urban small world

Chapter 162 Guess and News

Chapter 162 Guess and News

It wasn't until someone discovered that some of the people wanted abroad were the same people they had been monitoring the past few days, did they feel that things might be beyond their control.

Originally, they were still wondering how those people disappeared from under their noses.At this time, they still have a lot of people scattered out, in order to find those people as soon as possible.After all, those people are not ordinary people, and if they make trouble, the loss will be great.

But at this time they realized that they had also lost contact with their own country.Then things get complicated.

Because there may be third-party forces involved.

As for who those people are?They don't know yet, but there is no shortage of smart people in this World Cup.

Soon someone thought about whether those people were taken care of by the people from Wulin Continent.

It is also possible to think about it.

After all, those people are not good at talking when they come here.They will definitely have conflicts with the Wulin Continent, and from the fact that the stone wall refuses non-Chinese people to enter, we can know that they have irreconcilable conflicts.

And up to now, their understanding of Wulin Continent is only superficial.As for the natives on the mainland of Wulin, they only know Li Tian.

But none of them would be foolish enough to think he was the only one there.

Therefore, they felt that there was a high chance that Wulin Continent would make the move this time.

Although many of them are also very annoyed that they are messing around in China without their consent, but they are just guessing at the moment, and there is no evidence that they did it. Even if they find it, no one else will. Will admit it, they can't help it.

It seems that this time they must take the blame, because at this time, even if they say it, no one will believe their words.Others will only think he is tired of talking nonsense.

On the contrary, in this way, people in the martial arts continent may be offended.This is not what those at the top want to see.

Regarding the existence of the Wulin Continent, they have thought about many possibilities. Although they don't know what kind of existence it is, they can know one thing. It must have been inextricably linked with Huaxia a long time ago. Relationship.

It can only be seen from the language used by the people inside.

And this time their opening is also open to the whole of China. In fact, several times the government has tried to control the stone wall and prevent ordinary people from entering, but every time they want to do this, There will be a voice in their hearts telling them that they cannot do this, or the consequences will be unbearable for them.

They still didn't dare to act too recklessly before they revealed the true strength of Wulin Continent.

Sure enough, they soon knew of Li Tian's existence. When they heard that Li Tian built a city after using it for less than a day, many of them were shocked.

If you want to build a city, even a small town, it won't take a day or two, let alone such a big city.

It's a pity that they are all just ordinary people, and they can't understand how powerful Li Tian is at all.

The more they don't understand, the less they dare to act rashly.

And this time, the reason why so many people were fully armed sneaked into the mainland of China.

In fact, if there is no Hua Xia who turns a blind eye or closes one eye, no fool would believe it.

It's true that they have come all the way, thousands of kilometers away, and they can't escape Huaxia's intelligence department.If this is the case, then China-Xia would have perished a long time ago.

Don't underestimate Huaxia's control over the country.

In fact, a large part of the reason why those people were able to come here is that the Huaxia civilization wanted to use their hands to explore the strength of the Wulin Continent.

Of course, they don't know, those people, but they saved, they can't get it, and they can't let Hua-xia get it. If they knew, they would definitely not dare to take such a risk. Fortunately, Li Qingyun discovered them in advance.That's how they got rid of them all.Otherwise, when the time comes, they will be sinners.

Of course, international events have nothing to do with Li Qingyun, since no one came to him anyway.He just threw those people into some no-man's land and left them alone.

While Li Qingyun was arresting foreigners there, the news of Wulin Continent and Xinmin City finally broke out in an all-round way.

Many people know that the first city in the Wulin Continent appeared.And it is a new city specially prepared for them.

This made some business-minded people start to act.

Especially those who used to guard the edge of the stone wall to collect supplies, this time, they are even more excited.

They are all people from various major forces. Of course, when such a major event happened, they would immediately send the news back.After that, many of them started to go to Xinmin City.They are going to take up land. After all, they are doing business, and geographical advantage is also very important.

And after the news spread, there were a group of warriors in many unknown places in China.

Usually they rarely appear in front of the public.The martial arts they know are not the performative martial arts that they often see on TV, but real martial arts, which have been handed down from ancient times.

For example, people are familiar with Wudang.Although it is now a tourist attraction.But few people know that there is a group of Taoist priests in the back mountain of Wudang, and they are the real people in power in Wudang.And those who usually appear in front of everyone are just some outer disciples.Although they know a little bit of kung fu, their strength is just that.

But real inner disciples rarely appear in front of ordinary people.

Wudang is also a martial art that has been passed down for hundreds of years.It used to be brilliant.

It's just a pity that for hundreds of years, wars have continued, coupled with natural disasters and man-made disasters, Wudang's cheats are also seriously lacking, and the aura of heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner.This makes the former Wudang no longer the grand occasion of the past.

And when the Wulin Continent first appeared, they paid attention to it, so they immediately sent people over there to investigate the situation.

In more than a month, they really got a lot of medicinal materials that they couldn't buy with money before.

And this more than a month can be said to be the fastest month for their Wudang strength to improve.With the continuously collected resources, many of them broke through.

Originally, they were wondering whether they should go there in person, but they didn't expect that at this time, a message came back.

It is said that someone from the Wulin mainland finally showed up, and it seems that they have no bad intentions towards outsiders like them.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to help them build the city.

In the past, they didn't go easily because they didn't know what kind of attitude the natives would have towards them.They didn't want to put themselves in danger, so they looked at it detachedly, so that they could not only get the news brought back by those ordinary people, but also get various resources in their hands.Although they need to pay some money, but based on their hundreds of years of accumulation, this is nothing.

Don't underestimate their hundreds of years of accumulation. The world's richest man is in front of them, and that bit of wealth is just a drop in the bucket.

In this world, the real rich are hidden behind the scenes, and they won't show up.

On the contrary, some famous people on the surface may be just one of their agents.

In fact, not only Wudang, but other martial arts sects also chose this way.For example, Shaolin, Kunlun Xianmen, and some martial arts families, they all chose this way.

And when they received the news from Xinmin City, their reactions were exactly the same.

That is to prepare to enter the Wulin Continent.

For these martial arts practitioners, their biggest pursuit is not to make the country rich and the people stronger, but to go further on the road of cultivation.The strength is even stronger.

Therefore, when they knew that the people on the Wulin mainland didn't yell at them, they were also moved.

Just listening to the name of that continent, Wulin Continent, one can know without thinking, there must be a lot of people who practice martial arts, and martial arts is not something that can be achieved behind closed doors. In many cases, it is necessary to break through in battle.Therefore, when they thought of fighting against some strong men in the Wulin Continent in the future, many of them felt excited.

Therefore, what Li Qingyun didn't know was that at the same time, a group of people came out from all over the country, some deep mountains and old forests.There are hundreds of them, and there are close to a hundred.

They add up to almost 4000 people.

They all came to the Wulin Continent.

These are most of the people who practice martial arts in China.Of course, what I'm talking about is real martial arts practitioners, not the three-legged cat martial arts taught by various martial arts gyms that can be seen everywhere on the street.

To be honest, most of them are stronger than Ye Bo and the others.Even the worst people are no worse than Ye Bo and the others.

The arrival of this group of people is also a challenge for Ye Bo and the others.If it is not handled properly, there may be troubles.

People in the rivers and lakes say that whoever has the biggest fist is right.Although those people are not known by ordinary people, they all know each other.

After all, people like them can't just bury their heads in cultivation.So they hold a martial arts conference every five years.Of course, this is different from the CCTV program.They set up the arena in some inaccessible places, and then sent their disciples to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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