Chapter 315
With the country as the backer, he doesn't have to worry about resources or anything, he just needs to practice hard.

Although from time to time, he also had to perform some tasks, but Zhang Liang was still very happy when he saw that the enemies were subdued by him one by one.He feels that he is like a hero like you, so now he likes his profession very much now.

A while ago, the gods here in the Wulin Continent opened up a wider world for them (people in the Wulin Continent think that the gods opened it up to them).And Zhang Liang, as a member of the Hua-Xia Army, of course actively joined the exploration army.

At that time, he was the first to discover the existence of Ming City.

Later, he found out that there was an empty city, so he reported the news directly.This is the follow-up to their occupation of Mingcheng, and at that time, some people came to Mingcheng one after another. Faced with such a big temptation, no one would give them face. Only then did Mingcheng be defended.

They have been guarding for more than a day, and they have completed the task when the big troops arrive. At that time, Zhang Liang and his teammates suffered a lot of injuries.

It can be said that Zhang Liang played a decisive role in the rule of Mingcheng.

However, the government did not treat these heroes badly.

Those soldiers, including Zhang Liang, were all promoted, and even Zhang Liang was suddenly promoted from a big soldier to a platoon leader. Although it was only a small platoon leader, many people served as lifetime None of the soldiers can cross this hurdle.

Zhang Liang, who was promoted, is not proud of it, and has been fighting on the front line.

You must know that this is the Wulin Continent, and the surrounding area of ​​Ming City is also full of new maps. This side is not as safe as that of Xinmin City, and some powerful beasts will appear around it from time to time.Therefore, their task is also very difficult.

Half a month ago, Zhang Liang and the others received a task. He was asked to lead them to line up more than 30 people to clean up some powerful beasts centered on Mingcheng.

This task is not difficult, but it is very hard, and they may have to live in the wild for a long time.

Life in the wild is not so easy. Don’t watch the variety shows on TV. A group of celebrities and ordinary people can go to the wilderness to survive. Is that really the case?

Don't forget they are all actors.

The real forest is far more dangerous than the ones shown on TV. Don't look at them one by one, the worst is dark power.But in the jungle, a swarm of mosquitoes or a single leech can make a person half dead.

Especially the jungle in Wulin Continent, they have seen it before.

However, as soldiers, they are assigned tasks from above, and they have to do it if they have the conditions, and they have to do it if they don't have the conditions to create the conditions.

So Zhang Liang walked into the jungle with his soldiers.

This stay lasted more than ten days, and I suffered a lot during this period.Of course, after more than ten days in this place that has never been opened up, they have gained a lot.

Not to mention the animals that cleaned up, and they couldn't take that much away.However, some herbal medicines and so on, they have gained a lot.

Of course, it is beyond the imagination of outsiders how much they have suffered in the past ten days.

Today, they are almost a hundred kilometers away from Ming City.

When they got here, they were ready to go back.

It's not that they are afraid of hard work and can't persevere.It's that their backpacks are so full of their harvest that they have nowhere to put them.If they go on further, if they find new medicinal materials, they won't be able to take them away.

And in the past half month, they have really worked hard. If they go back at this time, they all want to sleep for two days and two nights.

"Squad leader, contact the higher-ups and say we are going back to Gu."

"Yes, platoon leader."

After a while, the first squad leader came back to report, "Platoon leader, the higher-ups agreed for us to return, and let us pay attention to safety."

"Okay, squad leader No. [-], be careful, everyone else should rest, clean up this wolf, roast it, and eat it, so that you can go on the road with strength."

"Yes." The three chiefs immediately ran to guard with people.

And other people are also busy with their own work.

Just now they just hit a wolf, which happened to be their food.

They have been in the jungle for so long, and they eat whatever they hunt. There is no such thing as protecting animals here.

As a Chinese-Xia people, there is nothing he would not eat if he flies in the sky, runs on the ground, or swims in the water.

Therefore, in this jungle, they don't have to worry about being hungry.After all, they are not ordinary people. They came out to clean up the beasts this time, and the strength of their group is still very strong.

There are two Huajin masters.The other worst ones are in the late stage of Anjin.

The strength of the beasts in this new map is much stronger than the animals in Xinmin City.As far as their preparation is concerned, they have to be careful, regardless of messing with those groups of animals.

Therefore, even when they are resting, they have to have someone stand guard.

Soon, the wolf was dismembered into N parts by them.Then they were divided, and each of them started to bake.

After all, this kind of meat is smaller and easier to cook. The whole meat is roasted there. I don’t know how long it will take. These soldiers are not ordinary people. , how simple how come.

Soon the third class was also replaced to eat.

They eat very quickly, from beginning to end, it only takes four to five or 10 minutes to get it done.

"Okay, we're going home."

When they heard that they could go home, all smiles appeared on their faces. After staying outside for half a month, they really missed their beds in the city.

Otherwise, there is a saying that extreme joy begets sorrow.Zhang Liang and the others had just had their fill.

Just about to embark on a journey home, but at this time, the alert soldiers sent back an alarm.

"What happened, what happened?"

"Platoon leader, it's not good, a pack of wolves is approaching us quickly."

"What, where did the wolves come from? It's still a pack." But at this time, he didn't have so much time to think so much, Zhang Liang directly ordered: "Don't worry about so many, come back quickly, and everyone will withdraw quickly, don't worry about it. Make head-on contact with the wolves."

The wolves in the Wulin Continent are not comparable to the wolves on the earth. If it is on the earth at this time,

Don't talk about so many people here, as long as there are three people guarding each other's backs, they will try their best to clean up the wolves.

But this is not the earth, this is the Wulin Continent. When they are practicing, these beasts are also evolving.

They even discovered flying animals long ago.

It's just that those animals seem to be very smart. Even if they encounter them, they usually won't fight them head-on, and they will avoid them far away.

But it can be seen from here that the animals here are not simple.

If Zhang Liang was the only one here, he wouldn't be too worried, because he is a master of energy transformation after all, and he can run away if he can't beat it.

But with so many people under him, they can't fly, so he has to think about them at this time.

After asking the direction of the wolves' movement, he prepared to lead these people to give way to the front.

But soon, he received a news that broke him down.

The people in the rear said that after they changed their course, the wolves also changed their course, and they were still heading in their direction.

When they changed their course again and the wolves behind were still chasing them, Zhang Liang finally knew that these wolves were chasing them.

Otherwise, there would not be such a coincidence in the world.

"Platoon leader, do you think it could be the wolf we ate just now? Maybe it is a member of the wolf pack, and its status is not low."

Although such a guess is a bit absurd, could it be that these wolves are just like human beings, and they cannot be related.

But although the speculation is absurd, judging from the current situation, it is really possible.

Otherwise, these wolves wouldn't be chasing them.

They all turned several directions, and the wolves behind were still following. Obviously, they were chasing their scent.

Most of the time, someone who has a good nose will be called a dog nose by others. The reason for this scolding is that people think the nose is sensitive. Otherwise, why is it not a cat nose or a pig nose?

But dogs are also tamed from wolves. They were also wolves a long time ago, and even after they were domesticated, dogs were much weaker than wolves.

It is conceivable that the noses of these wolves are stronger than those of dogs, so it is not surprising to be able to chase them at this time.

If they had known this earlier, they shouldn't have touched the lonely wolf. If they moved it, it would be good to leave earlier, and they wouldn't make such a big deal.

But it's too late to say anything now.They had no other choice but to run forward.

After Zhang Liang discovered that those wolves were coming directly at them, he was no longer as lucky as he was at the beginning.He directly replaced the people in the rear and asked them to run forward with all their strength, while he came to the rear.

Fortunately, these people are not ordinary people, so those wolves can't catch up with them for the time being.

And they had just eaten and drank enough, and they still had the energy to run for their lives. Of course, Zhang Liang and the others knew that this was only temporary.

Human stamina can't be compared with those wolves, so Zhang Liang thought for a while, then connected to the Mingcheng base camp, and then reported the matter here.

Although it is not very useful to go to the report meeting now, after all, the long-distance water cannot quench the near-thirst.But in case something happens to them, at least let the people above know, they don't want to die here for no reason.

Of course, it would be even better if the higher-ups could really send someone to rescue them.

(End of this chapter)

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