Chapter 1251

They just accept the benefits with peace of mind.

After all, they married their precious daughters to Li Qingyun.Isn't it right to accept a little favor from him.

Therefore, with a son-in-law like Li Qingyun, Lin Yunfei also had a good brother-in-law, and with Li Qingyun's help, they didn't have to worry about Lin Yunfei's future.

As for Lin Yunfei, if he was killed, he would not be going to graduate school anymore.What a joke, after reading books for more than ten years, he has long been tired of reading, so he will not put a lock on his freedom.Unless he's crazy.

Li Qingyun didn't say anything about Lin Yunfei's choice, and it didn't make much difference to Li Qingyun how he chose.

After all, even for Lin Qingwei's sake, it was impossible for Li Qingyun to ignore him.Fortunately, Lin Yunfei is not an ordinary person in Wulin Continent now.

Even if others don't know his identity as the mayor of the supreme town, many people know his identity as one of the city lords of Brother City.

In fact, even if he had a school, the teachers seldom cared about him.

That's what identity is about.

What is the purpose of studying? Isn't it to learn more knowledge and have a bright future after graduation?

But who dares to say that after they graduate, they can become the lords of a city.

No one dared to say such a thing, but Lin Yunfei had already done it before graduation.

Compared with the future, Lin Yunfei's current future has to be looked up to by all the teachers and students in the school.For an existence like Lin Yunfei, those teachers don't want to be too strict, maybe they will ask him again in the future.

On the contrary, Tan Jingrou was more strict with Lin Yunfei. Usually if he played truant, Lin Yunfei's teacher didn't say anything, so Tan Jingrou would clean up Lin Yunfei first.

Whoever it is, I don't want to live like this again.

After leaving the school, for Lin Yunfei, it was completely like a fish jumping in the sea and a bird flying in the sky.

Li Qingyun only appeared for a while when Lin Yunfei was setting out the wine. He is busy researching the teleportation array now.But there is no time to go crazy with them.

Li Qingjing was bored and often went to play with them.

And Xixi and Hanghang are the ages that like to play, and they often play with the past.

In this way, Li Qingyun had more time to study his teleportation array.

Finally, at the beginning of August, all the materials that Li Qingyun converted were finally completed.

And Li Qingyun can also start refining the teleportation array.It has to be said that refining from scratch is still very difficult.

It's just that the preparatory work took almost 20 days.

Fortunately, now Li Qingyun can finally start refining.

It's just that if he wants to refine the teleportation array, it will take some time.

And Li Qingyun couldn't leave home for a long time, otherwise, Xixi and Hanghang would be angry again if they didn't see him when they came back.

However, this did not bother Li Qingyun. On this day, he brought all the materials and came to several secret places in the universe that were well protected by him.

Then flew straight in.

Yes, the secret realm of his small universe can change the flow of time.

For this reason, Li Qingyun had to use a lot of energy to maintain their operation.

But Li Qingyun felt that it was all worth it.Without these secret realms, his small universe would not have developed so fast.

If it weren't for the evolution of various animals and plants in these secret realms, his universe would definitely not be as prosperous as it is now.

Therefore, even in order to enrich the biodiversity of this universe, Li Qingyun had to release these energies.

After all, just changing from Earth to Earth is just a drop in the bucket.

Yes, there are many species on the earth, but that is only relative to a planet.

If you want to put it into the entire universe, the few creatures on the earth still account for less than one billionth of the creatures in the entire universe.

It is precisely because Li Qingyun created these secret realms that only a few years have passed. Now in his small universe, compared with the earth-earth, all kinds of creatures, not to mention the number, are also much more.

It's just that many of them were placed on alien planets by Li Qingyun, so they were not familiar with those in Wulin Mainland.

The reason for such a result is inseparable from the time flow here.

1 minute past in the outside world.It may have been a month, or even a year, in these universes.

Of course, the greater the difference in the flow rate of time.And the more energy needs to be consumed in the middle.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun's World Orb is now in chaos, and can directly absorb the energy of chaos as an energy source.

If his world ball is still in the earth-earth universe and has not broken through, he would not dare to do this.

If he dared to do this when he was still in the earth-earth universe, he might have been discovered long ago.

As for the consequences of the discovery of the world beads, Li Qingyun can be said to have a deep understanding.

Although he has never encountered such a thing, the reason why Ziqi God Venerable fell in the first place was not because of this world pearl.

Fortunately, his universe has reached the chaotic world now, and it has long been far away from the earth-earth universe.It was from then on that Li Qingyun's small universe began to enter the fast lane of development.

When Li Qingyun blocked him back then, he was right.

And this time, the secret place Li Qingyun came to was exactly one of them.

The time-to-flow ratio here is neither the largest nor the smallest in his universe.

One minute outside, and only one month has passed here.

But even so, it was enough for Li Qingyun to operate.

There are many powerful monsters in this secret realm. After all, the aura here is stronger than outside, and time passes faster. The strength of those monsters must be much higher than outside.

The most powerful ones outside are only in the baby demon stage, but here, the monsters in the transformation stage also exist.

Therefore, if you see some 'human beings' here, don't be surprised, they are not real human beings, they are just the transformation of those monsters.

If another person came over, this place would definitely be in crisis for them.But for Li Qingyun, there is no difference between this place and his back garden.

Although this is a secret world, it is also within Li Qingyun's control.

He drew up a territory and prohibited those monsters from entering, even if the monsters in the transformation stage came, they would not be able to enter. For Li Qingyun, this was the law, and it was not something they could break with their little strength.

In this way, Li Qingyun can refine the teleportation array there with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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