urban small world

Chapter 197 Solar Energy

Chapter 197 Solar Energy

The arrangement of the formation went smoothly. Without disturbing anyone, Li Qingyun arranged the formation and activated it.

Even when Li Qingyun made such a big deal, no one was alarmed, but the safety around Shenxian Mountain has been raised to the extreme.

Even if the United States throws nuclear bombs here frantically, it cannot hurt every plant and tree inside.

Of course.If they really want to do such a thing.Then Li Qingyun is not a good man and a believer, he will let them know the consequences of offending him.

Li Qingyun really wanted to take revenge on their words.You can completely kill them.

After that, Li Qingyun once again returned to the small town where the god lived.

Li Qingyun felt that he was too weak alone.He has to increase his strength.

The first thing Li Qingyun thought about was the puppets he found before.

Those puppets who are the worst are also much stronger than him.

So far, he has only let Li Di recognize the Lord alone.He didn't move the other puppets.

But now he feels that it is necessary to get a few more powerful puppets out. Anyway, in this small world, he is the boss. Will be a little more.

But unfortunately, there is no such existence here.And even if there really was such an existence, Li Qingyun didn't have that much time to make him recognize the master.

Li Qingyun knew that even if the other party didn't resist, with his current strength, it would take him two or three years to refine a god-level puppet.

After all, refining a puppet is not refining a storage ring, although the storage ring is also a god-level item.However, Li Qingyun just barely established a preliminary connection with it by using the method of blood refining.As a result, it is still very inconvenient to use.Didn't you see that Li Qingyun rarely used them?Most of the time, he stores things directly in the small world.

Anyway, for Li Qingyun, this small world is just an enlarged version of storage equipment.

But the puppets are different, they must be refined before they can be used.Otherwise, it is likely to backfire on the master.

Relatively speaking, those puppets in the Nascent Soul Stage or those in the Transformation Stage were Li Qingyun's best choice now.

He still has puppets like this ready-made here.

Therefore, Li Qingyun decided to spend a few days refining them.

But before that, Li Qingyun had to say hello to his mother, so as not to worry them.And Ye Bo and the others had to make some arrangements.

When Li Qingyun left here this time, he took two puppets from the Nascent Soul Stage and five puppets from the Transformation Stage with him.That's all, Li Qingyun couldn't handle it in half a month.

Of course,
There are only these last two puppets in the Nascent Soul Stage.Originally, Li Di was exactly three.There is one Yuan Ying Chu, middle and high.This may be their former owner.In order to be a nostalgia, I kept these three.

On the contrary, there are more people in the transformation stage.There are also many fairy ranks.Those puppets were probably made after the other party became a god.

Even Li Qingyun felt that these were just the other party's practice work.The real finished product, may not have been placed in this ring at all.Or it was used in the great war that year.But who knows.

Anyway, it's cheaper now, just Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun's first stop came to Xinmin City.

Since it was night, it was relatively quiet here.

Although for many modern people, leaving the electric light will make them very uncomfortable.

But many of them have embarked on the road of cultivation now.

Many times, at night, they start to practice, and when they open their eyes again, it will be dawn, so they will no longer feel bored.

But for those tourists, they are really not used to it.Fortunately, they knew some things at this time before they came, so they all made some preparations.

Therefore, when Li Qingyun came over, he found that there were sporadic lights coming from many of the houses below. Mobile phones, flashlights and so on were sold everywhere. Li Qingyun even found that some people brought some solar power panels in. There is not much electricity, but it is enough for the whole family to use by themselves.

When he came to the City Lord's Mansion, he found that this side was also brightly lit.

Li Qingyun was dumbfounded at the time, he hadn't come here for more than ten days, and their place had changed too much.

What are those solar panels on those palaces?Piece by piece, all the roofs are covered.What is this going to do?

Li Qingyun shook his head, and didn't care too much about it. Anyway, it was solar energy. When he got this small world, didn't he also get solar energy in.People are used to electric lights, and it's normal for them to get used to it if they stay in the dark.

For this kind of clean energy, Li Qingyun still has no objection.As long as they don't bring in polluting things, Li Qingyun has no problem.

When Li Qingyun came to the City Lord's Mansion, Ye Bo was having a meeting with some officials there.Gangzi is also there.I really don't know what kind of meeting they have at such a big night.

Li Qingyun heard it for a while before he knew it.They are discussing whether to fully install solar energy in Xinmin City.

After listening to it, Li Qingyun finally understood why there were so many solar panels in the City Lord's Mansion.

It turned out that a few days ago, someone from a company came to the door, saying that they wanted to provide electricity to the City Lord's Mansion for free.

At that time, Ye Bo thought about it and agreed, anyway, it was free.It would be a fool not to take advantage of it.

Anyway, he is the boss here. If the other party wants to make some unrealistic demands because of this, he can completely refuse, and he is not afraid that the other party will make some troubles.

It has to be said that the company's speed is still very fast. It took them less than five days to install solar panels on all the roofs of the City Lord's Mansion.

The wiring in the room is also carried out at the same time.So, today they finally have access to electricity.

Seeing the city lord bowing down into daylight, they were all very happy.Although this kind of situation is not a big deal outside, but in this martial arts continent, this is the first time they have seen such a bright hall at night.

And when the boss of that company met Ye Bo today, he told him that he wanted to install solar panels all over the city.But this time, of course, it's free.Now they know.It turns out that the city lord's mansion here is just a model, and it can be regarded as a kickback from them.

Hearing this, Li Qingyun knew what the boss was thinking.

He is completely advertising the City Lord's Mansion.If everyone is dark, then there is nothing to say, and no one has any ideas.But now here in the city lord's mansion, there are actually lights at night, so that other people will also want lights, after all, everyone is a modern person.It was a pain to be away from the lights.

So, as long as Ye Bo and the others don't object, then a lot of solar panels will come in.This is a blank market.If anyone wins this market, it can be said that it is really launched.

As for the city lord's mansion, it should be considered an advertising fee.

Using the City Lord's Mansion as an advertisement, I have to say that the boss of the company is still very smart.

The reason why Ye Bo and the others had a meeting here was because they didn't know what Li Tian would think. If he had any objections, it would be difficult for them to handle it.

But at this moment, Li Qingyun changed into Li Tian and appeared in the meeting room.

"There is no need to discuss about solar energy. Anyone who wants to install it can install it themselves. If those who rent houses want to install it, let them pay for it themselves, and we don't care. As for everyone here. After all, it is for this The city service. So, install an account in your home that allows you to go to the city lord's mansion. Ye Bo, you can decide for yourself."

Seeing Li Qingyun suddenly appearing here, those people were startled at first, but when they saw that Ye Bo and Liu Zhigang didn't react, the others didn't say anything although they were curious.

Among them, many of them saw Li Tian for the first time.In the past, when Li Tian appeared, he had the most contact with Ye Bo.Although they know that there is such a person as Li Tian, ​​there are not many people who have actually seen him.This time they finally know what a fairy is.

Hearing Li Qingyun's words, Ye Bo and the others didn't feel anything strange. They had seen such things a lot, and they got used to it.This is not the first time they have seen Li Qingyun's magic.

"Okay, since the master has said so, let's do this, you all go back first. Rest early, everyone." After listening to the master's words, Ye Bo said to the others.

"Okay, then we will leave." Although those people were very reluctant, they also wanted to get in touch with the gods more, but after all their identities made them dare not make mistakes, so they had to leave.

Li Qingyun couldn't help but feel very strange seeing those people leaving with fists in their hands one by one.These people are really different now.

They know that this society is similar to ancient times.So in many places, they all want to learn about ancient times.For example, etiquette, seeing them all wearing modern suits and making fists together, it is very contrary to harmony, okay?

Moreover, they are all modern people, who have been cultivated for decades in a world where everyone is equal. If they are really asked to bow down like the ancients, they really can't do it.

Anyway, Li Qingyun felt that their etiquette was messed up.But he didn't bother to take care of them.As long as they don't feel awkward.

"Just stay here." Ye Bo spoke again at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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