urban small world

Chapter 288 The Method of Correspondence

Chapter 288 The Method of Correspondence
Li Qingyun shook his head and said, "No, there is nothing difficult."

What else can he say at this time, after all, the face of the father-in-law still has to be given.Besides, it really wasn't too difficult for him.

Those tea leaves may be rare for others, but for Li Qingyun, the owner of this small world, he can have as much as he wants.

It's just that Li Qingyun doesn't want to take too many things out. If you take too much of anything, it's worthless.That's why he told his father-in-law just now that he didn't have many.

After seeing off those old men, Mother Lin also went to prepare dinner with Niu Niu.

Li Qingyun and his father-in-law sat down to chat again.

"Dad, didn't you say you came back to sell the factory building? Why hasn't it been sold after so long. Niuniu has been looking forward to your passing."

"Oh, I can't help it. It's not that the current economy is not good. If I didn't receive a few orders, my factory might have closed down, but I was lucky. After I came back, I received several big orders. , now not only did it not go bankrupt, but it also made a lot of money. But in the current environment, it is really not easy for the factory to sell.

Even those who have always wanted to buy my factory before don't have that idea anymore.Because their own factory can't survive, so how could they want to buy my factory.And some want to buy, but the price is too low, even if our factory has several large orders, they are not optimistic.What do you think this is. "

After listening to his father-in-law's words, Li Qingyun had a better understanding of the current economy.Could this be the failure caused by the blockade of China-Xia by those Western countries.

Huaxia has always been a big importer, but it is also a big exporter.

Now all over the world, most places have the shadow of Huaxia products.Moreover, Hua-xia's products are all cheap and practical, so this also supports many people in Hua-xia.But now those western countries, in order to achieve their goals, they either simply don't cooperate with Hua-xia companies, or even if they cooperate, they all increase tariffs.

In this way, the competitiveness of Huaxia's products will be directly reduced.Therefore, many companies in China-Xia that rely on import and export for a living are having a hard time.

Although Li Qingyun had heard of the restrictions imposed on Huaxia by those western countries before, what he did not expect was that the consequences would be so serious.

At this time, Li Qingyun realized that the matter was more serious than he imagined after hearing the account of Lin Guangwei who had witnessed it.

Fortunately, so far, there have been no disturbances.This has a lot to do with Huaxia's national conditions.

Foreigners like to consume in advance, and don’t consume all the money they earn tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

If there are no accidents in their work, then their life is pretty easy, although they owe a lot of money, but they don't care.But if one day they don't have a job, their life will be difficult, and the house they live in may be taken away by the bank.

But Hua-Xia people have a more sense of crisis.For thousands of years, China-Xia has never had a real peace, and the war years accounted for most of the time.

When the war broke out, people thought that even if they wanted to start production with peace of mind, they would not be able to do so, so they had to prepare more food in advance.

Even for modern times.Many ordinary people would rather keep their money in the bank than spend it.

Although this is very unfavorable to the development of the basketball economy, at this time, even if many people are unemployed, they will not be hungry.

The common people don't really ask for much, as long as they don't go hungry, they won't make trouble.

If this were placed in the West, it would probably be in chaos long ago.

However, Li Qingyun also knew that such a day could not be dragged on for a long time, otherwise, when the money in the People's Bank was almost spent, there would be big troubles.

In fact, what Li Qingyun was thinking was already considered by the Central Committee, and they also made some efforts, but it is a pity that the modern world is not an era when a country closes its doors and plays by itself.

That's impossible, even for a big country like China-Xia.

But for the time being, they have nothing to do.Let them open the Wulin Continent to those Westerners, not to mention that they cannot do it, even if they can do it, they will not agree.

Are you kidding me, Wulin Continent has long been regarded as their way out.

Big deal, when the time comes, just move more people to Wulin Continent.

Over there the land is sparsely populated.As long as you are willing to work hard, you will never starve yourself.It is precisely because of this confidence that they did not give in to those Western countries.

After all, many of their countries would not be able to play without China.

After all, for a long time, those developed countries have already put some light industries in developing countries for production, and China-Xia can be said to be the world's factory, and China-Xia is also a big exporter of light industry.

Now that there is no Hua-Xia, the prices of clothes and shoes all over the world have started to rise.

This made many people in the West cry out that they couldn't stand it.

Although there are many luxury brands in their country, not everyone can afford them.Ordinary people still prefer clothes, shoes and socks produced by Huaxia.The key is cheap.

Therefore, if those countries blockade Hua-Xia, they would totally injure one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-injury, depending on who can't bear it first.

Li Qingyun didn't understand these things.After all, he is just an ordinary citizen, it is impossible for him to know some big data, and what he knows is only what he has learned.

But even so, he was not in a good mood at this time.

After all, others don't know, but he knows that all of this is inseparable from himself.

So, at this moment, Li Qingyun was wondering if he should do something.

At night, Li Qingyun and Niu Niu were lying on the same bed, because their parents-in-law were in the next room, the two of them were quite honest and did not do anything embarrassing.Don't make any noise for them to hear, I'm sorry when the time comes.

Li Qingyun told Niuniu some news he heard from his father-in-law today.

"Are you saying that those western countries are going too far? They don't even think about it. If the Wulin Continent appeared in their country, would they share it? If it appeared in a small country, it is estimated that it will be destroyed by now. country."

Li Qingyun's words are not sensational.

In this world, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. As the old Prime Minister said well, a weak country has no diplomacy.

Just like those countries in the Middle East and Africa now, although they are all sovereign countries, who let them have a lot of resources under their feet.And they don't have the strength to protect their property, so good countries have been ruined by those Western countries headed by the United States.

They just started attacking those countries on an unwarranted charge. For those small countries, they have nothing to say.

If this Wulin Continent appeared in those small countries, not to mention a rogue leader like the United States, even China-Xia would be tempted.

"Yeah, to put it bluntly, this Earth is similar to the Wulin Continent. Isn't it the strong who have the final say? If our country can overwhelm the whole world at this time, would they dare to treat us like this?"

"That's right, it seems that I have to increase my support for Huaxia. I don't want to see those western countries always riding on us and showing off their power."

Although China-Xia has improved a lot this year, there is still a certain gap compared with the United States, which has dominated for decades.

Although the last hostage incident caused the United States to lose face a lot, it was only because of shame, although many countries protested against them.

It has brought some troubles to the country, but that's just troubles, and it can't hurt them.

After all, the United States is notoriously strong, and it is okay to ask them to accompany the money, but if they want them to admit their mistakes, they will not agree.

The reason why they are so strong is not because they have strength.

They have stationed their troops in most parts of the world, unless the whole world unites to destroy him, otherwise, they will not wait for you to hit their doorstep.They killed you halfway, so they can be said to be invincible, and it is precisely because of this that they are so strong.

Although Li Qingyun is very powerful, as long as he wants, he can let Li Gan and the others kill all the military bases of the United States in the world.

Don't think that Li Gan can't do this job. If he really wants to do it, those people won't be able to fight back.

And Li Gan must be very willing to serve.But Li Qingyun would not really let him do such a thing.

After all, Li Gan is just a puppet.The cause and effect of everything he did would only be counted on Li Qingyun, not him.

Therefore, Li Qingyun would not do such a stupid thing.

Therefore, he would rather put in more effort to help Hua Xia train a group of people, and he would not do it himself.

After all, those soldiers are innocent, and when the time comes to clean them up, it's just that karma can make Li Qingyun's life difficult.

But this does not mean that Li Qingyun can do nothing.

Don't they have some industries or interest groups in the Middle East and Africa in the United States? Li Qingyun can completely attack them.

Anyway, they are not good birds.After cleaning them up, they will also clean up. If they dare to attack Li Qingyun first, then he will fight back, then there will be no problem.

Therefore, Li Qingyun discussed with Niu Niu that he wanted to go abroad once.

When Niuniu heard it, there was such a fun thing, how could she be missing?

(End of this chapter)

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