Chapter 1275
Not to mention all the human beings who came to the underworld, even those wise monsters, none of them would easily reincarnate.Who knows what they will be reincarnated into in their next life.

If they can be reincarnated as adults, that's pretty good. If they continue to be monsters, they won't be slaughtered by others. It's hard to say what their fate will be.

It is even hard to say whether they will be able to open their spiritual wisdom in the next life.

And now that the underworld is starting up, there is a shortage of various staff.

Even if you can't be a high-ranking official, it's still possible to apply for a job with a bull's head and horse face.

In this underworld, although there are also bull-headed and horse-faced monsters, they do not refer to cow demons and horse demons. In the underworld, bull-headed and horse-faced people are just an official position.

You may see a tiger called Niutou, or a dog called Horse Mian.

In fact, this is also impossible.Wang Jiang and the others also want the bull demon and horse demon to be the bull's head and horse face.

But there must be so many cow monsters and horse monsters.

Such a big underworld can't be handled by just a few pairs of bull-headed horse-faced combinations.

In the underworld, they are like Huaxia's film police. They are at the bottom of the entire system and have the largest number of people.

Although they are at the bottom, without them, a lot of work really cannot be carried out.

It's the same in the underworld. If you want to maintain the normal operation of the underworld, you can't do without the work of the huge bull's head and horse face.

And man is a creature that can adapt to changes.There are not so many cow monsters and horse monsters, just use other monsters to count them.It's not a big deal.

Anyway, as long as their own work can be easier and they can have more time to practice, then it doesn't matter who will be the bull's-head and horse-face.

So, now when Li Qingyun looked over, he could see that many monsters were driving some souls without intelligence to the Reincarnation Platform.

Seeing that the order in the underworld has become better, Li Qingyun also nodded, sure enough, he saw the right person.Even if Li Qingyun didn't care so much, those people had to work hard to maintain the order of the underworld in order to secure their positions.

Although it was a little worse than the underworld in Li Qingyun's imagination, it was not bad that they could do this.After all, it hasn't been long since they took over there, and it is impossible to complete any job in one step. They are still trying at this time.

Therefore, Li Qingyun still recognized their working ability.

Of course, the area of ​​the underworld is no longer the space it used to be.

Two months passed, and it, too, grew wider.At least in Li Qingyun's opinion, the space of the underworld is not smaller than that of the mortal world.

But most of the places here are very barren.

This is also impossible.

Because most of the space here is newly grown, even if Li Qingyun and those puppets keep working as gardeners in this universe, it is only two months, and it is impossible to plant too many places.

Li Qingyun didn't expect that one day, those puppets would not be able to keep up with the expansion of the small world.

Although he was a little depressed, but after thinking about it, he was very happy again.

Isn't this a good thing.

At least for Li Qingyun, it was a very good thing.

This also means that the growth rate of his universe has been further accelerated.

The bigger this universe is, the more benefits Li Qingyun will get.

And the higher the height he can go, it can be said that Li Qingyun and this universe are both prosperous.So of course Li Qingyun also hopes that this small universe can grow faster.

Even if those puppets can't keep up with the growth rate of the small universe, it doesn't matter.Anyway, no matter which of these three realms it is, the population is very sparse.

Even in the mortal world, relatively speaking, the population is a bit more, but they still only live on a few planets for the time being.

For the entire mortal world, those few planets can be said to be a drop in the bucket.

There is also a vast space where there is no human activity.

So Li Qingyun is not in a hurry, even if he doesn't care about anything, when those people from the Wulin Continent can walk to those planets, maybe they will all evolve their own specialties.

That's why, knowing that those puppets were short of manpower, Li Qingyun sent some of them to the earth.

Li Qingyun was able to find the Shennong secret realm on the earth, so he had reason to suspect that there were other secret realms on the earth.

And the reason why he didn't discover it before, was only because his strength was not enough.

With the Shennong Secret Realm, Li Qingyun also knew that his own strength still had many shortcomings.

Therefore, in order to find more secret realms, Li Qingyun no longer fully believed in his divine sense.

And in this case, the best way is to see with both eyes.

The earth is neither big nor small. If Li Qingyun were to see it with his naked eyes, he would not know when he would see it.

And he couldn't guarantee that when he looked over, the secret realm would just be open.

So Li Qingyun could only think of a stupid way, that is the crowd tactics.

Of course, the number of Li Qingyun's puppets is also limited. After all, those puppets of his were all found from space rings left behind in the small world.

Back then, those people were all gods, and the puppets they kept in their hands were all meaningful to them.

So the number is not many.After all, as far as their cultivation base is concerned, these puppets, who are the highest in the fairyland, can't help them much except serving tea and water.

Take them to fight the enemy, forget it.No matter how many such puppets are brought out, it is not enough for the enemy to deal with them in one move.

After all, those who can be their enemies are of course the existence of the same level.

Therefore, it is impossible for Li Qingyun to get more puppets.

And in this way, even if Li Qingyun released some puppets to help him find the so-called secret place, it didn't mean that they would run around like headless chickens.

And Li Qingyun dispatched the puppets according to some ancient Chinese and foreign legends.

For example, the legendary Tianshan Mountains, Zhongnan Mountains, Changbai Mountains, Penglai Mountains, Mount Fuji and the Alps in the past are places where gods appear in legends.

Li Qingyun couldn't send them to the metropolis either.

After sending those puppets out, Li Qingyun had nothing to do for the time being, so he could only wait for the news at home.There is no shortage of him on the other side of the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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