Come out quickly, Niuniu, a little beauty is here."

"Haha, yeah, let me see who is here, hey, Qingjing is back, she really is a beauty, a big beauty."

Sure enough, there is no girl who does not like to hear others say that she is beautiful. At this time, hearing what her brother and sister-in-law said, the little girl is also very happy.

Soon, she forgot the unhappiness in her heart, and started talking and laughing with Li Qingyun and the others.Of course, most of the time it was Li Qingjing who said that she and Li Qingyun shared interesting things in school.

Li Qingyun and the others listened carefully. He doted on his sister very much, so Li Qingyun sat there and listened to her all afternoon.

Not to mention Li Qingyun, even the lively and active Dahei, they were all held by Li Qingjing to prevent them from running around.

Fortunately, Dahei and the others are also smart, knowing that they can't run away, so they can only lie there resignedly at this time.

And they are also very curious about the university life of human beings, so they will not feel bored, and they are listening there with relish.

Li Qingjing was very happy to have so many listeners.

But in the evening, Li Qinglin and Li Qingsong also came to the door.

As soon as they came, the house became more lively.

Three college students, and they are all relatives, so they have a lot of common topics,
Especially Li Qingsong, who just entered college, was so excited, he wanted to chat with anyone he met about his life in college.

Li Qingyun had to avoid them for two days, otherwise, they would drag you and talk endlessly,

It wasn't until two days later that they began to adapt to life in the Wulin Continent.Started to practice.

For several months, they haven't practiced much. After all, the environment on the earth cannot support their cultivation.So their cultivation at this time has not improved compared to a few months ago. In fact, their strength has not regressed, which is very good.

It wasn't until they all started practicing seriously that Li Qingyun's family regained a little peace.

Yes, it's just a little bit. Every time it's meal time, their house is very lively.

Especially after having Dahei and Senior Brother in the family, it is impossible for the family not to be lively.

Every time they eat, Dahei and the others will take out their own bowls and let Li Qingyun and the others eat them.

But the elder brother and his wife wanted to imitate humans to eat at the table. They didn't even know when they learned to use chopsticks, and they used them pretty well.

Every time it's time to eat, the two little guys will run to take up a place at the meal. At first Li Qingyun wanted to drive them away, but Niuniu thought it was very good and stopped Li Qingyun.

And once it becomes a habit, it will not be easy to drive them away.

Especially when Li Qingjing and the others came back and saw the two monkeys at the same table, not only did they not dislike them, but they took care of them like children. Li Qingjing would help them pick up whatever they wanted to eat.It can be said that she has never been so kind to Li Qingyun since she was a child.

But what can Li Qingyun do?Who made the two little guys so pleasing, and when they acted pitifully, they would immediately inspire the motherhood of Niu Niu and Li Qingjing.

Students have been on vacation one after another, and the number of tourists here in Wulin Continent has also increased a lot in a few days.

It can be seen that there is still a market for the Wulin Continent in the eyes of young people.

As soon as the holiday was over, many students, or their parents brought their students to Wulin Continent.

Some people come for martial arts, such people are generally young; there are also some people who come purely for tourism. After all, the scenery here is very different from that on the earth. Hua-xia has turned away, and even went abroad many times, and many people in the Wulin mainland are very curious;
There are even some elderly people who come here to have a healthy body. This has been verified by many elderly people. Many elderly people, after staying in the Wulin mainland for a few days, after returning home, their health All better than before.The older you are, the more afraid you are of death. Therefore, many times now, you will see some elderly people running to the Wulin Continent.

There are also some people who come here for the 3D technology.Most of these people are tech geeks. Usually they don't like to go out, but they are very yearning for various technologies. I heard that there is a very powerful 3D technology here, so many people want to see it.

No matter what kind of people they are, they will not be disappointed when they come to the Wulin Continent, and they can find what they want here.

Therefore, among the travel companies in China-Xia, the travel guides of Wulin Continent are all five-star reviews. If there is anything bad to say, it is that traveling to Wulin Continent is not cheap.

The specials over there are very expensive, and there are many rules.

For example, when many people go on a trip, although there are trash cans within a short distance in many scenic spots, many people don't care about that much and just throw trash around.

If it's on flat ground, it's fine, and the sanitation workers can clean it up.

But on many cliffs, many people directly throw them down. If no one cleans them up, the scenic spot may become a mountain of garbage in a short time, and no one will come to play at all, but on that cliff Cleaning up garbage on the cliff is hard work and dangerous.

Many people know them and come out to play, but they spend money, and they can do whatever they want.Some people even said, if I don't throw garbage, wouldn't those sanitation workers have to lose their jobs?

But if such a person is here in the Wulin Continent, it will be miserable.If in the city, they don’t throw garbage at the designated place, not only will they be fined, but their credit will also be deducted. If their credit is deducted, they will be treated the same as the bad guys. Can't get in.

And outside the city, no matter where there is polluted garbage, they can only take it away, otherwise, they will be punished in the same way.

At the beginning, there were still many people who were dissatisfied, but Li Qingyun would never reason with these people. He set the rules, and Heaven would deal with them naturally. As long as anyone violated it, there would be no mercy.

Therefore, after a long time, everyone knows that the rules here, no matter how much they scold the punished, are useless.

Even after others know why they are yelling at them, not only no one sympathizes with them, but they are ashamed to be with them.

Those people not only did not affect the attraction of Wulin Continent to tourists, but instead made more tourists more interested in Wulin Continent.

After all, not every tourist's quality is that low. Everyone who comes out to play likes to have a good environment.

No one would think of a place with beautiful scenery, but seeing rubbish all over the floor, it will affect the mood very much.

But Li Qingsong didn't stay at home for a few days, he just ran out, I heard that some of his college classmates came.He ran out to be a guide.

The Wulin Continent is so famous, it is still very attractive to these students who have just entered university.

After I went to college, I was more free than when I was in high school.In the past, I had to listen to my parents for everything, but now that they are adults, they can also be part of the master.

No, when Li Qingsong was in school, many of Li Qingsong's classmates heard that Li Qingsong's home was not far outside the Wulin Continent.

Coupled with the martial arts that Li Qingsong showed from time to time, it made many people in the school envious.

No, this time it was a holiday, and many of their classmates made appointments. After the holiday, they took advantage of the year before to go to the Wulin Continent to have a good time.

No, on the third day after Li Qingsong came back, his classmates also came over.

Li Qingsong and Li Qingyun greeted each other, and then cheekily asked Li Qingyun for some contribution points before running out.

Seeing Li Qingsong disappear, Li Qinglin said sourly: "This guy is really heartless. I guess there must be a lot of my female classmates among his classmates. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so excited."

Li Qingyun couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Qinglin's way of saying that grapes were sour because he couldn't eat grapes.

"Why, Qingsong has female classmates here, and what about you, is your popularity at school that good? You didn't ask a few female classmates to play here."

"Cough, bro, I'm off to practice, see you later."

Obviously, Li Qinglin didn't want to discuss this topic with Li Qingyun.

"Don't go, let's talk, what's the matter, you're still shy."

But hearing Li Qingyun's words, Li Qinglin not only didn't turn his head, but even ran faster.

"Haha, I see that this kid is dishonest in school, and I don't know how many girls he has harmed."

"Okay, don't say any more, it will scare Qinglin." Niuniu shook her head dumbfounded.I really don't know where he came from so gossip.

Li Qingyun shrugged his shoulders, smiled, and didn't say anything more, but he was bored at this moment, and he was very interested in Li Qingsong's classmates when he suddenly attacked.He wanted to see if it was true that as Li Qinglin said, there were many beautiful female classmates.

Of course, Li Qingyun didn't mean anything else, he was just curious and wanted to know about his cousin's circle of friends.Not trying to spy on him.

Well, Li Qingyun said so, what else can others do with him.

Because those parties will never know that someone is watching them.Not to mention ordinary him, in this small world, even if a fairy came, Li Qingyun would not be found if he wanted to monitor him.

(End of this chapter)

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