urban small world

Chapter 135 Barbecue (2 more)

Chapter 135 Barbecue (Part [-])
Gangzi was also blushed all of a sudden, what's going on.Could it be that I am going to be lucky?

Seeing Li Qingyun blinking at him, Gangzi stared back at that time.But no matter how you look at it, he just got cheap and acted like a good boy.

Without Gangzi, Li Qingyun could only find a wounded person to help him away.Although he doesn't know the other party, in this case, he must reach out to help.

And in the eyes of most people, Li Qingyun was one of the few people who was protected. It can be said that the reason why these people were injured was to protect them.

Therefore, at this time, if Li Qingyun didn't do something, he would probably be scolded to death by others.

When we went back, because of the wounded, of course we couldn't pick up the speed.I have been walking for an hour, and I have only walked half of the distance.

Fortunately, they didn't encounter any dangers along the way, otherwise, most of them would have collapsed.

"Stop, there is movement ahead, everyone hides." At this moment, Fang Xiaomao, who was walking in the front, made a gesture to stop advancing.

Those veterans were scattered in the crowd. At this moment, they saw Fang Xiaomao's movements, and immediately whispered to the people around them.

It may be that more than a dozen of them were recognized by everyone during the fight with the wolves just now, so when they returned, they seemed to be the leaders of the team.

Hearing their words, everyone quickly hid behind the trees or in the grass.

In this jungle, a lot of grass is deeper than people, so if people squat inside, it is really not easy to be found.

And at this time, 50 meters away from their team, there were more than 30 people hiding behind a tree.

Those people were the late policemen.

They came in several hours later than Li Qingyun and the others.And they are few, so they are not separated.

Along the way, there were no major troubles, but they encountered a lot of small troubles.

All the way here, they all suffered a lot.

At this time, they found that there was a lot of movement in front of them.Because they didn't know what was there, they didn't dare to move forward rashly.

Fang Xiaomao could find them, how could they say, they all graduated from the police academy, so how could they not find out what was going on with Fang Xiaomao and the others at this time.

Just because neither side knew the other, both sides stopped unexpectedly, and then no one moved first.

This made Li Qingyun feel very funny.Others don't know what's going on, but he can see clearly.

But he can't say it yet, after all, it's not easy to explain it.

He didn't want to draw too much attention, and he wasn't in a hurry anyway.

After Fang Xiaomao let people hide, he brought his two brothers forward and touched it. He wanted to check it out.And at the same time those policemen also chose to do so.

Soon, the two sides saw each other after walking more than 20 meters away.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the other party was a human being and not a beast.

Of course, it was Fang Xiaomao and the others who breathed a sigh of relief.But the policemen looked at them as if they were on the verge of an enemy.

Who let them get a lot of blood on their bodies?Who knew who they were, and what if they were murderers.

But Fang Xiaomao and the others didn't realize this. When they saw the police, it was as if they saw their relatives.

"Comrade police, it's great to see you, come quickly, we have many wounded here."

"Ah, you stop, don't come over, first tell me, what's going on with you, who are you?"

As the policemen said that, they subconsciously groped for the place where the guns were placed, but when they found that the place was empty, they remembered that those guns were not brought in.

"Comrade policeman, don't get excited. We are Chinese citizens. We were attacked by a pack of wolves. Many people were injured, and a few people died. They need help." Fang Xiaomao and the others were not angry at all.They briefly introduced the matter, then pointed behind them and said.

Because it is not far from here, the people behind their conversation heard it. At this time, they all walked over here slowly.

Sure enough, the policemen looked over and found that many people were covered with blood, and many people were still tied with gauze.

After all, when going out for an adventure, most people would prepare some first aid items.

Well, seeing their miserable appearance, those policemen finally believed them.

Come to think of it, these are the people who came in early.

These are just some ordinary people, and it is a dangerous thing to come to such an unknown world.Even they have encountered some small dangers, let alone these ordinary people.

But as the police, what else can they do at this time? When encountering such a thing, they can only save people first.

In fact, it is not that no one has suggested that the police and soldiers should block the valley and prevent ordinary people from entering.But now that the news has spread all over the country, it is not so easy to block it.

At least those who discovered the secret of the stone wall first would not agree to leave.

In many cases, their starting point is good, but they cannot be understood by the public.There is nothing they can do.

But when things happen, they often have to wipe their asses. Sometimes, being a policeman is very helpless.

With the help of these police officers, their speed was finally much faster.

Because I couldn't explore anymore, on the way back, the policemen also started asking everyone about what they had just encountered.

This way at least some information can be obtained.It's good to have information to report when I go back, right?

There was also a policeman next to Li Qingyun befriending him.

However, Li Qingyun deliberately leaked it.The policeman has a lot of information.For example, some habits of animals here, and the types of animals found.There are also some herbs that can be seen everywhere in the forest, Li Qingyun told the policeman about them.

The policeman was very excited. He didn't expect that he could find out so many things.

And most importantly, he also got a memory card from Li Qingyun.In that memory card, there are some video materials of their itinerary today. It is also very useful to take this thing back.

The reason why Li Qingyun told him something.That was also on purpose.

His purpose is to attract more people to come in.

As long as there are benefits, the danger is nothing.Are there few people who are desperate for money?

Instead of robbing the bank, it's better to come here and fight.As long as you are lucky and get some good medicinal materials, you can get a lot of money in exchange.

This is much faster than robbing the bank to get money, and it is also safer.

Robbing a bank has a very low success rate and survival rate, but looking for medicinal materials is different. As long as you don't encounter powerful animals, you won't be too dangerous if you don't.

I believe that if those people outside know the news, they will definitely attract some people to come in to pan for gold.

Police are human too.Who would have trouble with money?

Although they are civil servants, their salaries are really not high. For many people, it is a problem to buy a house.Let's be corrupt, you are fighting for your own future and life. Most people who are corrupt don't have a good end in the end.

But if they tell the family about the news, they will make money if they find some herbal medicine here.

Li Qingyun didn't believe that none of them were tempted.

As long as there are more people, Li Qingyun can start the next plan.

The policeman didn't know that he had become Li Qingyun's pawn, and through him, many people were attracted to him.

Soon, the group of them returned to the stone wall.At this time, there were also some people on the other side of the stone wall. I don't know if they just came in or came back from the exploration.

When they saw the miserable appearance of Li Qingyun and his group, they were all terrified.

Especially when they saw that there were still people dead here, for many of them, this also sounded the alarm in their hearts.

It has to be said that the death of a person still has a great impact on everyone's hearts.

Although everything is good in this unknown world, dangers are everywhere.Let many of them be more careful in their future actions.

But those five wolves also made many people jealous.

The wolf fur is very beautiful, at least much better than the wolf fur on the earth.

But this is all in exchange for other people's lives, and they didn't mess around.Besides, there are dozens of policemen here.Even if they have an idea, they dare not say it.

It has to be said that the police still have a great deterrent effect in their hearts.What they didn't realize was that this wasn't Earth anymore.The police have no law enforcement power at all.

After such a big incident, many people also decided to go back to recuperate, and those dead people also need to be taken out.You can't just leave them here.

But obviously, these are the things of the police.

The five wolves were also killed and divided.A wolf weighs about 130 catties, and five wolves weighs [-] catties. Even including those policemen, Li Qingyun and the others only have more than [-] people, and each of them can get about four catties.

But in the end, everyone discussed it and gave a wolf to other people around to let them taste it too. In the end, each of Li Qingyun and the others only got two catties of meat.

But even so, many people are very happy.

This is the first time they have eaten meat from this world.I don't even know what it tastes like.

Li Qingyun took Gangzi and the two girls to the side, took out the meat they shared, and lit a fire to roast it.

Soon the bursts of meaty smell wafted out.

This caused many people around to follow suit and start grilling meat.

(End of this chapter)

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