urban small world

Chapter 149 Identity Card

Chapter 149 Identity Card

"Ah, master, don't let go, if I fall, I will become a meatloaf."

Suddenly being caught by Li Qingyun and flew up into the sky, Ye Bodong was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, as if he was afraid that he would fall if he moved.

Even Li Qingyun could feel the trembling in his body.

It is normal to have such a reaction when flying into the sky for the first time.After all, this time he didn't have any safety measures at all.It can be said that his safety is all in Li Qingyun's hands, as long as Li Qingyun let go of his hand, he will fall freely.

The most important thing was that Li Qingyun hadn't given him time to prepare his mind, and he had talked to him well just now, but suddenly he was caught and flew up.Anyone would be scared.

"You still have the guts to be the city lord, don't be ashamed."

"I didn't want to do it either. You insisted that I do it, okay?" Ye Bo muttered depressingly.

"What did you say?"

"No, master, let me tell you that you have profound magic power, are wise and martial, and are the master I admire the most. You are a role model for me to learn from. Hehe."

"Okay, don't be silly, go down."

"Ah, master, help me, I don't want to die."

"Don't worry, you won't die. How old you are, you can't calm down."

Ye Boxin said, how can I be so calm, now I am in free fall.I was so scared to death, why don't you play around like this.

"Hey, why didn't I feel any pain? After so long, I should have landed." Ye Bo couldn't help thinking with his eyes closed.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that he was floating one meter above the ground.

It was as if something invisible was supporting him beneath him.

But just when Ye Bo was rejoicing and thinking that the master still took good care of himself, he found that the invisible thing under his body had disappeared, and the next moment he directly had an intimate contact with the ground.

Because it was only one meter high, it didn't hurt to throw him, but the movement of the fall was ugly.

If someone saw him at this time, they would definitely think that he was walking carelessly and fell a shit.

While Ye Bo was very depressed, he was also very thankful that no outsiders saw this scene, otherwise, he, the city lord, would be ashamed.

"Master!" Ye Bo looked at Li Qingyun resentfully.He thought to himself, if the master treated him so much today, he might be complaining that he didn't tell him the truth a while ago.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. Therefore, Ye Bo, who thought he hadn't done well, didn't have any complaints. On the contrary, he was still a little excited in his heart.

That the master can treat him like this shows that the master still cares about him very much. What he fears most is that the master will not say anything. If that is the case, their relationship between master and apprentice may come to an end.

Now that the master can treat him like this, it shows that the master still values ​​him very much.

"Okay, this city lord's mansion will be your site from now on. I have prepared a few secret rooms for you. When you practice in the future, no one will disturb you when you practice. But now your main job is to recruit Some hands, let them manage the city, well, I left you a detailed map of the city over there, you can go and see for yourself.”

"Master, how do we rent those houses? How much is the rent and what currency is used?"

After all, Li Tian was the first person from the Wulin Continent he had ever met, and he didn't know what the currency was here.Maybe the red old man who can buy a lot of things in their eyes is just a piece of paper in the eyes of the other party.

Although he doesn't understand economics, he also knows that a sovereign country generally won't use other people's currency, except for those small countries, which have no economy at all.

Li Qingyun was really caught by the question all of a sudden. To be honest, he really hadn't thought about this question before.

After all, Li Qingyun used to be an ordinary dick. So, the issue of currency was only considered by the big figures in the country. He only needed to know how to use it.

If he is really a native of another world, maybe he will also consider this issue. The problem is that he is a native of Earth.

He has used the banknotes with the head of a great man for more than 20 years, and he is used to it.If Ye Bo hadn't brought it up, he wouldn't have thought about it at all.

Well, now he knows that he has to get his own currency system.

Otherwise, if you use the old man in red, then he is not directly exploited by Hua Xia.This is not what he wants to see.

And that would make people very suspicious of his identity.

"Well, currency is a complicated matter. It's too late now. You should rest first. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow."

"Okay, master, I'll see you tomorrow." Ye Bo didn't doubt Li Qingyun at all.If he knew that Li Qingyun had no idea about this at all, he would die of depression.

After Li Qingyun returned to his residence, he did not go to practice, but thought about what to use as currency.

First of all, the banknotes must have been rejected by him.

There are too many counterfeit banknotes, even if the outside world is so advanced in technology, they cannot escape the trouble of counterfeit money.He didn't think he could stop those fake guys.

Besides, Huaxia is now moving towards a cashless society. He feels that if he gets paper money, he will lose his face completely.

Afterwards, Li Qingyun thought that when he was reading novels, were there still so-called magic crystal cards in those fantasy continents?They are the same as bank cards on the earth, even more convenient than bank cards. Two cards can be traded face to face.

Why can't I make something like this myself.

And I have an advantage over others, that is, Tiandao here is my little brother.There is really no problem with using it as the data processing center.It can be said that Li Qingyun is completely overqualified.But he is so willful, who can control him.

After solving the problem of the data center, the problem of the terminal is simple.

He only needs to refine a batch of gadgets that can communicate with heaven at any time and find some simple numbers.

Yes, gadgets.A gadget that can recognize its owner with a drop of blood, it's not even a magic weapon.

Do whatever you want, Li Qingyun flew into a forest, and soon found a forest, it was a mutated sandalwood tree.

They have the fragrance of sandalwood, but the trees have a jade color.

To the touch, there is an essential delicacy.Using them as furniture is the best choice.

Moreover, Li Qingyun also discovered that this mutated sandalwood has a very good effect on nourishing mental power.

Wearing it for a long time can slowly increase mental power, which is very precious for some ordinary people or those who are just practicing.

Therefore, Li Qingyun is going to use them to make identity cards.

Li Qingyun's ID card is just like the ID card outside.People who enter the city in the future must have this ID card.

Especially for those who have settled down and joined Wulin mainland, they will have such a sign, which is a combination of identity card and bank card.

And some tourists can also have a temporary card, but when they leave, they have to return it.

Through this identity card, Tiandao can record their spiritual power, so their identities and contribution points can be checked through their spiritual power.Yes, Li Qingyun plans to use contribution points as currency in the small world.

Therefore, the key is not the card, but their spiritual power. Everyone's mental power fluctuations are different, so it will be safer to use it as a password.

Even for some tourists, if they have unused contribution points, next time they come, they can just take an ID card, and they can still check their own balance.

Many ordinary people are powerless to use their mental power, so Li Qingyun has to equip them with such a small thing.

I have to say that Li Qingyun's idea is very good.

There is no difficulty in implementing it, but the most depressing point now is that the identity card needs to be refined by himself.

Because, here, apart from himself, no one else can refine it.

This is a long-term job.

Just think about how depressed he is.Why do you want to find such a job for yourself?

But no one else can do this job except him.If he wants to be freed from this job, the best way is to train a few apprentices and hand over the job to them when the time comes.

But it is a pity that apprentices are not so easy to cultivate.

If you want to do this job, you must at least have the strength of Jindan, or according to the strength of a warrior, you must also achieve strength.

But now in the small world, apart from his parents, the most powerful person is Ye Bo. He is only in the middle stage of physical training, and he is far from Huajin.

There is no way, I pretended to be forced, and I had to finish the act with tears in my eyes.

Li Qingyun refined there all night, and a lot of identity cards were refined around him.There are probably more than 2000 pieces.This is also because it is very simple, you only need to describe a spirit-communicating formation on it.

On the contrary, it didn't take him much time to make a beautiful brand.

As soon as he thought about it, he saw a big tree, which was directly divided into pieces of wooden signs, and then a mysterious force carved them. In less than 10 minutes, thousands of signs were ready.

Instead, it took him a whole night to describe the formation later.Even so, there are still a bunch of signs beside him waiting for him to paint.

But now that it was dawn, he had no choice but to do this first. More than 2000 identity cards are enough for the time being.

At this time, he decided to find someone to test it first to see if his idea was feasible.

And this test subject, he had already thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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