Chapter 146
At this time, let alone the policemen, even the ordinary people around know that something big may happen soon.

After all, logically speaking, they all came here illegally, if no one finds out, then forget it.But now Li Tian, ​​looking at his ancient costume, can tell that he is not on the same side as them.

The contact between two civilizations is usually accompanied by war.Fighting for territory has never stopped since ancient times.

To be precise, they are considered to be invading now, and these policemen have gone to other people's territory to enforce the law. If they pursue it, it is unknown what the Huaxia government will choose.

But for some ordinary people, of course they don't want to see the war start, which is not good for them.In war, it is always the common people who suffer.Just look at what's going on in the Middle East.

Many people's peaceful lives were broken, and that's not enough. In the end, they became refugees. Not only did they not have enough food and drink every day, but they might even be despised and beaten away by others at any time.

Thinking of those scenes, many people shuddered, which made Li Qingyun next to him unable to understand them. Didn't he just say a few words, how could they all have such a big reaction.This is too exaggerated.

What I have to say is that those people's imagination is really too great, and Li Qingyun didn't bother to pay attention to them.

The reason why Li Qingyun stood up this time was because he wanted to arrange these people well. After all, they couldn't be allowed to occupy the entrance and exit all the time, it would have a bad influence.The best way is to take them out of here, and then let them go outside the forest to build a city or something.

Of course, in fact, he can also help them build it. Showing his 'miracle' in front of them may calm them down even more.

Of course, which method to choose at that time will be discussed at that time, and it will be up to them how they choose.

"Hmph, let's forget it this time, don't blame those who don't know, don't be an example." Li Qingyun snorted coldly.

Then with a wave of his hand, those policemen actually flew up, and the next moment, they were all thrown under the stone wall.

Those policemen didn't know that Li Qingyun wanted to drive them away.

Think about it, they are very depressed.Why are they always the ones who get hurt?

At first, they came over in police uniforms and did babysitting.But after they changed into casual clothes, it hadn't been many days before they encountered such a thing again.

Seeing the fugitives, they instinctively stepped forward to arrest them.

But I didn't expect that not only was he beaten up, but also the aborigines here were provoked.

If the aborigines came out at another time, they might still be very happy.But when he came out to warn them, they were not pleased.

Many of them are thinking, could it be that this place can't compete with their police-police criminals.Otherwise, why are they always the unlucky ones?

Li Qingyun didn't care what those people thought, who told them to attack Ye Bo.

After all, as Ye Bo was the first person to come to the small world, Li Qingyun still had a good impression of him.

What Li Qingyun didn't know was that his performance at this time was being recorded.Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care, since he wasn't using his true face anyway.And this was on purpose, if he didn't want to, those people would never have recorded it.

What Li Qingyun didn't expect was that those people misinterpreted what he said just now.When they released the video, the eyes of many fugitives couldn't help but light up.

The life of fugitives is not easy. They spend almost every day worrying about losing their nerve.I was afraid that one day when I woke up, I would be surrounded by a group of Tibetan policemen.

When they heard that the Wulin mainland police-police did not have the power to enforce the law, what would they think and what would they do?

Not to mention those fugitives, even some economic and political prisoners' eyes lit up at this time.Originally, they wanted to escape from the country, and this is the path that many seniors have chosen.Even if they are finally caught and brought back, at least they can spend a few years abroad in style.

But now they found the Wulin Continent, and once again heard the news that the police cannot enforce the law there.Wouldn't that be a better place for them?
When you go abroad, you are unfamiliar with everything, even if you have money, life will definitely be difficult.

But Wulin Continent is different.

It's a whole different world there.The most important thing is that there are still many Hua-xia people who have passed.When they get there, they can live in the same country as they can live in.

And in this way, if their family members want to see him, they can go to the Wulin Continent to see him, which is much better than fleeing overseas.

Therefore, after that, many fugitives took Wulin Danglu as a refuge.They all came quietly to Mori City.

However, very few of them were able to enter the small world in the end.

Not all fugitives are necessarily bad guys, after all.But the proportion of bad guys must be very large.

As long as they can pass through the heart training formation, Li Qingyun will let them in.Because those who can pass can still be regarded as good people. No matter what they have committed, Li Qingyun thinks that they can protect them.

Moreover, he also knows that this world is an unfair world. In many cases, those fugitives may also be framed. He has seen such things a lot.Especially in those turbulent countries, where there are guns and money, it is reasonable to offend them.Right also becomes your wrong.

In fact, such things exist in any country.

Of course, these are the aftermath.Li Qingyun couldn't figure out what would happen next.

So after he dealt with those policemen, he flew into the sky again.

His behavior immediately attracted everyone's attention. After all, this was the first time they had seen a human being able to fly in the air without any assistance.It's still exciting.

"Hello everyone, I already know where you are from. First of all, I would like to say to you, 'You are welcome to the Wulin Continent'. Maybe you don't know much about the Wulin Continent, so I will give you a general introduction now. .Everyone can just listen, but don’t talk. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Li Qingyun's words just fell.The crowd below became quiet all of a sudden, even the people who were whispering there just now also fell silent.

They could say that they had seen how powerful Li Qingyun was just now, and they wouldn't be so stupid as to go against him.Isn't that courting death?

"Very well, for the sake of everyone's cooperation, let me show you Puji first. This is the southern region of the Wulin Continent. It is a sparsely populated place. Before you came, there were no people around for thousands of kilometers. Living. Of course. Not living does not mean that no one will come.

From time to time, some people will come here to practice.So, if you meet them in the future, you have to be careful, and you must know that not everyone is as easy to talk to as I am. "

"It's just you, it's okay to talk, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year." Many people thought in their hearts, but they could only think about it, but no one dared to say it.

"Another point is that the Wulin Continent is very big. To be honest, I don't know how big it is. This is a world where martial arts are respected. There is everything with strength. Another thing is that forests generally represent danger. , because of the existence of the stone wall here, not many wild beasts come here, but you can't live here forever, so you'd better go outside the forest with me, and then you can build a city yourself as the best settlement point. Alright. Of course, you can also ask me to help you build it. But I won’t sell it for free.”

Some people heard that they could build a city here by themselves, and many people's eyes lit up.It can be seen that the land here is worthless. If real estate is engaged in here, it must be a very profitable industry.

Not to mention anything else, but the air here is much better than the earth.

But building some small villas, are you afraid that you won't be able to attract some rich people?

It has to be said that some of them are very business-minded.

But it's a pity that they were happy too early, Li Qingyun came from the earth, he still doesn't know what these people think.

If you let them go, he believes that it won't be long before they make this place completely unrecognizable.

"Of course, as the Duke of the Wulin Continent, you have to listen to me when you come to my territory. I can designate a place for you to build a city, but other unplanned places can't be messed up." If anyone dares to mess around, I will let him know that my guards are not vegetarian."

Hearing Li Qingyun's words, some people who were dreaming in their hearts became depressed all of a sudden.Just thought of a way to get rich, but it was so ruthlessly shattered, which of course made them very depressed.

Li Qingyun doesn't care what they think, anyway, this is his territory, and he has the final say on everything.

"Okay, that's it for now. If you don't understand anything, you can ask, but I may not answer."

Hearing Li Qingyun's words, many people felt that these words were so familiar.How do they feel that this is what those bigwigs on earth often say when they answer reporters.Could it be that he has been to the earth?

Come to think of it, it's not impossible.

After all, they can all come from the earth, why can't they go to the earth.This is not a very normal thing.

(End of this chapter)

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