urban small world

Chapter 144 Barracks and Protests

Chapter 144 Barracks and Protests

In fact, many times, Li Qingyun had the opportunity to save them, but he didn't do that.

In fact, except for the first few days, he rarely interfered with the development of the small world.

Whether those humans were injured or died, or the animals in the small world were slaughtered, he didn't care too much, and let them develop naturally.

Although the small world is his, he doesn't want to be a nanny all the time.

To explore a world is to pay the price of blood, otherwise, everyone has become an explorer.That's obviously unrealistic.

That would feel unreal.

And there are still few people now, Li Qingyun may take care of them, in case there are more people in the future.He couldn't do nothing every day, just stare at them.

Although he wanted to bring in people, he never said that he would be a nanny for them.

Even in the future, he won't show up often.Anyway, now that the news has spread, even without him, there will be a steady stream of people coming in.

All he needs to do now is to work hard to improve his strength, otherwise, one day, those people's cultivation will surpass him, it will be bad.

Of course, the possibility of this is very low. After all, the resources in his hands are not comparable to those people.And as the master of a world, even if the cultivation of those people really surpassed him, they would not be his opponents in this world.

But Li Qingyun didn't want to really see such a situation.That would be embarrassing, okay?

It has to be said that human beings, as the master of all spirits, really have their reasons.

In the past half month, he felt that the growth of the small world was accelerating day by day.

This is only the reason why there are only thousands of human beings living in the small world every day. What if there are tens of thousands, or even 100, [-] million human beings living in this small world.In that way, I don't know how fast the small world will grow.Excited just thinking about it.

And when he was excited, he started to feel depressed again.

In the past, for the sake of mystery, he took the stone wall to such an inaccessible valley. The mystery is a mystery, but now he discovered that there are some bad things about the stone wall.

At least it is inconvenient in terms of transportation.It is a problem for many people to go down to that valley.

And the valley is still deep in the mountains and old forests.It's not so easy to walk along the way.It is precisely because of this that there are so few people who come to the small world every day.

If he had put the stone wall in the city, it would have been a completely different situation.

If he really wants to put the stone wall in the city, it is estimated that every weekend, those parents will say to their sons and daughters: "Go, baby, Dad will take you to travel to another world."

In that way, not to mention 1 people a day, even hundreds of thousands a day is normal.

Unfortunately, Li Qingyun didn't do that.

Everything has two sides.

If he put that stone wall in the city, it might scare a lot of people.

Some timid ones thought it was an alien invasion.

But it is different in the deep mountains and old forests.

The stone wall is completely embedded in the mountain, and it grows there naturally.

Even if the entrance was discovered at that time, many people would not think about whether the entrance has always been there.It's just that it hasn't been discovered before.

Some people even wonder if it is the Paradise of Paradise in ancient Chinese legends.

It has to be said that such a statement is still very marketable.

This is very similar to the legendary Dongtian Paradise.And the most important thing is that most of the animals they met inside can be found on the ground, which shows that it also has a certain relationship with the earth.

No, now there are many biologists, botanists, and zoologists who are going to explore it.Of course, there is a country behind it.

The country has more than just such a little action.Now an army dispatched by the country has arrived in Sen City, and they are currently stationed in a valley at the foot of Shenxian Mountain.As long as there is an order from above, they can quickly control the entire entrance.

And if you pay attention, you will find that some construction tools have begun to be stationed at the foot of Shenxian Mountain.

It's not that the boss has a unique vision and wants to occupy the territory. This is because the country is planning to build a military camp there.

After understanding the situation for so long, the country knows that there is a large piece of land behind the stone wall. If they can occupy that side, there will be many benefits.

It's just that those lands are worth a lot of money, not to mention that there are a lot of medicinal materials growing on them.If you really want to count it, that paradise can be said to be priceless.

If they can find out how it exists, then they won't have to worry about the land in the future.

Obviously, any fool can see the benefits here.

In the past half a month, they even caught a lot of spies.Therefore, it is normal to send an army over.

As for the international protests, they didn't make any sense this time around, they just protested, who cares, they protested a lot in the past, and they didn't see anyone else caring.This time the feng shui turned, and it was their turn to ignore the protests of others.

No, in order to firmly hold this blessed land in its hands, the country began to build a military camp around the Immortal Mountain.After all, there are tens of thousands of people, even if each battalion establishes one base, it will require dozens of bases.It is completely enough to surround this fairy mountain one by one.

In addition to building the barracks, cultivation has also entered the construction stage at the same time.

It has to be said that the country really wants to do one thing, and the speed is not so fast.

In normal times, just surveying, design, land purchase, and construction, it would take a year or two to complete.But now.When he really wanted to do it, it was only half a month.Construction has started.

Of course.For this reason, some villages around Li Qingyun and the others also made a small fortune this time.

Not to mention, the entrance fee for those who enter the mountain is the land expropriation of the country, and this time they also made a lot of money.

Because whether it is a military camp or a road, it must be built immediately, so when the state expropriates it, it also pays a high price.

Anyway, Li Qingyun heard from his father that their family received more than [-] yuan.

In the past, they would have been happy for so much money for nothing, but now, Li Youde and the others didn't care at all.After all, it was just that treasure shop that brought them so much income every day, so why would they care about that little money.

If Li Youde's thoughts were known to the villagers, they would probably be depressed to death.When, the more than [-] yuan was just a small amount of money.

Although Li Youde and the others don't care anymore, the other villagers are happy.Regarding this point, Li Youde also praised Li Qingyun once.

If others don't know, he doesn't know yet.The reason why they got such a large sum of money was all because of Li Qingyun.If it wasn't for Li Qingyun to put the entrance of that small world here, where would it be their turn to do such a good thing.

When Li Qingyun said that he wanted to stay at home and lead the village to make a fortune, he still didn't believe it.

What he didn't expect was that Li Qingyun's words at that time had come true in just over a month.Seeing that the village is getting better every day, Li Youde is of course very happy.

After all, he grew up here since he was a child, and he also wants the village to become better and better.

It's just a pity that only one person can be happy about such a thing, and can't tell the outside world. Besides, even if he tells the outside, no one will believe him.

This time Hua-Xia made such a big noise, of course it was soon picked up by some foreign spies.In fact, even if they don't inquire, as long as they turn on the computer every day, they can find a lot of information.

When they reported the information, no one believed it at first.

Are you kidding me, I thought I was making a movie.There will be a new world behind the stone wall, how is this possible.But within a few days, when more and more information appeared in front of them, they couldn't believe it and had no choice.

In particular, some big countries have specially sent their own satellites, and then tracked the address on the intelligence for several days.

When they saw people one by one, they really disappeared from the stone wall and came out again.And those who come out often bring some things with them in big bags and small bags. Every person who comes out will be surrounded by a group of people outside and start to negotiate the price. If those people are satisfied, they will bring the things they brought out. sell to those people.

The earth's area is limited, and now the earth's population is increasing, but the earth's resources are becoming less and less.If this continues, I don't know when the earth will be destroyed by the hands of human beings.

Now when they hear that there is a new world, and they just need to have a little courage, they can go to that new world.

Anyone will be tempted.

But what they want to know most now is how big the world behind the stone wall is.How many resources are there.If it's too small, forget it.But if the world inside is so big, maybe they have to find a way to get a share of it here.

But it is a pity that this time, Hua-xia seems to value it very much. When some countries proposed to go there for scientific research, Hua-xia directly refused.

They even captured some of the spies they sent over.No, they protested against Hua Xia internationally, but it was a pity that Hua Xia directly ignored their protest.After all, many times, some things can be done, but it is better not to bring them to the public.

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(End of this chapter)

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