urban small world

Chapter 208 A guest is coming

Chapter 208 A guest is coming

Originally, Li Qingyun didn't take what happened today to his heart. If they didn't bother him anymore after they left, Li Qingyun might forget about them in a few days.

But it's good or bad, when they left, they left a few tails staring at Li Qingyun's house.

Although they did nothing.But it was obvious that they were looking for opportunities. Obviously, they were not as open-minded as Li Qingyun.

Isn't that nonsense, it's not Li Qingyun who is unlucky today, but how are they?Not only was Li Qingyun kicked.Moreover, Ma Tianle should kneel down to Li Qingyun.This is a big loss of face.For the proud Ma Tianle, it would be strange if he could bear it.

If Liu Zhigang hadn't been there at that time, he would never have been subdued.

When Gangzi left for the last time, as he said, he filled Zhao Jie with a large bucket of lobster meat in a thermos, cut a few catties of tuna meat, and left happily.

He was never polite to Li Qingyun.After such a long time, he can be seen.Although Li Qingyun didn't have a position here, he must have had an adventure.Otherwise, he couldn't be stronger than himself, he could see it.Li Qingyun did not lie today.

Even without him, those people can't please.I really don't know what happened to him.But he wasn't jealous.Everyone has their own opportunities.Besides, he is also very good as a general.

Not only is he respected by others, but he has never been short of cultivation resources, so he will not envy Li Qingyun at all.Besides, Li Qingyun also helped him a lot.If it weren't for Li Qingyun, he might not even be able to recognize the acupuncture points.

After what happened at noon, Li Qinglin and Li Qingsong realized that their strength was really too bad.When they met all day long, not only could they not be of any help, but they might even become a hindrance, so they didn't go out to play today.Instead, he went to practice in the practice room specially arranged by Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun specially built a Xiangjian house in his own home, and arranged some sound-proof formations and spirit-gathering formations inside.So that Niuniu and the others can have a good cultivation environment.

For his family, Li Qingyun has never been stingy.

The concentration of aura in that practice room was no worse than the aura in the Li Mansion where Li Qingyun's parents lived now.And with the sound insulation array, they will not disturb each other.

It is precisely because of this arrangement that their cultivation has improved so quickly.

Li Qingsong has reached the late stage of body training.Compared with ordinary people, he is considered a master, but compared with the people here in Wulin Continent, he is really nothing.

I saw my two younger brothers practicing so hard.Li Qingjing, who had already reached the late stage of foundation establishment, felt that she couldn't be lazy anymore, if she was lazy again, they would overtake her by then.Then my own sister would be ashamed.

Besides, she doesn't know what to play with, and he doesn't want to make light bulbs for her brother, which she is still very conscious of.

Most importantly, she doesn't want to eat dog-food.So, she also went to practice.There were only Li Qingyun and Lin Qingwei in the huge house.

These days, Li Qingyun is always busy and is rarely at home. Niuniu has a lot of things she wants to say to Li Qingyun alone.

So she doesn't want to practice.So the two discussed it and decided to go for a walk.

So after Li Qingyun and Niu Niu left a note, each carried a bag and left home.Obviously, the two of them are going out to play.

Therefore, what they bring is relatively complete.

Li Qingyun and the others left, followed by tails, Li Qingyun knew this all along.

But he pretended not to see it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he cleaned up those people from the Ma family.In case he left in the future, they would make trouble for Li Qingsong and the others instead.

Sure enough, Li Qingyun's spiritual sense discovered that not long after they left, someone ran to Ma's house to report.

Not long after, Ma Tianle led some people to chase after Li Qingyun.

Of course.In order not to attract the attention of the city guards, they walked separately.And they don't follow closely.Anyway, they only need to follow the marks left by the people in front to catch up.

And they also thought about it, this time they must not do anything in the city.It's best to wait until they are out of the city and far away from the city. At that time, even if something happens to them, who knows what they did.

I have to say that the people from these big families are not fools. It may be the first time for them to do such a thing, and they are very familiar with it.

Unfortunately, this time their opponent is Li Qingyun, they are destined to fail.

Li Qingyun and Lin Qingwei rented a tandem bicycle and headed for the east gate.

The traffic here is smooth, and Li Qingyun and the others left the city in just half an hour.

There is no means of transportation outside the city, and they need to walk by themselves.

Li Qingyun didn't care about it before.But now he wanted Lin Qingwei to go with him, and he was very sorry.So, he was wondering if he wanted to find a chance to get some horses back.Anyway, this is not difficult for him.

Get a few horses back, and it will be much more convenient for them to travel by then.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt the need for it.If they had horses, they wouldn't have to be so troublesome at this time.

Ok.After Xie Xie took care of those people in the Ma family, he could really find a chance to take Niu Niu to catch the horse.

There are also many people coming and going from the east gate.Li Qingyun found that many people were pushing seafood to the city.

Although it is hundreds of kilometers away from the sea.

But obviously, in order to make a fortune, someone has already put their ideas there.

I heard that some big bosses even specially went to the Huaxia coastal area and invited some fishermen to come here to help.

As the pollution on the earth becomes more and more serious.Coupled with overfishing, it has become increasingly difficult for fishermen along the coast to fish in recent years.

To catch more fish, they had to travel farther into the deep sea.Not to mention that hard work, and sometimes danger.

Neighboring countries will find various reasons to arrest them from time to time due to the storms in the sea.

Therefore, many fishermen now want to change careers.

It's just that many of them have thrown half their lives at sea, so it's not so easy for them to change jobs.

Therefore, when they heard that there are a lot of seafood in the sea here in the Wulin Continent, many people were moved.

So they came to Wulin Continent with some tools, and then they began to cut down trees to build boats by themselves. Of course, at first, the boats they built would definitely not be too big.But even so, their gains are great.

Even in the offshore, they can catch a lot of fish and shrimp.

It's just that after the fish and shrimp are caught, it is not easy to transport them to Xinmin City.After all, it is more than 100 kilometers away from the sea.

Fortunately, those fishermen can directly drive their boats along the river to a pier not far from the city gate. If they have to transport them over a hundred kilometers, it would be no wonder that all the fresh food stinks.

But even so, they didn't even have a carriage or two.In many cases, it can only be transported to the city by manpower.

Fortunately, this seafood can be sold at a high price in Xinmin City.Many people are rushing to ask for it.

"Brother Qingyun, you bought your tuna and big lobster today from them."

"Yeah, I'm lucky. I met such a big guy. Hehe." Li Qingyun said with a smile.

He couldn't tell her that he caught it in the sea himself. If he really wanted to say that, she probably wouldn't believe it. Sometimes it's just so helpless, and when he tells the truth, some people believe it.

"I heard that it's a long way from the beach to here. It must have been very hard for them to transport it from there. If there is a good road, they will probably have it easier." Lin Qingwei saw those riding tricycles, pushing boards The person in the car couldn't help saying sympathetically.

Hearing what Niu Niu said, Li Qingyun couldn't help but keep this in his heart. He thought it was time for him to build some roads.

As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first.If we fix it, we will definitely be able to accelerate our development.

He didn't think of this before, but now he was woken up by Niuniu.Li Qingyun also felt that he was free, so he had to get some basic construction done.And he felt that if he wanted Xinmin City to develop rapidly.Livestock such as horses and cattle are also indispensable.

With horses and cattle, a lot of manpower may be saved in transportation and farming.

In the past, Li Qingyun couldn't find time to do these things, but even if he didn't have time now, it still had to be solved.Otherwise, it will greatly hinder the development of Xinmin City.

He worked hard alone, and the whole city was happy.It's a pity he did such a good thing.No one knows either.Therefore, he can only be an unsung hero.

But there is no way, Xinmin City is getting better and better to attract more people, especially now that the gravity here has increased, the number of people who come here every day has been greatly reduced.If he doesn't make some changes, it will greatly slow down the development of Xinmin City.

But even if he thought of these, he was not in a hurry to do it right away.Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't change anything for the time being, these people are used to it.Let them endure for a few more days.

The most important thing for him now is to have a good time with Niu Niu.

When he was at home, with those light bulbs around, even if he wanted to whisper something, there might be ears behind the walls.

Li Qingyun and the others quickly left the main force.

He left in a direction with fewer people.In this way, the people following behind will not dare to follow too closely.

Fortunately, here is a grassland, and the terrain is relatively flat.Even if there are some booklet bags are not high.

So they are not afraid of losing people.After all, they still have binoculars.With such an artifact in hand, there is no fear of losing it.

Li Qingyun is going to take Niu Niu to the beach this time.

He has prepared a yacht by the sea, and he can take her out to sea at that time.

Of course, a big guy like a yacht cannot be placed in a crowded place.Otherwise, I don't know how many people's attention will be attracted by negation.

After all, you know, you can't even drive in here for a car wash, and a yacht suddenly attacked, so it would be strange if it didn't attract attention.

The main thing is, if there is a yacht coming in, there is no reason why no one will see it.

Because this will definitely be a very sensational thing.

As for whether Niuniu will doubt it when the time comes, Li Qingyun doesn't care.Anyway, if the two of them are really together, she will definitely find some abnormalities in herself.Slowly expose her to some abnormalities, and wait until she gets used to it.

Li Qingyun and the others had a lot of time anyway, so they were not in a hurry, so they just thought they were out to play.

Niuniu just followed Li Qingyun, for her, as long as Li Qingyun was by her side, it would be fine.She doesn't want anything else.

Needless to say, she has a really big heart.I'm not afraid that Li Qingyun will sell her.

Well, Li Qingyun couldn't bear it.

The two of them walked forward while playing on the grassland. In an afternoon, they only walked more than ten kilometers.

When night came, Li Qingyun and the others came to a small river, and Li Qingyun and the others decided to camp here.

They pitched their tent on the south side of a hill by the river.It is only five or sixty meters away from the river.

This small river is not wide, only five or six meters wide, which is far worse than the river in the middle of Xinmin City.

So no one will come here.

The reason why Li Qingyun brought Niuniu here was because he planned to go down the river on an inflatable boat from here.This will be much faster.

And the inflatable boat, after deflated, is not too big, and Li Qingyun can carry it by himself.

"Brother Qingyun, what are we going to eat tonight? Why don't we catch some fish in the river."

"No hurry, we have guests coming, let's talk about it after I clean them up."

"Ah, who is it? Is someone coming to trouble us?" Niuniu could tell that it wasn't a guest, but an enemy.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Let them go at noon today. They don't know how to cherish it, so it's no wonder I'm there." Li Qingyun patted Niu Niu's little hand and said.

"Ah, you mean, is it the Ma family? I heard that the Ma family is very powerful. They used to be a family of martial arts, and there are more than a dozen masters at the peak of dark energy in the family."

It has to be said that now that the Wulin Continent came out, those previously unknown martial arts schools have also come into people's sight again.

And now they are much more high-profile in Xinmin City than they were on Earth.Many of them think that without those long guns and cannons here, this place will be their world again in the future, so many of their sects and families have moved their headquarters here.Of course, he did things with a lot of high profile.

Even a newcomer like Niu Niu can hear a lot of gossip about them.

(End of this chapter)

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