urban small world

Chapter 257 Here Comes Our Chapter

Chapter 257 We Are Back

If someone else dared to destroy such a large area of ​​greenery, would he let them go?

Everyone in the Wulin Continent knows that the gods here attach great importance to greening.Usually people are not allowed to cut down casually.

If you need to use wood, you must apply for it, and you can only cut it after you get approval.Not only do they need to pay contribution points, how many trees have been cut down, but also how many trees have to be planted back.

Otherwise, you just wait for the city guards to come to your door.

Even in the wild, no one dares to cut down trees casually.Otherwise, bad things will happen. This point has been verified by many people.In the beginning, some people did not believe in evil, but now, no one dares to doubt the power of the gods on this point.

Of course, if it was just cutting some branches, then there would be no problem, and Li Qingyun would not embarrass those people on this point.

Moreover, most people here in the Wulin Continent still have to rely on firewood for cooking.

So, now in the Wulin Continent, there is really an additional ancient profession, the woodcutter.They cut firewood on the mountain every day, then bring it back and sell it in the city.

"Brother, aren't you two masters of Anjin? Why don't you use Anjin to deal with it?"

"Ah, yes, why didn't I think of that."

"You didn't say it earlier. We have been entangled with it for so long. It also broke so many trees. After we go back, we have to plant trees."

"But you didn't think of it yourself, how can you blame me."

"Why, you have an opinion, be careful I will beat you."

Lin Yunfei said depressedly: "Well, it's my fault, I didn't tell you in time."

But he thought to himself, don't be complacent, wait and see how I deal with you when my cultivation base is higher than yours.

"Haha, Lin Yunfei, stay away, kid, and see how I deal with this beast."

Lin Yunfei pursed his lips and remained silent. He knew that it was useless to speak out by himself at this time.That guy obviously wanted to pretend to be aggressive, and the more he uttered at this time, the more excited he was.

Thinking that he is a strong dark force, Li Qinglin's confidence suddenly increased.

When the wild boar rushed towards him again, he didn't give way as early as before, but when the wild boar was very close to him, he gave way gently , seeing that wild boar was about to fly past him,
At this time, he finally made a move.He punched out, and when his fist touched the wild boar, a sense of true energy in his body penetrated into the wild boar's body.

His punch didn't have much impact on the wild boar.After all, that wild boar weighs hundreds of catties.He wanted to punch it out, but it was almost there.

That's why they beat wild boars with sticks at first.

On the surface, it seemed nothing, but at this moment, the wild boar let out a scream.

Even Li Qingyunlin noticed that the corner of its mouth was bleeding.

But even so, it didn't make the wild boar back down. At this moment, its eyes became even redder.

In its eyes, there was only one person, and that was Li Qinglin who injured him. So, the next moment, it charged towards Li Qinglin again.

After Li Qinglin had an experience against the enemy, his confidence suddenly increased a lot. If he was a little nervous the first time, then this time, his movements were much more coherent.

Although it didn't do much damage to the wild boar once.But five or six times down, the wild boar couldn't take it anymore, when it was once again penetrated by Li Qinglin's true energy,

Its mouth was bleeding profusely.

At this time, although its will is still unyielding, its body can no longer stand up.

It tried to stand up several times, but failed in the end.

The two people who were watching from the sidelines saw the wild boar's behavior, and at some point, they also became quiet. For some reason, they didn't feel happy, but admired the wild boar instead.

That's right, I just admire them. They never thought that a wild boar would have such great perseverance. If it were them, they might not be able to do as well as this wild boar.

Sure enough, nature is the best teacher.Knowledge is everywhere.

"Brother, just give it a good time."

Li Qinglin nodded, "Okay, then give it a good time." It has to be said that he also admires this wild boar very much.If it were him, he would not be able to do better than it.

Li Qinglin shook his head, then walked to the side of the wild boar, ready to give it a good time, lest it suffer any more.

But when he came to the wild boar and was about to give it a good time, the wild boar jumped up at this moment.He bumped into Li Qinglin.

"Be careful."

"Be careful."

Without Li Qingsong and the others shouting, Li Qinglin also noticed something was wrong.

But at this time, he was too close to the wild boar, and he didn't expect such a thing to happen, so he didn't prepare at the beginning.

When he realized something was wrong, the wild boar was only tens of centimeters away from him.

Li Qinglin had no choice but to face it head-on.I saw Li Qinglin put his hands in front of his body.Concentrate all the zhenqi in your body on your hands.

But thinking of those trees broken by wild boars, Li Qinglin regretted it very much at this moment, why couldn't he be more careful.Otherwise, you won't be in the way of the other party.

When I read novels before, there were many such examples, one was not paying attention, talked too much nonsense, and was overthrown by the enemy at the last moment.

To be honest, he doesn't know how many stories like this have been read, but after all, to him, those are just stories, and they didn't happen to him, so if he read them, he forgets them. I don't take it too seriously.

But it's useless for him to regret it now.The next moment, his whole body flew out.

Fortunately, the wild boar was injured too badly, and this last blow was the last blow it had gathered all its strength.After that, even if Li Qinglin and the others didn't do anything, it wouldn't live long.

"Bang." Li Qinglin's back collided with the tree fiercely.

"Brother, are you alright!"

"It's okay, it just hurts a little." Li Qinglin supported the tree and stood up. He was very lucky at this time. The wild boar was already at the end of its battle. Although Li Qinglin hit it at the end, it was much less powerful than the previous impacts. up.Otherwise, whether he can stand up intact at this time is a problem.

Li Qingsong patted his chest, and said with lingering fear: "It's fine, it's fine, I'm scared to death. If something happens to you, brother still doesn't know how to deal with me."

"No, you are afraid that brother will clean up you, so don't you worry about me?"

"Didn't you say you're okay? How can I care about you?"

At this moment, Lin Yunfei on the side said, "Two brothers, stop arguing. The wild boar is dead. What should we do now?"

"Ah, it's dead, it's really cheap, and I'm going to give it one of the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty."

"Okay, pack up, let's go back. This time we were too reckless, we came out without preparing anything, and we were too irresponsible to ourselves. If we all prepared some weapons, we wouldn't be in such a mess. what."

"Well, we're going to get weapons."

After some discussion, they decided to take a rest and recover their physical strength, and then carried the wild boar back.

After all, this was their first prey.Throwing it here is too wasteful, carrying it back, not only can you show it off, but you can also sell it for some money.

Even if you don't sell it, it's good to keep it at home and eat it yourself.They always ate Li Qingyun's meat before, but this time they can also invite Li Qingyun and the others to eat meat.

Li Qingyun couldn't help but nodded when he heard that the three guys were going to come back first.It seems that the opponent he arranged for them still played some role.

This also teaches them a lesson, let them know that they can't be careless at any time.Otherwise, what was lost might be their own lives.

I have to say that a few guys really understood a lot of truths today.This is more useful than Li Qingyun telling them ten times.

By the time the three returned to Xinmin City, it was already evening.

The three of them used a horse to carry the wild boar.

If it were placed on the earth, it would definitely attract many people to watch it, but it is a pity that this is the Wulin Continent.

A large number of animals are transported into the city every day, and this wild boar is nothing at all.

Passers-by just glanced at them and stopped paying attention.

Some purchasing personnel from some restaurants ran over to find Li Qinglin and the others, wanting to buy it.But Li Qinglin and the others flatly refused.

What a joke, the prey they took such a big risk to bring back has not been shown off in front of Li Qingyun and the others, so how can they sell it.

They were rejected by Li Qinglin, and those people didn't care.Anyway, when the mercenary came back, he would bring back a lot of meat, and they didn't care too much about a wild boar.

When Li Qinglin and the others returned home, they saw that Li Qingyun and the others were sitting there. As soon as they entered, they immediately looked at them.As if they were all there waiting for them.

"Brother, we are back, hey, Brother Gangzi is here too. Take a look, what we brought back for you."

"Sister, we are back, what's the matter with you?"

The guys didn't speak when they saw Li Qingyun, they just looked at them like this, they couldn't help panicking, they were so chic when they ran out.I didn't think about the consequences, if they were injured in the mountains today
In short, the more they think about it, the more guilty they feel.They also knew that brother and the others must have been worrying about themselves for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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