urban small world

Chapter 1294 Brute force cracking

Chapter 1294 Brute force cracking
And those who can see its existence in advance before the restriction is launched are also experts in this field. For such an existence, the restriction is probably just a decoration, and it will not have any effect at all.

Just like Li Qingyun.At that time, Li Qingyun quietly entered and exited countless times, without being noticed even once.

In fact, the prohibition here is not very strong.

After all, before those people left, there were always people guarding here.

That prohibition is nothing more than an early warning.

If someone forcibly breaks in, the ban will make a lot of noise.At that time, those who force their way in may face the siege and interception of the whole city.Ordinary people really don't have anyone who can easily escape.

It was precisely this that gave Li Qinglin and the others a chance to break in.

Because the humans here have all left, even if they make a big noise, no one will come over.

Of course, Li Qingsong and the others also discovered that the restriction was not strong.

If it is normal, if there are people here, they may not dare to mess around.

After all, everyone knows that this Sutra Pavilion must be a very important place. Generally speaking, the guards at this time are very strict.

But it wasn't that there was not even a single figure, and Li Qingsong and the others were really curious, so at this time, they decided to open the restriction and take a look inside.

Although they also learned some formation knowledge from Li Qingyun, it's a pity that they didn't learn very well.

Of course, these are Li Qingyun's original words, but they feel that they have learned it well.

At least in the Wulin Continent, they can be regarded as good learners.But from Li Qingyun's point of view, they just chose the taller one from the shorter ones, and Li Qingyun didn't like it at all.

No, they don't understand the restriction in front of them now, so in the end they can only use brute force to destroy it.

There are six people in their group, except for Li Shuisheng who is still a martial artist in the Huajin stage, the rest of them are all in the Baodan state.

They have nothing else, but they still have brute force.

In addition, they still know a little knowledge of formations, so after they inspired the restriction, after half an hour of observation, they finally found a few points that they thought were the easiest to break through, and prepared to move towards those point attack.

As the saying goes, sharpening a knife does not cut wood by mistake, first find the nodes of the formation, and then attack, which can save a lot of effort.

This is also because there is no one here now, so they can find the nodes so slowly. If there are people here, they may be discovered by others just after they moved.

Half an hour later, Ye Bo clapped his hands.

"Brothers, remember the points you found just now, let's start attacking now, let's attack one point together first, if we can break it, that's the best, if not, Let's attack multiple points together and see."

"Okay, you said which point we should attack first, we will attack which point first."

"That's it."

"Okay, I'm fine."

"Okay, Li Shuisheng, I don't need you this time, you stand to the side, so as not to hurt you by mistake."

Li Shuisheng couldn't help but die of depression when he heard Lin Yunfei's words.

What does it mean to stand on the edge a little bit, and accidentally injure me.I hurt your face by mistake.

Although he was very uncomfortable, there was nothing he could do about it.Who made his strength inferior to others.Otherwise, he must let him know how powerful he is.

It's a pity that he is only a martial artist in the energy transformation stage now, with more energy than energy.He could only honestly step aside and stay, as a theatergoer.

After Li Shuisheng left, Ye Bo and the others counted down to three together, and then attacked a point together.

The next moment, Li Shuisheng saw a collision sound in front of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and after that, he felt a gust of air blowing over.

His whole body was pushed out several steps.

And the prohibition in front of the Sutra Pavilion was only shaken a few times, and then there was nothing else.

Obviously, this restriction cannot be broken with one or two clicks.

From this point of view, some capable people lived here before.Just don't know where they went.

And this is destined to become an unsolved mystery.

"Come again!"

Under another attack, the restriction was still not broken.

Obviously, the attack power of the few of them is still a little weaker, and they can't break it directly.

"It doesn't seem to work. With our attack power, we don't know how long it will last. Let's attack one point separately, maybe the effect will be better."

"Okay, let's continue."

Next, Li Qingsong and the others started a new round of attacks against the front restriction.

Not to mention, when they concentrated on attacking one point just now, it was tantamount to directly confronting the entire ban.In the end they had little effect.

But then they changed the plan.Start attacking the ban on several points.

In this way, every time, the formation will emit a burst of flickering.

Although they found not many nodes in total, it is no problem for everyone to attack one.

And those nodes are the key to connect the entire formation together.

Although in this way, Li Qinglin's and the others' attacks were reduced a lot, but they attacked at several points at the same time.

It also makes the energy supply of that formation untimely.In this way, the restriction will become unstable.

Seeing this, Li Qinglin and the others also smiled. "If you keep going, you will succeed soon."

In the face of Li Qinglin and his group's full-strength attack, the restriction only persisted for half an hour, and finally Ye Bo and his group violently opened it.

For such a long time, the energy consumed will not be small.

In fact, since there is no one here, this result has long been doomed.Even if Li Qinglin and the others don't attack it, and when it is handed over to the state, they will definitely attack it.

The number of warriors in the Baodan Realm in the hands of the country is not small.As long as they are given time, they can also open this restriction.

"Haha, it's open, it's open, let's go in and have a look."

Although when the restriction was finally opened, there was a burst of spiritual pressure pressing towards them, if they didn't pay attention, they might be injured.

But Ye Bo and the others had noticed this a long time ago, so they were not injured.On the other hand, Li Shuisheng, who was standing far away, was repelled by the shock wave for tens of meters again. Fortunately, he stood far away and was not injured.

(End of this chapter)

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