urban small world

291 - Real Battlefield

291 - Real Battlefield

As the biggest opponent of the United States, Lao Maozi is not as powerful as he was decades ago.

But for an old man who has inherited the most legacy from the former Soviet Union, they are unwilling to be forgotten.They also want to prove their muscles to the world.

But whether it is Lao Maozi or the United States, they are both superpowers, and it is unlikely that they will fight.Otherwise, it would be World War III.In that way, the earth is not far from destruction.

Therefore, the possibility of a full-scale conflict between them is still very small.However, it is still no problem to compete in other places.Unfortunately, this country located at the junction of the Middle East and Africa has become a battlefield for both of them.

As for the life and death of the civilians in this country, it is obvious that they don't take it seriously.

Originally, this country was very inconspicuous. At least a few years ago, Li Qingyun had never heard of such a country in the world, although they had been doing right with the United States at that time.But for a young man who doesn't read much news, it's normal not to know that there is such a country in the world.

But thanks to the United States and Lao Maozi, the whole world does not know that there are really not many people in this country.

It's a pity that people know him because they are mentioned in the news every day.Because in the past few years, this country has not stopped, and the mutual attacks between the government and the anti-government armed forces have never stopped.

It is estimated that for the people of this country, they would rather not be famous than to be so famous, but unfortunately, even in their country, their voices are useless.

Because this place has long been a place for great powers to compete.

As soon as Li Qingyun and the others came over, they heard the sound of an explosion not far away. For Niu Niu who had been living in a peaceful country, she was taken aback.

Although Li Qingyun told her that this place was very chaotic before coming here, but she didn't listen to it at the time, but she also didn't expect that this place would be so chaotic.

Following the sound of the explosion, soon there was the sound of the wooden warehouse, and the bullet whizzed out of the wooden warehouse as if it cost nothing.

This is the first time for a girl living in a peaceful country to know what it means to be afraid.

Yes, at this time, she was a little scared.In the past 20 years, she has never worried that one day, she will be hit by a bullet flying from nowhere.

But now he felt that if he lived in this city, he really didn't know how long he could live.

"What? Are you scared? If you're scared, I'll take you back."

Niuniu, who was very scared at first, shook her head and rejected his kindness when she heard Li Qingyun's words.As if she was afraid that Li Qingyun would look down on her, she shook her head and said, "No, I'm not afraid."

Of course Li Qingyun knew that Niuniu was trying to get tough, but he didn't say much, he just made a gesture to protect Li Mei. Li Mei nodded, indicating that she would be by the mistress's side and protect her every step of the way. of.

"Okay, now let's go into town."

"Ah, let's go in like this. Don't we get some weapons? What if we encounter those militants?"

"Do we still use weapons? You have forgotten our identities. When you meet militants, if they don't embarrass us, then forget it. If they dare to attack us, then just kill him. What are you afraid of?"

Obviously Niu Niu was also very moved, but she still said coyly: "This is not good." In fact, Niu Niu is not a good girl.For so long, Li Qingyun and Li Qingyun have traveled many places in the world.

I have seen a lot of things, and fought some monsters. The reason why I was afraid just now is because I have never dealt with Mu Cang Pao. I watched TV since I was a child, and let him know that no matter how good the martial arts is, a Mu Cang can put down fall.So I feel scared from the bottom of my heart.

But now that Li Qingyun and the others were by her side, and Li Mei was protecting her, she actually wanted to try it.Now hearing what Li Qingyun said, her eyes lit up.She dared to give it a try, whether his martial arts is better, or the modern Mu Cangzhi is better.

"Let's play by ear, just don't suffer."

Li Qingyun and the others discussed it, and then walked towards the city not far away.

Along the way, Li Qingyun and the others saw that some refugees escaped from the city from time to time. They were all in a panic, and most of them were injured. Of course, they also suffered a little. Skin trauma, really seriously injured, can't escape.

For local residents, the city is more dangerous than the Gobi Desert outside.Because in the city, a bullet will fly from nowhere at any time, killing them.

In fact, Li Qingyun was no stranger to such a scene, and could even be said to be very familiar with it.

Last year he was in Africa for a long time, and even then he was in this country for a while.

He has seen many scenes like this, even ones that are more tragic than this, but Niu Niu, who lives in a peaceful country, has never seen them.

Most of those people don't say anything in disgrace, and the blood on their bodies doesn't need money to flow out. For a girl, this has a great impact.

Niu Niu wanted to go up to help them, but before they got close, those people yelled at them from afar, and some even took a stone, as long as they got closer, they would throw stones up.

Obviously, these people regard them as bad guys too.

Well, in such a country where human bombs are everywhere, the trust between people is not high. Of course, they will not accept people like Li Qingyun easily.

However, their reaction hurt Niuniu. She kindly wanted to help them, but what she didn't expect was that she got such a result.No one will feel better if this is changed.

"Okay, you have to get used to it. This is not Huaxia. This is war-torn Africa. And don't be too kind. Here, good intentions don't necessarily bring good rewards."

"Oh, I see." Niuniu nodded depressedly when she heard Li Qingyun's words.

She had only seen news about this place on TV before, but at that time she didn't take it too seriously, she only read it as a story.

After all, this place is very far away from Hua-Xia, so far away, if it wasn't for special circumstances, she might never come here in her whole life.

But when she got here and saw the real side here, she felt what this war brought to people.

The war was only provoked by a few ambitious people, but they lived a good life, but it was these civilians who suffered. They did nothing wrong, but they were the ones who suffered in the end.

The country is ruined and the family is destroyed, and the wife and children are separated. This is what Niuniu sees here.

As they entered the city, she found that a good city was full of bombed cars and buildings with holes blown out.

Everywhere looked dilapidated.And in this city, people with a little bit of money have already fled here, and those who are still here are only those who have no money and nowhere to go.

It's not that they don't want to escape, but that they don't know where they can escape.Rather than starve to death on the way to escape, it is better to stay and block luck.

Along the way, Niu Niu's mood became worse and worse.Although these people have nothing to do with her, they are human beings after all, not pigs, cattle and sheep.

Seeing the desperation in their eyes, Niuniu seemed to be infected too.

"Da da."

Suddenly, the sound of wooden warehouses came from the street in front of Li Qingyun and the others.

Obviously, the two warring parties fought to the street ahead.

Just now, some pedestrians could be seen on the street. When the sound of the wooden warehouse sounded, they all disappeared on the street very quickly.

They all hid in nearby houses.

Although this is also not very safe, it is better than standing on the street as a target.

Looking at their actions, it seems that they have practiced many times. In fact, this is also normal. If they move slowly, they may not be alive now.

But Li Qingyun and the others did not hide.They didn't even think about hiding, they came here this time to find fault, so what's the point of hiding.

The sound of the wooden warehouse was getting closer and closer to them, and soon, Li Qingyun and the others saw several pickup trucks driving out from the corner of the street.

Different from domestic pickup trucks, here, pickup trucks are a very important train output.

Not only can militants be loaded into the pickup truck, but most pickup trucks will also be equipped with machine guns.In this way, you can suppress the enemy with firepower while driving the car.

No, Li Qingyun and the others saw the pickup truck driving forward, and the wooden warehouse behind it kept shooting at the back.

The people behind, of course, would not be polite to them, and fought back.

It's a pity that needless to say the hit rate, Li Qingyun and the others saw that after a long time, no one was injured.

They fired hundreds of bullets, but unfortunately, not a single enemy was killed.

In fact, this kind of thing is also very common on the African battlefield.

The roads at this time were not good, the car was jumping and jumping when driving, and if the hit rate of the bullets could be high, it would be hell.

Don't look at those bullets that can't hit the enemy, but for the civilians on the side, the lethality is still very large.

After all, the population base of civilians is larger, and the stray bullets might hit the civilians.Things like this happen all the time here.

(End of this chapter)

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