Chapter 298

Although the United States responded quickly, they discovered these videos in less than half an hour. When they recovered and wanted to delete them, millions of people around the world had already downloaded the videos. .

Among them are some reporters.

Usually such news, but I don't know how much it will cost to get it.Didn't expect to get it for free.

You must know that many Western journalists will not buy the account of the United States. They really dare to report anything.

Originally, most of the newspapers of many newspaper offices were printed, but as a result, they received the notice and immediately stopped printing, and many newspaper offices decided to reprint.

After uploading the video, Li Qingyun ran home and went to bed. He slept comfortably.But now many people in the West are unable to sleep at night because of him.

After being exposed to such a scandal, the United States almost didn't go crazy.

Even if everyone knows a lot of things, as long as they don't make it clear, it's fine, but once things are made clear, it's like tearing off the last fig leaf.This is a big blow to the United States.

No, not long after those videos were exposed, many people started to parade. Of course, there are countless parades in the United States every year.

But this time the matter is really difficult to solve. The United States, which has always taken anti-terrorism as its own responsibility, was exposed to support terrorists. It is a shame to say it.

Moreover, in the past few months, several such incidents have been exposed in the United States. The turmoil of arresting people for genetic experiments last time has not completely subsided, and now such incidents have been exposed again.

The president of the United States is having a big head at this time.

At this time, he has the urge to tear those guys who are not successful enough and have more than failed.

But it's a pity that at this time, what's the use of being angry again.When he saw out of the window that thousands of people had gathered on the lawn outside in just a few hours, he felt very depressed.

This kind of thing didn't just happen in the United States. In Europe, many peace-loving people gathered in front of the American embassy early in the morning to protest.

Most of the people here gathered after reading this morning's newspaper.

After all, most of those who watched the video last night were night owls, that is, homeboys and homegirls, and most of them had just fallen asleep at this time.

In Africa, the Internet doesn't work very well, so, Comrade Alexander, he didn't know at this time that he was famous.He was taking Marshall and the others to the front.After all, he was always worried if he didn't find out those troublemakers.

However, when they first arrived in the war zone, what greeted them was not enemy artillery fire, but a large group of reporters' "long wooden warehouse and short artillery".

And those black bumps around him were so conspicuous, those reporters were so happy, they didn't expect them to capture the protagonists in five videos at once.

If Alexander knew why these people came to interview them, he would have ordered his subordinates to kill them long ago, but unfortunately he didn't know.He thought that these reporters were the same as those before.

Therefore, when he saw these reporters, not only did he not hide, but he tidied up his clothes, walked in front of them generously, and prepared to speak out the speech he had prepared for a long time again.

But before he could speak, a reporter impatiently put the microphone to his mouth and asked, "May I ask General Alexander, is the US government behind you really supporting you? Are your weapons the past two days really Did the Americans sell it to you?"

"How do you know"

Alexander knew right away that he had said something wrong, but he wasn't to blame for it. When he heard those people asking this question suddenly, he didn't react right away, so he replied subconsciously.But at this time, the words spoken and the water poured out cannot be taken back.

Those reporters are very smart.

Long before the interview, he turned on the 4G signal directly and sent the content of the interview back to the headquarters.In order not to wait for the other party to find out that something is wrong, they will be detained.

It can be said that these reporters are really reporting with their lives.

Alexander's expression changed all of a sudden. He knew that he had said something wrong. If this word got out, he would be in bad luck. Miguo would definitely not let him go.

In fact, what he didn't know was that, whether he said it or not, at this time, the United States would definitely not let him go.Maybe it won't be long before Marshall and the others will become the ones who take his head.

But he didn't know this.

"My fellow journalists, I was wrong just now. Don't make random guesses. Otherwise, people will die. We are fighting for freedom and for all God's people."

And while he was talking, he winked at his adjutant. Obviously, he was not going to let these reporters leave easily, at least he had to delete the first half of the video before letting them go.

Some smart reporters also saw Alexander's abnormality, "General, we are live broadcasting, and now the video is sent back synchronously, so..."

Everyone is not stupid, so there is no need to say anything, it would be bad to say it out, tearing the skin off is not good for all of them.

Alexander nearly passed out at the time.When he thought that what he said just now had already spread, he almost vomited blood.In other words, at this time, it is useless for him to kill these reporters.Even his actions may still be seen by the whole world.

If no one knows, even if he killed these reporters, it doesn't matter, he doesn't admit it, and no one will do anything to him.

But at this time, if he really dared to do that, then he probably didn't want anyone's support.

Don't talk about Alexander at this time, even the big black guys behind him are in a very bad mood. They didn't expect that Alexander would be so incompetent.

They don't know it yet, and now they're all famous too.Otherwise, they would not have time to blame Alexander.

"Okay, please leave. Our general will not accept interviews today. Our general was worried about the soldiers on the front line last night. He didn't sleep well, so he might not be awake just now, and he said something wrong. Please leave now, otherwise, Don’t blame us for arresting all of you by spying on the military.”

"General, don't go, we still have something to ask."

It's a pity that Alexander didn't have time to pay attention to them at this time. He was very anxious at this time. He didn't know what was waiting for him next, so his whole body suddenly became ill.

But what he didn't notice was that the big black men walking behind him took out a mobile phone-sized object from their bodies at this moment, and when they saw the information on it, they couldn't help but glance at each other.

The above news is the latest mission sent by their superiors, which is to let them kill Alexander.

They couldn't help but wonder, if the domestic response was so fast this time, could it be that the news just now was really broadcast live.Then they happened to be seen by their superiors, so they were given the task so quickly.

Well, these poor guys, don't know, they will also be abandoned soon, but before giving up on them, they can still make one last contribution to the United States.

What none of them knew was that, in fact, Li Qingyun had also appeared here since the reporters interviewed just now. If those reporters were killed just now, he would definitely spread the video, but Li Qingyun didn't expect that either. Those reporters are also very smart. The 4G signal is a bit more expensive, but compared with my life, it's nothing.

Later, he followed Alexander and the others directly, and even when the big black guys received the message, Li Qingyun even took a close-up of their screen, anyway, Li Qingyun just watched the excitement and didn't care about it.Doesn't the United States want to play? He can't kill them.

The reporters hadn't gone far when they heard a sudden explosion in the distance, and that direction was exactly the direction Alexander left just now.

These reporters went crazy.If it is really as they guessed, then this time it is really big news.

The soldiers who were still chasing the reporters were stunned for a moment. They didn't know what happened, but if they hesitated, the reporters would not be polite to them.He ran directly towards the explosion.

I have to say that these reporters are really not afraid of death.

But if it wasn't because they were not afraid of death, how could the people of the world know the tragedy of the battlefield.It was they who brought the truth to the world.

The reporters hadn't reached the place yet, but the cameras started shooting there early.

Soon, someone photographed that the four big black men ran out from the place where the explosion happened just now, and then they drove away in a car.

Well, now the fool also knows that the explosion just now must have something to do with them.

They thought that no one knew their identities, so they ran away early. If they knew, these reporters already knew their identities and even their names, they probably wouldn't be able to complete the task soon- feeling.

Soon, those reporters ran to the scene of the explosion.

They saw that Alexander, who was standing in front of them just now, had several holes in his body at this moment, and he was still bleeding out.And the rise and fall of his chest became smaller and smaller, and before the doctor came, he died in front of dozens of reporters' cameras.

Alice is a war reporter. Although she is not afraid of death for the news, she travels on the battlefield for many years and has seen many bloody scenes, but at this time, she still feels very uncomfortable in her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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