urban small world

Chapter 239 Niu Niu Brings Her Boyfriend Chapter [-]

Chapter 239 Niuniu Brings Her Boyfriend Back

The immigration matter came to an end, and Li Qingyun was finally ready to let Lin Qingwei take him back to her natal home.

After all, with his relationship with Lin Qingwei, he should also meet her family.

If they are still in the relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend, it doesn't matter whether they meet or not.But now Niu Niu is his fiancée, so it is unreasonable to see her again.

After all, he also has to give Niuniu's family an explanation, right?

So, on this day, after Li Qingyun confessed to Li Qingjing's housekeeping, he took Niu Niu and left the Wulin Continent.Then I went home to pick up the car and prepared to go to Niuniu's house.

When Li Youde and the others heard that Li Qingyun was going to Lin Qingwei's house, their eyes lit up.Of course they were overjoyed.

They longed for their son to get married soon.But Li Qingyun was not in a hurry.He is not in a hurry, but can they be not in a hurry as parents?

Now that Li Qingyun is going to Niuniu's house, what does that mean?Explain that this is to see the parents.

Originally, they wanted to go there together.However, Li Qingyun said that the road was too far and too hard, so he waited for them to go there first, and if their parents both wanted to meet, he would arrange it later.

Li Youde and the others thought about it, and they had no choice but to do so.

But when Li Qingyun went out, they kept telling Li Qingyun to bring more special products.You can't lose the face of their old Li family.

Li Qingyun also fully agreed to this.

Of course, Li Qingyun would not be rude about this.

He had picked out some presents a few days earlier.

His little world had so much to offer as a gift.

Not to mention his jade stones, as well as some previous trophies, many of them can be used as gifts.No more.Not too big, when the time comes, find a big shopping mall and buy some luxury goods.Anyway, Li Qingyun didn't care about the money.

In addition to these, Li Qingyun also prepared some special products from the small world.

Li Qingyun has prepared some fruits and vegetables, tea leaves, and precious medicinal materials in the storage ring.

Of course, Lin Qingwei had already seen the gifts Li Qingyun had prepared.

Anyway, she has no objection, because in her opinion, these guys that Li Qingyun sent may have more assets than her father's hard work for most of his life.

In this way, there is no need to worry that Dad and the others will look down on Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun's car finally hit the road.

Li Qingyun suddenly asked Niu Niu: "By the way, you haven't told me what your family does. What kind of people are there in your family?"

"Hee hee, then you never asked!"

"Okay, it's my fault. I was negligent. Tell me now, at least you have to make me a preparation. Don't be rude in time."

Niu Niu thought for a while and said with a smile: "Huh, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll tell you."

Through Lin Qingwei's introduction, Li Qingyun finally had a basic understanding of their family.

Lin's family lives in Hushi, not far from Pingyue City where Li Qingyun went to college and worked part-time.

This is also the reason why Li Qingyun was able to meet them on the train before.

But Lake City is far from Forest City.There are more than 1000 kilometers.It takes at least seventeen or eighteen hours to drive.

If you take a rest on the road, you can arrive in one day.

Lin's father opened a small factory by himself in Hushi. As for what it does, Niuniu didn't introduce it in detail.

According to Niu Niu's introduction, their family's assets are probably in the tens of millions.

Tens of millions may seem like a lot to ordinary people, but in a place like Lake City, such assets are nothing at all.

Most of the time, her father can only act on the face of some big upstream companies.

But if Li Qingyun had to look up to their family before looking at it for a long time, he probably had to look up.

But who would have thought that Li Qingyun would undergo such a big change in this short year.

It can be said that Li Qingyun's whole life has been changed since the adventure.

And many people's lives have been changed by him.

In addition to the parents, the Lin family also has a younger brother.

I heard that Lin Yunfei is still in high school.

In China-Xia, patriarchal thinking is very serious.And when Lin Yunfei was born, he was fined.For this reason, Father Lin also lost his job.

Therefore, the two elders loved Lin Yunfei even more.

In fact, Li Qingyun has long been used to such things. Are there few such things around him?

Fortunately, the relationship between Lin Yunfei and Lin Qingwei is very good.Lin Yunfei liked to play with his sister since he was a child.Of course, who told Lin Qingwei to always give that kid the pocket money she saved, how could he not like it.If it were Li Qingyun, he would be happy too.

It's a pity that he doesn't have an older sister, but only one younger sister, and it's not bad if the younger sister doesn't ask him for some pocket money.

After Lin Qingwei left Li Qingyun's place last time, she also returned home once.

At that time, she said that she had to go out to find a job, so she had the opportunity to come to Li Qingyun.I don't know if they will be worried if they haven't called home for so long.

To be honest, at this time, Lin Qingwei was also very disturbed.

After all, after less than a month of going out, he took back a son-in-law. I don't know if it will scare my parents.

Originally, Li Qingyun wanted to go there directly by plane, but Niu Niu didn't do it. She said that it would be more convenient to drive there, and there would be many places where cars would need to be used.

And driving by herself, she also has time to adjust herself.

Well, Li Qingyun had no choice but to agree to her.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun is a warrior after all, so driving for more than ten hours is nothing.

The next morning, they arrived at Lake City.

After getting off the expressway, Li Qingyun and Lin Qingwei found a place to have a casual breakfast.

Originally, Li Qingyun could arrive last night, but on the way, Niuniu was afraid that Li Qingyun would be tired, so instead of letting him drive all the time, she rested in the service area for a few hours.They set off before dawn today.It was still early when we arrived at Lake City.

As soon as Li Qingyun waved his hand, there were some more things in the back row. These were gifts that Li Qingyun was going to give to the Lin family.The reason why it was released at this time was because Lin Qingwei wanted to put down the chair and sleep on the bed.

Anyway, Niuniu already knew about the storage ring.So there's no need to hide it from her.

Li Qingyun drove the car under Niuniu's command, and soon came to a high-end residential area.

Although their family is richer than ordinary people.But in such a big city, it's really nothing.Those villas are all in units of tens of millions or billions.Their family can't afford it yet.

But it is such a community, and it costs several million to buy a house.

Fortunately, the security guard has also worked here for many years.Knowing Lin Qingwei, after all, Lin Qingwei is also a goddess, wherever she goes, she is always eye-catching, okay?

After Lin Qingwei said hello, the security guard immediately let him go.

However, it was obvious that those security guards were very depressed that such a famous woman like Lin Qingwei had an owner. Li Qingyun even saw two young security guards glaring at him with envious eyes.

But Li Qingyun didn't care about them.Let them be envious.

Soon, Li Qingyun and the others drove the car directly downstairs to the Lin family.Fortunately, at this time, some people who went to work also drove away. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to find a parking place.

Li Qingyun saw a lot of parking spaces. Although the car left, the placeholders were locked on it.

I only saw it on the news before, but I didn't expect it, but today I saw it with my own eyes.

Seeing that Li Qingyun was very curious about the 'placeholder', Lin Qingwei couldn't help laughing and said: "Let's go, what's there to see, I see this thing a lot."

Li Qingyun said with a smile: "Yeah, this is the first time I've seen it. Isn't it curious? I've only seen it in the news before."

Lin Qingwei smiled and said to Li Qingyun: "Haha, you idiot, don't say you know me when you go out, you can't afford to lose this person."

Li Qingyun shrugged his shoulders and didn't care at all.

After all, he rarely had the opportunity to go to those high-end neighborhoods before.

He used to work and lived in the village in the city, and all the people living there were migrant workers.Although not everyone doesn't have a car, but few people who live in those places have a car.

If you want to occupy a parking space like this, it will not appear at all.

There are many cars in the city center, but this situation should not happen in public places.

On the contrary, in these high-end communities, the people who live here are all rich people.

There are far more of them with cars than without cars.And that neighborhood obviously couldn't fit so many cars.Therefore, the parking space has always been very tight.Even if many parking spaces are already owned.But if you didn't park your car on it.Make sure that when you come back, your own car can't find a place to park.

So this will cause a lot of contradictions.Then it was not possible, and many people had no choice but to come up with such a method.When your car is gone, lock a few high poles or concrete blocks on the parking space to prevent other cars from parking in.

Although this is troublesome, there is no other way.They are all forced.

"Hey, you people in the city are really pitiful. You don't even have a place to park your car. It's better in our rural areas. You can park as you want."

"Yes, your village is good, so it's fine if your village is the best. Move things soon."

Seeing Li Qingyun still commenting, Lin Qingwei wanted to hit him a few times.Didn't you see that many people around were following them? She didn't want to lose face with Li Qingyun here.

"Okay, here we come, here we come, why worry, didn't you say you were nervous just now, didn't I want to relieve you."

"If you keep talking, I'll beat you up." Lin Qingwei raised her fist at Li Qingyun.

In fact, the reason why Li Qingyun was so dawdling at this time was because he was nervous, and he said that alleviating Lin Qingwei's tension was really a shame.

In fact, it's not Li Qingyun's fault. Any man who comes to a woman's house for the first time will probably be nervous.Even if Li Qingyun is the master of the world, he is still extremely nervous at this time.

"Hey, Niuniu is back, is this your boyfriend? Niuniu's mother, come out and see, Niuniu has brought her boyfriend back."

Just when Li Qingyun was carrying his things and was about to go upstairs with Lin Qingwei, a 50-[-]-year-old aunt came out of the building.

He probably knew Lin Qingwei, otherwise he wouldn't have called her by her nickname as soon as he opened his mouth, but this person is too loud.

Lin Qingwei hasn't answered her yet.As soon as he raised his head, he yelled loudly towards the upstairs.

What depressed Li Qingyun the most was that as her shouting went upstairs, Li Qingyun saw people sticking their heads out of at least a dozen windows upstairs.

Well, they all live in the same building, and they all know each other more or less.The heart of gossip, more or less.

No, after hearing the voice, many people wanted to watch the excitement.

At that time, Li Qingyun wanted to find a gap to get in.

"Auntie, let's go back first." Lin Qingwei was also very depressed.But she still smiled and greeted the aunt, then pulled Li Qingyun and rushed towards the elevator.

"Go, she killed me this time."

Li Qingyun is also depressed, he can find someone to reason with.Originally, he just wanted to go to Lin's house quietly, but now it's over.The whole community knows about it, but they don't know what will happen.

When Li Qingyun and the others came to Lin's house, they saw that Mother Lin was already waiting at the door.Obviously, she also heard the voice downstairs.

Not only Lin's mother, but also Lin's father, who was about to go out, sat on the sofa and waited for them.

After all, the daughter took her boyfriend home without saying a word, and he, the master, had to stay here to see her.After all, this is a big deal for a daughter.

"Niuniu is back. What's your name?"

"Mom, let's go in and talk."

"Yes, come in, come in quickly."

"Auntie, wait a minute, there are still some things below, I'll go and move them up first."

"Ah. There are still things, you come in first, I will let Yunfei get up and move with you."

"No need, I just need to make two more trips by myself." Li Qingyun said with a smile.

"Mom, it's alright, let him go, it's fine. Alright, I'll just go with him. Yunfei hasn't gotten up yet, so please wake him up."

"Okay, then just take it slowly, don't worry, I'll call him right away."

Li Qingyun and Niu Niu moved three times before they finished moving the things in the car.

There was no way, Lin Qingwei asked Li Qingyun to bring a lot of fruits and vegetables over.

After all, these are all produced in the small world, and eating them is good for your body.

For the sake of her parents, Lin Qingwei asked Li Qingyun to take a little more.

After all, they only came back once with great difficulty, so it's normal to bring a little more.

But they had so many things, but Lin's father and Lin's mother were taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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