urban small world

Chapter 230 Proposal

Chapter 230 Proposal
Li Qingyun decided to take some time to take a look at it.Otherwise, Li Qingyun would be depressed when those little guys got angry.

The white dragon horse looked at Li Qingyun suspiciously, obviously, it didn't know what Li Qingyun was talking about.

Although it is very clever.Also very human.But after all, this is also the first time it has seen humans.He has never been in contact with human beings before, so it would be strange if he could understand human beings at once.

For example, no matter how smart Einstein is, if suddenly one day, an alien ran up to him and said a lot of gibberish, he wouldn't be able to understand it.

It takes time to get used to it slowly. I believe that after a long time, it will definitely be able to understand what Li Qingyun said.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, Li Qingyun and the others can call it like this first, as long as you call it for a long time, I believe it will become a conditioned reflex.

"From now on, you will be called White Dragon Horse, and she will be your master from now on. You can't be naughty." Li Qingyun pulled Niu Niu to the side of White Dragon Horse and said to it.

For Niu Niu's arrival, the White Dragon Horse was not used to it. It could be seen that it was very nervous, and even slowly backed away. If Li Qingyun hadn't held Niu Niu's hand, the White Dragon Horse might have turned around and ran away.

When Li Qingyun took Niuniu's hand and slowly stroked the white dragon horse, it was still nervous at first, but soon, under Li Qingyun's comfort.It also relaxes.Obviously, it also slowly accepted the existence of Niu Niu.

After that, Li Qingyun took Niuniu and rode on it together.Run a few laps on the prairie.

Finally, Bai Longma also understood that the later person should be with his master.After two hours, even if Niuniu was riding it alone, it had lost its temper.

Of course, this is inseparable from Niuniu injecting some true energy into its body from time to time.

Of course, this trick was taught by Li Qingyun, and it seems that the effect is not bad.

The white dragon horse is indeed very smart. Ever since Niu Niu came over, when Niu Niu rode on it, she kept talking to it.

Li Qingyun could see that Bai Longma's eyes became more and more agile.

Seeing that he no longer needed to watch from the sidelines, Li Qingyun went out again.In less than an hour, he brought back seven or eight horses.

Obviously, these horses were prepared for Li Qingsong and the others.

After finding such a toy, Niuniu of course wanted to find someone to share it with. Li Qingjing was in seclusion and couldn't find anyone, so she had no choice but to contact Li Qingsong and the others.

After hearing that Li Qingyun and the others saw the horse herd, these guys were excited.At that time, I said that I wanted to come and catch it myself.

But it's a pity that Niuniu herself doesn't know where they are, even if she wants to tell them, there is nothing she can do.

In the end, they could only ask their sister-in-law to ask Li Qingyun to help them catch a few horses and go back.

They even reported their favorite colors.

When Li Qingyun caught the second horse and came back, he heard Niuniu's message, of course he had no objection.Anyway, if one is caught, ten are also caught.

These horses didn't resist at all in front of Li Qingyun, if he wasn't afraid of scaring Niu Niu, it wouldn't be difficult for him to tame the whole group of horses directly.

The eight horses that Li Qingyun caught.But they are the most promising horses in this group of horses.Li Qingyun used it for himself, of course he had to choose the best one.As long as he is trained well, it will not be difficult to become a monster in the future, so maybe he can always be by their master's side in the future.

It took Li Qingyun half a day to tame them all to be very obedient.That's when I'm going to take them back.

But before returning to the front, Li Qingyun still had one thing to do.

He came out this time, but it was planned.Even the horses were part of his plan.

On this day, Li Qingyun asked Niuniu to pack up his things. He said that he was going to see those horses. After all, he wanted to bring them back today, but there were only two of them, so some preparations had to be made.Therefore, Niu Niu didn't think too much about it.

Li Qingyun came to the woods not far away, where the horses spent the night yesterday.

However, Li Qingyun didn't tie them down, but none of them escaped.

Obviously, these horses are not stupid, they all know that following Li Qingyun is their best choice.Not to mention anything else, it's just that Li Qingyun injected a little qi into them, which is also very beneficial to them.

"Guys, you can't hang the chain today. If you mess up my affairs, then I'll see how I deal with you."

I don't know if they understood or not, but Li Qingyun found that these horses used their heads to rub against Li Qingyun's body a few times, looking flattering.

Li Qingyun shook his head involuntarily. There was no other way. After all, their contact with humans was still too short.

Although Li Qingyun gave them advice quietly, I don't know if they can do well.

But at this time, Li Qingyun had no other choice, so he had to choose to give it a try.

As soon as Li Qingyun turned around, he got on the back of the white dragon horse, waved to the eight horses behind him, and said, "Follow, let's go."

"As the white dragon horse left, the horses behind really followed immediately."

"Brother Qingyun, did you get it done so quickly? Just wait for me a little longer, and I'll get it done right away."

"It's okay, we're not in a hurry. Let me take you flying."

"What are you doing? Okay, what are you flying?"

"Close your eyes and you'll know later." Li Qingyun said softly while hugging her.

Hearing Li Qingyun's words, Niuniu felt nervous for no reason.This is the rhythm of receiving gifts.Isn't that what happens when boys give things to girls on TV?
Niu Niu, who was not willing at first, suddenly became quiet, and he also closed his eyes in cooperation. She really wanted to see what surprise Li Qingyun would make for her.

Unexpectedly, Li Qingyun would also surprise her.Niu Niu was very excited in her heart, but just don't wait to give him a fright.

Soon, Niuniu felt the breeze blowing on her cheeks.She knew that at this time, they should have flown into the air.

After all, the place where they camped last night was at the foot of a mountain sheltered from the wind.

After Li Qingyun flew into the sky with Li Qingyun.

The horses below all looked enviously.When will they be able to fly.Unfortunately, they don't have wings.

But envy is useless.At this moment, they saw Li Qingyun making gestures to each other, and they immediately remembered Li Qingyun's secret training to them yesterday, and then they slowly moved.

Li Qingyun was worried that these guys couldn't do it.But soon, a smile appeared on his face.He thought to himself, if things come to fruition, these guys must be well rewarded then.

A few minutes later, just when Lin Qingwei couldn't wait anymore, Li Qingyun whispered in her ear: "Qingwei, it's all right, you can open your eyes now."

Lin Qingwei was very surprised. To be honest, Li Qingyun rarely called her by her first name, and always liked to call her by her nickname.For some reason, Lin Qingwei felt a little flustered when Li Qingyun called her name.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Li Qingyun looking at her lovingly.

"What do you want to do?"

Li Qingyun said with a smile: "Look below."

Although Lin Qingwei didn't know what Li Qingyun was doing, she still lowered her head and looked down.The next moment, he couldn't help pulling out his hands to cover his mouth.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun hugged her very tightly, otherwise, it would be no wonder she didn't fall straight away.Women are like this, they will get carried away when they are moved.

What made her so moved.It turned out that Lin Qingwei actually made a heart shape when she saw the horses below.She remembered that when they flew up, the horses were still in a mess.

Li Qingyun actually made them form a heart shape in such a short time, you know, those are just some horses.And it's a horse that hasn't been tamed for long.

Even if it is a horse that has been raised for a long time, it is not easy to achieve this.I really don't know how Li Qingyun did it.

But there is one thing she can be sure of, that is, Li Qingyun must have done a lot of exercises, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve the current effect.

After all, that horse is not a human being, and it is not so easy to make them obedient.But now the horses below stood there motionless.If any girl sees this, she will be moved.Niuniu is no exception.

Before Niuniu came back to her senses, Li Qingyun flew down with her, and landed right in the middle of the heart shape formed by the horses that day, and then Niuniu saw her white dragon horse coming from the side.Soon, Lin Qingwei saw the head of the white dragon protruding from the heart-shaped depression.

Li Qingyun stretched out his hand and took a small box from its head.

Before Lin Qingwei could recover, she saw Li Qingyun slam on one knee, and then opened the small box.

Without waiting for Li Qingyun to speak, Lin Qingwei saw that the box was a diamond ring, and she had never seen such a big diamond before. Under the sunlight, it reflected a burst of dazzling light.She swallowed subconsciously.

Girls just love the sparkle.They have little resistance to such things.

Fortunately, Niuniu was also prepared for Li Qingyun to come up with such a thing.After all, he can even take out the magic weapon of storage.

In comparison, this diamond is much cheaper.

No matter how precious this diamond is, it is only a stone.As long as you have money, you can buy it.

But the magic weapon of storage, but money can't buy good things.If she is willing to buy the magic weapon of storage, I believe that some people will be willing to let others offer such ten diamonds.

Of course, she was just thinking about it, but she never thought of selling that magic weapon for storage.

Although, through Li Qingyun's series of actions, she had already guessed what Li Qingyun wanted to do, but when Niuniu heard Li Qingyun say to her: "Marry me!" Desperately shed tears.

Of course.These are not tears of sadness, but tears of joy.

The longer she had been in contact with Li Qingyun, the more she realized that Li Qingyun was not simple.

But the more this happened, the more insecure she felt in her heart.Even the reason why she fell in love with Li Qingyun was not because of how rich or powerful Li Qingyun was.After all, when she met Li Qingyun, she didn't know Li Qingyun at all.

In fact, she has been waiting for this day for a long time, and even dreamed of this scene many times in her dreams.Unexpectedly, Li Qingyun actually proposed to her today.So, she didn't hold back for a while.

"Niuniu, don't cry, you can tell me if you want it or not."

Seeing Niuniu, Li Qingyun cried for some reason.I panicked all of a sudden.He didn't know what to do.

Lin Qingwei was awakened by Li Qingyun's voice, she nodded immediately and said, "I am willing, I am willing."

Although I don't know what happened just now.But Li Qingyun was very happy after hearing Niuniu's words.It doesn't matter that much.He took out the ring, and put it on Lin Qingwei's fair finger.

After that, the two hugged each other naturally, and then kissed their mouths together.

At this moment, the horses on the side seemed to feel the joy of their master, and they couldn't help barking loudly on the side.And they scream and dance.I really don't know why they are so excited.

But now Li Qingyun and the others don't have time to pay attention to those guys.

"It's all your fault. I almost couldn't breathe. Hmph."

"Haha, it's all my fault. It seems that I need to practice more. I heard that other people's kisses can be fine for half an hour. Don't worry, my husband will train hard in the future."

"Go to hell with me." Niu Niu said, and smashed Li Qingyun with her small fist.

Li Qingyun touched his chest and said depressedly: "I'll go, you are going to murder your husband."

After the two fought for a while, Li Qingyun waved his hand and put everything around him into the ring, and then he and Lin Qingwei each rode a horse and started walking back.

This time, he came out to give Niuniu a romantic unmarried one. In the scene just now, it was obvious that Lin Qingwei was very satisfied.Therefore, Li Qingyun was considered a success.

It can be seen that Niuniu is very happy now.

Although they were boyfriend and girlfriend before, she always felt that there was still some gap between them.Now their relationship has gone a step further. Although they are only fiancees, it gives her a different feeling.A completely different feeling from before.

(End of this chapter)

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