urban small world

Chapter 211 I Don't Listen, I Don't Listen

Chapter 211 I Don't Listen, I Don't Listen

"Wow, what kind of fish is this? It smells so good. Brother Qingyun, open your mouth."

"Eat it yourself, I still have some here."

"No, open your mouth, do you dislike what I have eaten?"

"How could it be. Okay, let me open my mouth."

"Well, it's delicious. Very fragrant." Li Qingyun's eyes lit up.

The fish they caught just now was not a rare fish, but a common crucian carp.However, compared with the crucian carp on the earth, they are a little bigger.

On the earth, wild crucian carp generally do not grow up.It rarely grows to a pound.

But after they entered the small world, it was different.The aura here has made their shapes break through the limit.Each of the few fish Li Qingyun caught weighed about two catties.

If this is put on the earth, if you take it home to make soup, it will be so fragrant and nourishing.

Li Qingyun roasted two, and the other two were boiling soup in the pot next to it.

Soon after, the two grilled fish were wiped out by Li Qingyun and Niuniu feeding each other.

If it was before, Niuniu would have to shout about losing weight again.But since she learned how to practice with Li Qingjing, Cong Lai didn't say anything about it.Even if there is excess energy, she can completely refine it.Therefore, when it comes to food, she never refuses anyone.

In the end, even the pot of fish soup was wiped out.

Li Qingyun and the others received a call from Li Qingjing just after eating.

"Okay, brother, you left our three younger siblings alone, and ran out to live with your sister-in-law. Are you worthy of us?"

"Okay, don't be naughty. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now. I left some good things for you in the kitchen. You can figure it out. Don't bother me for the next few days. What do you want to eat? Just go out and buy it yourself. I’ll transfer some contribution points to you.”

"Tch, let's talk about it earlier. If you have a contribution point, everything is easy to talk about. Brother, I wish you a good time. Goodbye."

"What's the matter?" Niuniu couldn't help asking when she saw Li Qingyun's expression was not right.

"It's nothing, the girl Qingjing just called, but it's okay, let me deal with it."

"Oh." Niuniu couldn't help but blush when she heard this.No need to think about it, she also knew that Li Qingjing must have said nothing good.During this period of time, she still knew a lot about Li Qingjing.

When Li Qingyun was not at home a while ago, she even advised herself how to take Li Qingyun down.Thinking of this, her little face turned red.

"Niu Niu, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling so red, are you uncomfortable?" Li Qingyun didn't know what Niu Niu was thinking about there, so he couldn't help asking nervously.

"It's okay, it's a bit hot because it's baked by the fire." As she spoke, she fanned it a few times.

"Oh. It's hot. It's okay, just wait a minute." Li Qingyun turned around and took a folding fan out of his bag. When he went out, he was very well prepared.

Niuniu took the fan and pretended to slap it a few times, and her little face gradually returned to normal.

"By the way, I just sweated so much, it's very uncomfortable. Do you want to take a bath?"

"Ah, take a bath. How do you take a bath here? Do you want to wash in the river?"

"Yeah, the river over there is not deep, so it's just right. How about it, are you interested in going swimming together?"

"But I can't swim!"

Li Qingyun's eyes lit up when he heard that Niuniu can't swim, "It doesn't matter if you can't swim, I can teach you. And the river over there is not deep, even if you stand in it, you can still stick your head out."

"But I don't have a swimsuit either." Niuniu actually saw the change in Li Qingyun's eyes, but she wasn't afraid, instead she was looking forward to it.It's just that as a girl, when you should be reserved, you still have to be reserved.

"It doesn't matter, there are no outsiders here, just put on underwear. Anyway, I have to change it and wash it!" Li Qingyun said seriously.But in his heart he was overjoyed.But in order not to scare Niuniu, he didn't show it.

"It seems to make sense." Niuniu nodded, and finally agreed.

As Li Qingyun said, there are no outsiders here.Just the two of them, she is also looking forward to what will happen next.So, I agreed.

Soon, Li Qingyun and Niu Niu came to the small river with a change of clothes.

Li Qingyun quickly took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of underpants.After that, he jumped into the creek all at once.

Originally, at the beginning of the Wulin Continent, there were no changes in the four seasons, or the changes in the four seasons were not obvious.

But since he broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, the planet has become more and more perfect.

At least now there are changes in the four seasons.And it is synchronized with the earth.

Here on Earth, it's the end of June.It's almost early summer.The temperature is also very high.

Even in Wulin Continent, the temperature has risen a lot in the past ten days.It's almost thirty degrees during the day now.

After soaking in this cold river water, Li Qingyun immediately felt extremely comfortable all over his body.

"Niuniu, come down, how long are you going to wait?"

"You, you turn around first." Niuniu said shyly.

"." Li Qingyun didn't know what to say.Still he turned his head away.

When she goes into the water later, she has to teach her how to swim.At this time, even taking off his clothes and hiding from himself, isn't this deception.

But Li Qingyun didn't tell the truth, how embarrassing it was.You should save some face for her, right?After all, Niu Niu has grown up so big, she has never taken off her clothes in front of the man.Therefore, the barrier in my heart is not easy to overcome.

"are you done?"

"Don't look back, hurry up, it will be fine soon."

After a while, Li Qingyun heard the sound of something entering the water.

When he turned around, he realized that Niu Niu's whole body was submerged in the water except for her head.

But even so, the river is so clear that Li Qingyun can see everything underwater clearly at a glance, okay?

And today God is also very generous, the moon in the sky is very bright.It's as if you turned on a small five-watt light bulb on the ground.Visibility is still high.

The moon heart said, your old man is here, does it dare to come out? Whether there is moonlight or not is not a matter of your old man.

"Okay, don't worry, the water is not deep, come on, follow me for a while, and then I will teach you how to swim." In order not to scare Niu Niu, Li Qingyun began to divert her attention.

He knew that there was no need to be in a hurry at this time. Anyway, the long night was going slowly, and he still had a lot of opportunities, so he was not in a hurry.

After a while, Li Qingyun took Niu Niu to swim slowly in the river. Of course, if you look carefully, you can see that Li Qingyun is holding Niu Niu's head and abdomen.

"Yes, yes, that's it, come on, you can do it, Niuniu is the best."

At the beginning, Li Qingyun was teaching Niuniu how to swim seriously.However, swimming is actually not difficult to learn. The most important problem is mentality. If the mentality is correct, as long as you are not nervous, you can learn it quickly. Do not sink.Therefore, Niuniu only took half an hour to learn how to dog plan.

While studying, it is inevitable that the bodies of the two will have some contact.Especially the soft parts.From time to time, he would have contact with Li Qingyun's arm.

Li Qingyun's young body quickly responded.Even though it was in the cold river, the 'flame' in Li Qingyun's body couldn't be suppressed, he even set up a tent.

And his tent would also come into contact with Niu Niu's body from time to time.Niuniu didn't notice it at first, but she just said that the moonlight is very bright today.

Li Qingyun could see Niu Niu's underwater body, and of course Niu Niu could also see Li Qingyun's body.

After all, as a college student.She has also studied physiology, and even when she was in school, the rotten girl in the dormitory dragged her to watch Japanese porn.Haven't eaten pork or seen a pig running.

I don't know what she thinks, whether to see through or not.Just pretend you didn't see it.Continue to let Li Qingyun continue to teach her.And sometimes, he deliberately hit the tent with his body.

"You little elf, you did it on purpose. Hmph, then don't blame me." Li Qingyun finally couldn't help it.Amidst Niuniu's exclamation, he ran over to the tent with Niuniu in his arms.

The next day, early in the morning, the sun rose from the horizon again, and today will be a fine day again.

In the tent by the small river, Li Qingyun looked at Niu Niu, who was naked and hugging her.Li Qingyun couldn't help thinking of the crazy scene last night.

Both are practitioners.Physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people.

Although Niuniu is the first time.But the two of them didn't fall asleep until after midnight after playing.

Li Qingyun, who hadn't touched a woman for more than a year, finally let go for a while, and he felt refreshed all over his body.

He even remembered a double cultivation method yesterday.

In fact, it is very common to practice dual cultivation in the universe. After all, the road to cultivation is long and long, and one is so lonely. Many people will find a partner.And cultivators seldom go to ordinary people. After all, if they go to ordinary people, they will turn into loess in a few decades, and it will feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, many practitioners will find someone with similar strength as their own to form a partner.And both of them want to improve their skills.Therefore, the practice of dual cultivation was created.

Of course, there are still some methods of harvesting and nourishing that can be benefited from one side created by some magic figures, but of course Li Qingyun will use such skills soon.

Li Qingyun used the formal double cultivation method, although it was only one night, Li Qingyun felt that his cultivation level last night was at least comparable to his usual one-month accumulation.

Of course, he also knows that such progress can only be made for the first time, and there will be no such good thing in the future.

Of course.Unless he abandons Niuniu and finds a perfect woman.But Li Qingyun is not that kind of person.

Compared to Li Qingyun, Niuniu has made greater progress.Originally, she was only a dissected strength in the middle stage of body training.

But last night when Li Qingyun's zhenqi circulated in her body a few times, she directly broke through several layers.Because Li Qingyun's zhenqi circulated in her body, it easily opened up some acupuncture points in her body.

And because of this, some true energy of her own was born in her body.

During the double cultivation, it gradually strengthened.

At this time, Niuniu is also a master in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Compared with Li Qingjing, her strength is a little lower, but if Ma Tianle and the others know that Lin Qingwei has reached the strength that his second uncle had achieved in a few decades, I don't know if he will die of depression.

Niu Niu broke through so much last night, and her body also expelled a lot of impurities.After what happened last time, Li Qingyun learned to be smart, and he arranged a small formation on Niu Niu's body.A little impurity discharged from her body will be discharged by the formation, and will not stay on Niu Niu's body.

The Wushou formation on Niu Niu's body, together with the dust removal formation of the tent, prevented Li Qingyun from being smoked again.

"You're awake. Did you sleep well yesterday?"

"Ah, close your eyes, close your eyes quickly." Lin Qingwei woke up and saw Li Qingyun staring at her chest non-stop.Niu Niu's face turned red all of a sudden.She covered Li Qingyun's eyes with her hands.

"Hehe, I'm still shy. It's not like I haven't seen it. I've eaten it all, hehe."

"Don't say it, I won't listen, I won't listen." Niu Niu was like an ostrich at this time, thinking that by covering her ears, it would be as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, I was so tired and sweated so much last night, you are sure not to take a shower with me." Li Qingyun said with a smile.

"Hmph, it's not like you are a big villain, you know how to bully me." At this time, Niuniu also recalled what happened yesterday.She couldn't help but stare at Li Qingyun.

"I don't know who yelled so loudly yesterday. Haha."

"Hmph, scoundrel, ignore you."

"Okay, my husband is wrong, baby, let's go take a bath. It will be bad if someone comes over later."

Li Qingyun was just trying to scare her, what a joke, how could he let someone come over here.

Li Qingyun quickly ran towards the small river with Niu Niu in his arms.

Originally, Niu Niu wouldn't let them go, but unfortunately, they left their clothes by the river yesterday and didn't bring them back.

Even yesterday's underwear was on the way back, and Li Qingyun stripped it off and threw it halfway.

No, Li Qingyun picked them up on the way to the river.The two washed up, and then changed into the clean clothes brought over yesterday.Of course, when cleaning, Li Qingyun was dishonest but ate enough tofu.

Fortunately, Niuniu gradually got used to it.Although she still feels a little shy, her body is very honest, and she even likes this feeling very much.

(End of this chapter)

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