urban small world

Chapter 285 Changes in the Lin Family

Chapter 285 Changes in the Lin Family

"Is there any misunderstanding? So what should we do now?"

As soon as she heard that there were people from the country behind them, Niu Niu was shocked. In her heart, only bad people would be treated like this, but they are not bad people.

Seeing Niu Niu's ignorant look, Li Qingyun couldn't help shaking his head, "What are you afraid of? I'm talking about it. You are now a master of the Jindan period. Can those people beat you? ?”

"Ah, yes, I'm not an ordinary person now. Hee hee. But it's not good to fight."

Li Qingyun was also drunk seeing Niuniu rubbing her fists and saying that fighting is not good.Obviously, she didn't think so in her heart, okay?

"Okay, don't worry, those people won't appear in front of us easily. The reason I want to get rid of them is to get some things and luggage out. lest they find out our secret, as for what they want If you want to follow, let them follow, as long as it doesn't affect our lives."

"Ah, that's it, that's fine."

Hearing Li Qingyun's words, Niu Niu was obviously very disappointed. He still wanted to test what he had learned, but now Nianya had no chance.

Li Qingyun thought to herself, why didn't she find out that she had such a violent side before.

Li Qingyun and the others quickly left through the back door of the shopping mall. What they left was that each of them had an extra suitcase in their hands.

Afterwards, they walked around a nearby vegetable market, and when they came out, they also had a few more bags in their hands.It contains vegetables and fruits.

As Niu Niu said, there are no different things in their family, and some vegetables and fruits produced in Li Qingyun's small world are the best gifts.

When Li Qingyun and the others appeared in the sight of the special operations team again, they saw that Li Qingyun and the others had disappeared for a while, and they did not know where to get two large boxes, and they also carried some vegetables and fruits in their hands.

This made them very depressed. Could it be that these two people left them just to buy these things?

For the arrival of Li Qingyun and Niuniu, Lin's father and Lin's mother were very happy.Li Qingyun found that the complexions of the two of them were much better than when they first met them, as if they were ten years younger.

In fact, such changes are quite normal.

After all, Li Qingyun and the others have been sending them something every ten days and a half for the past few months.Anyway, he doesn't have any shortages, so it's nothing to pay for the postage.

They ate the food produced in the small world every day, and the aura in it slowly improved their bodies.In addition, Li Qingyun was not surprised that they had such a change due to the cheats Li Qingyun taught them.

But when Niuniu saw them, she was taken aback.

It's been a long time since I saw them.How could there be such a big change?She almost dared not recognize each other.

"Mom and Dad, is it really you? Why do I feel that you seem to be more than ten years younger?"

"Haha, of course. When it comes to this, I have to thank Qingyun. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have such a big change."

"Dad, Mom, it's all what should be done. You don't have to thank the whole family."

Niuniu also nodded at this time and said: "Yes, you don't have to thank him, this is what he should do, if he dares not to do this, I will not let him go. Haha."

"Haha, yes, the son-in-law is also half, so we should be filial to us."

"Old man, why are you so shameless. Qingyun, are you tired? Sit down and have a rest first. I'll cook for you."

"Mom, no need. We're not tired. We just came here after having dinner at home. We'll have dinner together in the evening. We don't have to go to work now."

"Yes, Mom, let's sit down and chat for a while. It's been a long time since I sat down and chatted together. I miss you so much."

After speaking, Niuniu hugged her mother's arm and pulled her aside to chat.

"Their mothers are like this, don't mind, what do you want to drink, tea or coffee?"

"Let's drink tea, I prefer tea."

"Okay, then wait a minute, I'll make tea."

"Dad, let me do it. You just need to find out the tea set and let you have a taste of my craft."

"Haha, okay, then wait for me for a while and come back right away."

Niuniu pulled her mother to sit aside.Niuniu gently touched her mother's face.

"Mom, your skin is really good, hehe, if we go out now, others will think we are sisters. Haha."

"Don't talk about it, but now many people are asking me how to maintain my skin."

As soon as she mentioned this Lin Mu, she immediately became excited and began to tell Niu Niu interesting stories about this period.

Although the Lin family used to be considered rich, but in Hushi, Mother Lin is not considered a wealthy wife.There are even many circles that she cannot enter.

What she didn't expect was that after learning a set of exercises from her son-in-law, she suddenly entered the inner circle from the outer circle of those wealthy wives.

Who made his skin improve so much in just a few months.

All those women have money, and usually they spend a lot of money on maintenance every year.

But the effect is there. Compared with Lin's mother, they didn't demolish those beauty salons because they were good-natured.

Not to mention those wealthy wives, even the bosses of many beauty salons have asked her to know how she takes care of herself.

If they learned it, it would be hard for their beauty parlors to think about it.

"Well, how did you tell them that? Did you confess us?"

"How could it be? I'm not stupid. But I thought, didn't your parents-in-law open an online store, so I told them about the online store, and I told them that the reason for my change is that It’s because I’ve been eating from that online store for a long time, that’s why I became like this. Haha, I’m doing business for your parents-in-law. How about it, your mother is smart.”

"Haha, Mom, you don't know. Is there a limit to the daily shipments in my parents-in-law's store? There are people queuing up to buy them every day. I don't have to worry about selling at all. If there are more of them, there won't be many people, and if they are less Not a lot."

"I know, they all told me, and many of them complained to me when they couldn't get it. But the people who got it were all very grateful to me. Although the price is a bit expensive, the taste and effect are good. You must know that they are not short of money, many of them can’t buy the goods, and they pay high prices from me.”

"No way, mom, you even earn this money!"

"How do you talk, kid? You don't know why your mother earns this money. Those people are going to fight for an apple and a cabbage, and you send us so much, we can't eat it." It’s over. A lot of them are broken at home, so I’ll sell them the extra, so it’s not a waste.”

Hearing what her mother said, Niuniu couldn't help but smile wryly.

But he knew that his father-in-law and mother-in-law were really not stingy in this regard.The vegetables and fruits from her parents are all sent by them.Every time I send a lot of things.

While Li Qingyun and the others were chatting, Lin's mother answered several calls one after another, all of them were from some rich wives in Hu City, inviting her to go out to play.It can be seen from this that she is still very popular among those people for a while.

But how could she leave Li Qingyun and Niu Niu to go out to play?

"Qingyun, it's still comfortable to drink this dish, as if the tiredness disappeared all of a sudden. Haha, not bad, not bad."

"Dad, if you like it, just ask me for it after you're done drinking, and you won't lose your own share."

"Haha, then it's settled, prepare some for me later." Lin Guangwei laughed loudly, thinking to himself, just waiting for your words.

In the past, Lin Guangwei also imitated others to be foreign, so he drank coffee a lot of time in the company.But at home, he still likes to drink tea.

When Li Qingyun came last time, he gave him a can of tea. After drinking it, he fell in love with it, and even stopped drinking coffee in the company.

After a few months, the tea that Li Qingyun gave him was almost exhausted.And he was too embarrassed to ask for it. Now that Li Qingyun took the initiative to say it, why was he unhappy?

Seeing his mother-in-law's expression, Li Qingyun roughly knew what was going on.

Fortunately, he carries a world with him, so it is not difficult to get some tea.

"Dad, it happened that when I came over this time, I also brought you some tea. I'll get it for you."

"Ah, really? Is it the same tea you sent last time?"

"It's not the same tea as last time." Lin Guangwei was still a little disappointed when he heard this.

However, Li Qingyun's subsequent words made his face suddenly cloudy and sunny.

"This is a new variety I have bred. It tastes better than the tea we drink now. Let's try it later."

Lin Guangwei's eyes lit up when he heard Li Qingyun's words. "Okay, okay, then you have to have a good taste."

He knew that his son-in-law was not simple. When he thought of the big men who came to him when he got married last time, he still felt incredible.

Although he still hasn't figured out Li Qingyun's specific identity, it doesn't matter, he just needs to know that he is his son-in-law, half his son.

You know, since Li Guangwei came back from attending his daughter's wedding, the business of his factory has inexplicably improved a lot.This is one of the reasons why it has not been sold yet.

(End of this chapter)

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