urban small world

Chapter 215 Miracles

Chapter 215 Miracles
Knowing this, Li Qingjing never fights against her brother here, because no matter what, she has no chance of winning.

Li Qingyun didn't know that his two younger brothers were arranging themselves there.But he doesn't care, let them talk.Anyway, there will be no less meat.

While Li Qingyun and the others were playing, Ye Bo and Gangzi were commanding the city guards out of the city to help the farmers harvest rice.

This is the first bumper rice harvest after they arrived in the Wulin Continent, but many of my eyes are fixed on this place.

More than a month ago, they ate vegetables grown in the Wulin Continent. At that time, many of them were shocked. They never thought that the same seeds, grown in the Wulin Continent, would taste so much better.

However, some people who bought vegetables from the online store opened by Li Qingyun finally understood where the vegetables they bought at a high price came from.

Originally, they wanted to buy some fruits from here, but they found that there were no fruits at all. Even if some fruit trees were planted, they were just planted not long ago. If they want them to grow fruits, it will not be possible in a short time. arrived.

Although the spiritual energy can also promote the growth of plants, it is not very obvious.

Unless Li Qingyun takes action to speed up the flow of time, otherwise, they may have to wait a year or two before they can produce fruit.

So if they want to eat fruit, they can only buy it from Li Qingyun's small online shop.

Compared with those vegetables and fruits, this rice has attracted more attention.After all, this is the staple food.Vegetables grown in the Wulin Continent are so delicious, will these rice be delicious too?

And the first batch of farmers actually had some relationship with those city guards.

Most of them are the family members of those city guards.

Therefore, letting those city guards come out to help at this time is tantamount to helping their families, so of course they are very enthusiastic.

Most of these city guards are made up of orphans and punks.

Those little gangsters were not welcomed by their families before.Many of them were also disliked by relatives and neighbors because of their sons.Later they heard that their son had joined the army, so they all followed him to the Wulin Continent.

After all, if the son can learn well, they have to support him.

At that time, they all joined Xinmin.

Because there are no machines here, it can only be harvested by manpower.Fortunately, many of them came from the countryside.

I've never done anything like this before.

Seeing the harvest in full swing outside the city, many people in the city also ran out to watch the fun.

After all, most of the people in the city are still from the city. Many of them have never seen what kind of child Rice is.

After all, the rice they buy usually has been peeled by the sheller.

Many people even saw that harvesting seemed to be very fun, so some of them also offered to help for free.

It's just that most of the time, they just don't help.Not only does it affect other people's harvest, but in many cases, they also lose some rice.

This made those farmer uncles feel distressed when they saw it.

Many times they declined each other's help, but those city people were unwilling to leave.

Although it's a little hard work, for those city people, if they get a little tired occasionally, it's considered exercise.

And most of those people who are still living in Xinmin City have lived there for a long time.Their physical fitness is much better than before.And when a person is curious about a thing and feels fun, they will not feel tired.

Of course Li Qingsong and the others knew about such a big matter.

But they didn't think about helping.

From childhood to adulthood, they did not help the family with work.They have no interest in things that are tiring and hard.

"Brother, tell me, are they stupid? They are not afraid of being tired. What's so fun about harvesting?"

"Are you stupid? For you, this is no fun, but it is different for those city people. They have never seen it, so they feel it is fun. You don't know, the so-called Does travel mean that you go from a place where you are tired of to a place where others are tired of?"

"Brother, what you said makes sense. But I still think they are so stupid."

Li Qinglin rolled his eyes, he had nothing to do with his cousin, he saw Gangzi not far away, so he walked over there.

"Brother Gangzi, I'm busy."

"Qinglin, why are you here? Are you not with Qingyun? By the way, your brother."

"Don't mention my brother, he took my sister-in-law somewhere to play. We don't want us anymore." Li Qingsong interjected.

"Haha, it's not because of you light bulbs. If it was me, I would run away too." Gangzi said with a smile.

"Tch, no wonder you didn't come to play with us anymore. It turned out that you and Zhao Jie lived together in a two-person world. By the way, Zhao Jie, didn't she follow?"

"So what, you can find a girlfriend if you have the ability." The Li family brothers felt that they had been hit by [-] points of Gou-liang.No matter where you go, you will be hurt.Is there any reason?

There is great power in numbers.The first batch of thousands of acres of rice fields were harvested in just over two hours.

Then, under the carriage of the carriage, they were quickly pulled into the city respectively.

Because there is no electric thresher, but this is not a problem for Gangzi and the others.

A while ago, they went to rural areas across the country, found several old carpenters, and invited them to the Wulin Continent.

A week ago, the first pedal thresher was born here.

After all, decades ago, this kind of pedal thresher was the protagonist of the vast rural areas.Because human power is required to drive, the efficiency is much lower than that of electric vehicles.Now in rural areas, it has almost been eliminated long ago.

But here in Wulin Continent, it will surely shine again.

And after the rice was transported to the city, those people were once again very interested in this human thresher.As a result, with their help, it took another few hours to complete the threshing work of the millet.

The millet is not dry yet.Someone actually came to buy it.

And the price is not low.

On the earth, dried millet can only be bought for two yuan a catty.Therefore, many farmers can't buy much money after working hard for several months.Might as well go out to work.It is also a coolie, moving bricks on the construction site is much better than farming.This also made many rural lands in China-Xia barren.

But now that the millet is still wet, someone unexpectedly offered a price of five yuan.

But it's a pity that everyone is not a fool, and no one will sell at all.

They are still waiting to dry and buy contribution points.

With those vegetables as an example, they are still very confident in these rice.

Although Li Qingyun is not here, he is still very clear about what happened here, and even his spiritual sense can see everything here clearly.

The reason why the thousands of acres of rice were harvested so quickly was that besides the city guards, there were at least a few thousand tourists there to help, so it was so fast.

But Li Qingyun also saw the low labor efficiency here.

Harvesting is fine now, but if we need to plow the fields next season, it will be a big project.

In the past, when Li Qingyun was building the new Yuncheng, he also opened up some fields outside Chengwai, including some paddy fields and dry land.Therefore, in the first season, they had no problem transplanting rice seedlings directly in the paddy fields.

Li Qingyun felt that it was time to deal with the cattle.

Coincidentally, Niuniu didn't sleep much last night until today. After eating lunch, she drove Li Qingyun away.She said she just wanted to have a good rest.

She was afraid that Li Qingyun would sneak up on her again there.That's why Li Qingyun was kicked out.

It just so happened that Li Qingyun was fine.After eating and drinking, he was resurrected with blood.

When Xinmincheng was still threshing there, he disappeared on the yacht in a flash.

Then he came to another prairie. If the prairie outside Xinmin City is the Mongolian prairie of Huaxia, this is the African prairie.

There are many animals here.Here are the vast majority of species on the African grasslands.

Li Qingyun stayed on the African savannah for several months at that time.Many species were caught.

Of course, the big African buffalo is also Li Qingyun's goal.

There are too many such buffaloes on the African savannah.Li Qingyun caught a small group at random, and now they have multiplied into a large group in the small world.

When Li Qingyun arrived here, he found that there were at least a few hundred of them.

Of course, Li Qingyun couldn't touch them directly, he didn't want this special kind to disappear on this grassland.

But Li Qingyun also has his own way to increase their group.

He moved the newly born buffaloes in the small world to another place.

There is a human gathering place there.

It can be said that in the small world, apart from Xinmin City, it is the largest gathering place.

There are almost a thousand people here.They are all refugees that Li Qingyun encountered a long time ago.At that time, Li Qingyun saw that they had lost hope in life.The whole person is alive in numbness.

They wanted to flee to Europe, but unfortunately, they were driven away by those countries, as if they were afraid that their arrival would have a bad impact on those countries.

At that time, Li Qingyun just wanted to increase the population of the small world, so it was a dark and stormy night.Li Qingyun invited them all in.

Of course.Li Qingyun did not give them preferential treatment.

Only ten months have passed.Li Qingyun found that they lived quite well here.

The viability of these black people is still very strong.He also built some houses here, although it is much worse than Xinmin City.But it's better than they used to wander around.

Although life here is not easy, at least you won't go hungry.Although they didn't know how they came to such a place, after the initial panic, they soon settled down here.

This time when Li Qingyun came here, he wanted to put those cows here for them to help raise.

It would be best if they could be tamed.

When the time comes, take it to Xinmin City and it will come in handy.

It has to be said that as a Huaxia person, Li Qingyun treats people in this small world very differently.

But he is such a person, he said he likes it, so what can others do.

But Li Qingyun also knew that if he sent them over without explaining, they would most likely be eaten by those black people.He knew that they dared to eat anything.

So, on this day, a miracle appeared in this black tribe, and legends have been passed down until many years later.

Of course Li Qingyun flew here with a group of calves, and then created a dazzling light behind him.Let the people below not see his true face at all.

He told the people below that he was a god in the sky, and he saw their suffering, so he rescued them here.

Now he needs these people to help tame the bison, and in return for them, the gods will give them some vegetable and fruit seeds after they complete the task.

Hearing Li Qingyun's words, the people below immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

If it was before, they would not have believed it to be true, but in the past ten months or so, they have already discovered that this place is no longer the earth, which is very consistent with what Li Qingyun said. will be done.

And if they have seeds, they can grow things by themselves in the future, and they don't have to venture out to hunt anymore, which is still very attractive to them.

Li Qingyun found that he was so easy to fool those people into helping him domesticate the bison.He felt that he really had the potential to be a magic stick.

These people were not lightly fooled by Li Qingyun. After Li Qingyun made such a move, he never expected that the cow would become their sacred beast in the future, and this tribe never ate beef from that day on.Ok.This is all for later.

After Li Qingyun handed over the little buffalo to them,
Time started to speed up.

Looking down, it's like fast-forwarding while watching TV. Even ordinary people walk, and when viewed from above, they seem to be flying, let alone running.

Li Qingyun has long been used to such scenes.It's just that in the past, animals or plants were generally accelerated, and this was the first time he accelerated on a human body.

After observing, he found that there was nothing unusual about the people below.

Except for the arrival of those little buffaloes, which brought a lot of troubles to the tribe, everything else was fine.

Even the pregnancy and the birth of the baby were all normal, and there were no accidents due to the speeding up of time, so Li Qingyun was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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