urban small world

Chapter 133 3 Kill

Chapter 133 Three Kills



No one thought that Gangzi would get the double kill so quickly.

I have to say that his double play gave everyone a lot of encouragement.

From this point of view, these wolves are not so powerful.Killed so easily.

It has to be said that many people's self-confidence is infinitely inflated at this time.Some of them think that Gangzi can do things, why can't they do it.

But it is good to have confidence, but sometimes, too blind confidence is arrogance.That's going to happen.

At this time, even the people in the first echelon in front had to look at Gangzi with admiration. They didn't expect that Gangzi, an ordinary person, would get a double kill all at once, which also aroused their desire to win.

So they all pulled out all the stops and started to deal with the wolves in front.

In fact, the confrontation between the two sides was also very short, but it only lasted more than a minute.Even so, more than 30 people in Qingyun's team were injured.

So far, none have died.But there are six or seven people seriously injured, if they don't get medical treatment.Whether they can survive it is hard to say.

And at this time, anyone who cared would find out that those who were seriously injured were the same guys who said they were going to feed those girls to wolves.

Of course, this was the result of Li Qingyun's intervention.

Of course, except for himself, no one knew what was going on with him.

Because in the eyes of others, Li Qingyun without a knife is the oil bottle in their team.If Gangzi hadn't been there, maybe they would have treated Li Qingyun.

It was Gangzi's double kill that made them dare not do anything to Li Qingyun.Therefore, in this way, Li Qingyun has time to do what he wants to do.

"Ah. My hand."


At this moment, Li Qingyun heard several screams reaching his ears.

No need to look, he knew that it was just a few guys who saw Gangzi taking a double kill and thought they were no worse than Gangzi, who had just come into contact with the wolf, and they were defeated like a mountain.There was even a man who had an arm bitten off by the wolf.

What an unlucky boy.So, being jealous or something is not a good thing.Otherwise, the unlucky one is still himself.

Although Li Qingyun could save them, why did he save them?

At first glance, they are the kind of narrow-minded people, and they may not appreciate it if they are saved at this time.

Don't ask them to trouble Gangzi at that time, that would be bad.

Of course, Li Qingyun didn't intervene this time, because Li Qingyun knew that they would pay the price for their arrogance. Sure enough, their screams at this time proved that Li Qingyun's vision was still very good.

At this time, Gangzi also discovered the abnormality of the knife in his hand.

He is not blind.It's not like he couldn't see what the knives in the hands of those people beside him showed.But the reason why he was able to win the double kill was entirely because of this knife.

Because only he himself knew that when he chopped those two wolves, it was like cutting tofu.Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, he thinks it is no more difficult than cutting tofu.

Gangzi couldn't help but glanced back at Li Qingyun.

When he saw Li Qingyun looking at him with a smile, he couldn't help being taken aback.

At this time, he can still laugh, which really convinced him.

He is very confident in himself.Still have confidence in this knife.Thinking about it now, it was Li Qingyun who stopped him from buying the machete that those people brought over.Could it be that Li Qingyun knew the power of this knife from the very beginning.

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.He couldn't help thinking, it seems that his childhood playmate also has his own secret.But he doesn't care.Who doesn't have any secrets of their own?Besides, didn't he himself have secrets that he didn't tell him.

"Be careful, there are wolves coming again." Li Qingyun couldn't help but reminded when he saw that Gangzi was in a daze.

"Ah. Kill." The next moment, Gangzi realized, how could he be distracted at this time, it is very dangerous, okay?Then slowly think about what to do next, there is no need to be distracted at this time, he doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of those around him.

This time, Gangzi is more confident. Since he has such a precious sword in his hand, what is he afraid of.Therefore, he chose to take the initiative.

Sometimes self-confidence is also very important.Although being too confident is arrogance.However, Gangzi held the treasured sword in his hand at this time, coupled with his self-confidence, the lethality increased linearly.

Although the third wolf was not as aggressive as the previous two, it chose to fight. As the saying goes, a good defense is an offense. At this time, Gangzi is attacking with all his strength. The so-called defense for a long time will lose, no, the third wolf Even if it was dedicated to Youdou, it was accidentally caught by Gangzi and slashed on his front paw.

Although it was just a small wound, but if it hurts the foot, it will affect the speed.So, next, it couldn't dodge Gangzi's two knives.In the end, he gave Gangzi another kill.

Li Qingyun was very satisfied with Gangzi's performance. He felt that Gangzi was very suitable for learning sword skills. It seemed that he had to prepare a secret book of sword skills for him.

Fortunately, he has collected a lot of cheats, it can be said that there are eighteen kinds of weapons, all of which he has invented.

After all, people who practice step by step from the bottom make up the majority.There are very few naturally powerful beings.


Suddenly a wolf howled.Obviously, Gangzi successfully attracted the attention of the wolf king.It won't work if you don't pay attention.It only has more than 30 subordinates in total, and now Gangzi killed one-tenth of its subordinates by himself, how could he be angry.

The consequences of the wolf king's anger were very serious, so after it barked, the three wolves on the side left their opponents and ran towards Gangzi.

If those wolves hadn't left, maybe some of them would have joined the seriously wounded, and might even be added to the death list.

That's right, finally, after 3 minutes of fighting, death also appeared on the human side, and not just one person, but two people died,
After all, death is actually very close to people, often, it only takes a second.Accidentally injured to the vitals, it is very difficult to survive.

So, seeing the wolf in front of him run away, the people beside him all breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and even one person sat on the ground with his ass. He was frightened, because he found out just now So close to death.He was regretting why he came here when he had nothing to do.

Knowing that this is an unknown world, they still boldly ran into the depths of the forest, they are courting death.

As for their "savior" Gangzi, then he had no choice but to say treasure to him.If he can persevere in living, and if he can escape from Ascension today, then let's say thank you to the other party.

But unfortunately, he didn't know if he could hold on until that day.

After all, how many of them can get out alive today is still unknown.

It's no wonder he thought so, only after they had actually fought those wolves would they know how powerful they are.Even if they were about the same, if three of them fought against one wolf, they could only protect themselves. Even if they were not careful enough to seize the opportunity, their lives would still be in danger.

Gangzi didn't expect that just after he killed the third wolf, three wolves rushed towards him the next moment.

It almost didn't scare him to pee.After all, he is just an ordinary person.He has never learned any exercises, and at this moment, facing their siege, he doesn't know if he can stop it.

Sure enough, when the three wolves came to besiege him, Lie's defensive area was greatly increased.And these guys are smart enough to know where to attack him.

In this way, of course, his knife screen cannot surround his whole body.

When he was trying his best to block one wolf, another wolf rushed forward from a place he couldn't see.

By the time he found out, it was too late.The next moment, Gangzi flew into the air.

This is because those wolves didn't dare to waste time, but just knocked him into the air.Because they were afraid to bite him with their mouths, he stabbed them with a backhand knife.

How those companions in front died, they could see clearly.

It can be said that what they are afraid of is not Gangzi, but the knife in his hand.

Gangzi did a trapeze for free, and his whole body is not well.

He felt like his back was going to fall apart.

I really don't know why those wolves have so much strength, and they hurt him just all of a sudden.Now he can't exert his full strength.Now it's really dangerous.

Not only he thought so, but some people around him also thought so, and even those girls, seeing that Gangzi was injured, couldn't help but feel desperate.

I have to say that Gangzi killed three wolves in a row just now, but it gave them a lot of confidence. Some of them even wondered if they could consider letting Gangzi be their boyfriend.

It has to be said that beauties love heroes, which has not changed for thousands of years. Strong men will always attract beauties more.

Isn't there a saying that men conquer the beautiful women by conquering the world, and beautiful women conquer the world by conquering men? This is not unreasonable.

And the direction Gangzi was shot flying just now was Li Qingyun's side.

Li Qingyun couldn't help shaking his head, if he hasn't practiced, he hasn't practiced.If Gangzi had learned kung fu or saber techniques before, he wouldn't be in such a mess at this time.When dealing with a wolf, it may be possible to hack the opponent to death with a random knife.pity.
(End of this chapter)

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