urban small world

Chapter 1322 Leave

Chapter 1322 Leave
As a result, even the only city in this secret realm looked very desolate. In broad daylight, few people could be seen on the street.

How could this make Lin Qingwei happy.

But this can't be blamed on Li Qingyun, he didn't know the situation here before he came in.

He thought that this place was similar to the Shennong Secret Realm.Who would have thought that the cultivation ethos here is even better than that of Shennong Secret Realm.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun and Lin Qingwei didn't have to stay here every day, they were only going to leave after playing for a few days, I really don't know how those people here have lived for so many years.

Everyone has their own way of life, and many people have been used to their way of life since they were young. Therefore, if Lin Qingwei and the others are not used to it, it does not mean that others are not used to it.

According to Li Qingyun's observation, the lives of those people here are quite satisfied.

Instead, let the people here return to Earth, so they won't get used to it.After all, the current pace of life on the earth is too fast, and many people living in modern times are not used to it, let alone these people.

A week later, Li Qingyun took Lin Qingwei back to the top of the snow mountain. If he guessed correctly, the entrance and exit of this secret realm will be opened today.Then they can go back.

When Li Qingyun and the others came, they didn't find anyone nearby.

When they left last time, they saw someone coming, and they didn't know where they went.

It is very likely that they went somewhere to play.

After all, this place is all white, and after a long time, it is not good for the eyes. Of course, they are not willing to keep them here every day.

At most, they will come over to guard when the secret realm is opened.Normally, they would leave here too.

Li Qingyun and the others didn't have to wait long before they discovered the anomaly in the sky.

This time without Li Qingyun's reminder, Lin Qingwei knew that this was a sign of the opening of the entrance to the secret realm.

Seeing this, Lin Qingwei also had a happy smile on her face.

There's no way, these days, except for a few fights with those humans and monsters, which made her a little happier, nothing else made her happy.

She was of course very happy when she thought that she would be able to go out soon.They finally don't have to stay here anymore, and she can go back to that colorful world again.It's exciting just thinking about it.

This is like what is said on the Internet, if a person living in a modern city lives as a hermit in those deep mountains and old forests, he cannot play mobile phones and has no electricity, and he will be given 1 yuan a month.

Although 1 yuan is not much, it is still much higher than the wages of most people in China, but how many people are willing to do so.

After all, modern people cannot do without their mobile phones. Let alone not being allowed to use mobile phones, they will feel that something is missing if the mobile phone is away from them for a few minutes.

On the other hand, Li Qingyun was not as urgent as Lin Qingwei.

After all, Li Qingyun is also a fairy anyway, he is not dependent on technological products such as mobile phones, and it doesn't matter to him whether he has a mobile phone or not.

And at this moment, Li Qingyun suddenly glanced into the distance.Because he found out that there were a few more people flying over there.

And at this time, the entrance and exit above their heads has not been fully revealed, and they cannot leave at this time, otherwise, God knows what will happen.

Anyway, Li Qingyun would not take Lin Qingwei to take this risk.

But it didn't matter, Li Qingyun waved his hand directly, and the two of them became invisible. Even if those people came to them, it was impossible to find them.

After all, the gap in cultivation between them is too great.

The two are simply not comparable.

Yes, those who came were the ones guarding the entrance and exit of this secret realm, and they also counted the time to come here.

Soon, those people came near Li Qingyun and the others. Of course, Lin Qingwei also found them, but Lin Qingwei didn't care about them.Because she knew that Li Qingyun would take care of everything.

Sure enough, after those people came over, even if they were less than 100 meters away from them, they could see each other clearly with the naked eye, but the other party did not notice them, as if in their eyes, Li Qingyun and the others did not exist.

It was not the first time Lin Qingwei had seen Li Qingyun's methods, and to her, this was no longer a novelty.

After those people came over, the entrance and exit above the sky were completely opened. Li Qingyun was not in the mood to stay here, so he flew up directly with Lin Qingwei.

And the puppet guarding outside didn't show up at this time, because Li Qingyun had informed him just now not to come out.

So as not to be discovered by the people below.

Li Qingyun and the others don't want people to know that they have been here, it's better not to alarm those people.

Li Qingyun and the others flew out in front of the people in the Tianshan Secret Realm, but they didn't react at all.

They were obviously used to the opening of the entrance, and didn't pay much attention to it.

Li Qingyun even found out that none of them wanted to come out through that entrance to have a look.

I don't know if they have a rule not to come out.Or they didn't want to come out.But it doesn't matter anymore.

Li Qingyun was not curious about this.

Li Qingyun believed that it would not be long before the Tianshan Secret Realm would follow the Shennong Secret Realm, and everyone would 'mysteriously' disappear.

Because Li Qingyun had set it up before leaving, the teleportation array in the Tianshan secret realm would be exposed to everyone that night.

Although the status of the monsters in the Tianshan Secret Realm was not high, Li Qingyun still took a fancy to them.

After all, there are also some monsters that only appear in Chinese mythology.It would be a pity to abandon them, so Li Qingyun did not change the conditions for opening the teleportation array.This will also allow those humans to have to take those monsters with them when they evacuate.

And the monsters in Li Qingyun's small world are of course Li Qingyun's.This has made a great contribution to enriching the species in his small world.

Of course, because Li Qingyun and Lin Qingwei left, as for how those humans or monsters would react when they discovered the teleportation array, they didn't know.

After all, it's been half a month since they came out, and it's unknown if the two little guys at home have had a falling out.They don't want to stay in the Tianshan Secret Realm to watch the show.

If they want to watch a play, they can watch it in Li Qingyun's small world.

When they really teleport over, there will definitely be many stories.

(End of this chapter)

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