urban small world

Chapter 1249 I Tore It Down

Chapter 1249 I Tore It Down

On this day, just as Li Qingyun came back from outside, Zhao Hongfang grabbed Li Qingyun and asked loudly: "Li Qingyun, why can't our family's teleportation array be used!"

Seeing his mother's nervous look, Li Qingyun didn't know what to say.

The teleportation array is usually placed there, and you have never seen it used. Li Qingyun just dismantled the teleportation array, and she discovered it.Why do you memorize your point like this?

Yes, in order to study the teleportation array, the fastest way for Li Qingyun is to study it with real objects.

And in the whole small world, apart from the public teleportation array open to the earth, only the teleportation array in their house can be used.

He couldn't just dismantle the public teleportation array for research.If he really did that, I don't know how many people will be scared.

Even a few minutes of outage may scare many people.If something goes wrong with that teleportation array, those people have to wonder if they will be separated from their families forever.

And in this way, I don't know how many people will fall into entanglement.

Li Qingyun didn't want to make such a big deal happen.

Therefore, he could only dismantle their own teleportation array.

It's just that I only dismantled it in the morning, and when I came back at night, Zhao Hongfang discovered it, what else could Li Qingyun do.

"Mom, don't worry, it's okay, the teleportation array was dismantled by me."

"Ah, it was dismantled by you, you prodigal son, are you full and have nothing to do? Well, what are you doing dismantling it? You dismantled it, what should we do?"

Zhao Hongfang originally thought that there was something wrong with the teleportation array, but she didn't expect to get such an answer. Now, she suddenly became angry.

Thus, Li Qingyun, a majestic immortal, was taught a lesson by a mortal twisting his ears.

But at this time, Li Qingyun was also very depressed.

Although he is an immortal, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot change the fact that he is Zhao Hongfang's son.At this time, what can he do? He knows that it is useless for him to explain at this time. Only when his mother's anger subsides can the other party listen to his explanation.

No, after 10 minutes, Zhao Hongfang was tired of scolding Li Qingyun, and her mouth was dry, so she let go of Li Qingyun's ears, and then said to Li Qingyun with her hips on her hips: "Okay, tell me, why did you tear it down?" The teleportation array at home."

It was also at this time that Xixi and Hanghang ran over from a distance, and then they looked at the still angry grandma, and then pulled Li Qingyun's hand.

Seeing them, Li Qingyun squatted down immediately.

Li Qingyun thought they had something to say to him, but unexpectedly, Xixi put her small mouth close to Li Qingyun's twisted ear just now, and blew gently.

"Father, let me blow it for you, and it won't hurt anymore."

Hearing Xixi's words, Li Qingyun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that his daughter also knew how to love him.Sure enough, it was not in vain.

Seeing the heart-warming looks of the two little guys really made Zhao Hongfang depressed.

Co-author, your father was wronged, and all the bad guys were done by me, an old woman, right?

Even if Zhao Hongfang was angry, she would not attack Xixi and Hanghang. After all, they were her darlings, and Zhao Hongfang couldn't bear to blame them.

"What are you doing, don't think that with Xixi and Hanghang around, I will let you go."

"Mom, can you listen to me before you get angry?"

When Li Qingyun saw that his mother was about to start talking to him again, he continued: "Okay, let me just say it directly. The reason why I dismantled the teleportation array at home is because we rarely use it. , and for a while, I happened to be studying the teleportation array, so I dismantled it to see if I could learn something. Don't worry, I'll restore it when I'm done learning."

"You are studying the teleportation array, don't you know how to arrange the teleportation array?"

Hearing Li Qingyun's words, not only Zhao Hongfang was depressed, Li Qingjing and the others also looked over curiously.

Others don't know, don't they know, the teleportation formations in the Wulin Continent were also arranged by Li Qingyun.

For example, the teleportation formation from Brothers City to Supreme Town, in the eyes of most people in the Wulin Continent, is from the hands of gods.

But everyone here knows that it wasn't made by gods at all, it was made by Li Qingyun.

Although Li Qingyun is also a god now, but when he arranged the teleportation formation, he was not a god.

Before he became a fairy, he was able to arrange the teleportation array. Now Li Qingyun came to tell them that he was studying the teleportation array. Isn't this a joke?

"There is also a difference between a teleportation array and a teleportation array. They also have levels. A teleportation array that can teleport on a planet and a teleportation array that can teleport between regions, can that be the same? Besides, the teleportation array that can teleport across the universe It’s not necessary to talk about it. You don’t understand if you say it, you just need to know that I’m not just messing around.”

Everyone nodded when they heard Li Qingyun's explanation.

It is also possible that the difference of the same thing is very large.

Isn't there a saying, 'The difference between people, sometimes, is even bigger than the difference between people and pigs'!The teleportation array will definitely be different as the teleportation distance increases.

After hearing Li Qingyun's explanation, Zhao Hongfang finally let Li Qingyun go, because she felt that Li Qingyun was right.

But when Li Qingyun left with Xixi and Hanghang in his arms, she realized that something was wrong.

Even if there is a difference between the teleportation array and the teleportation array, the teleportation array in their family was also arranged by Li Qingyun, and it was arranged several years ago.

But when he looked for Li Qingyun again, Li Qingyun had already taken Xixi and Hanghang away.

Originally, Zhao Hongfang was going to take Li Qingyun back, but she heard the happy laughter of Xixi and Hanghang.Forget it.

As long as you know the reason why the teleportation array cannot be used.

Anyway, they seldom return to the village.

Besides, before Li Qingyun restored it, if they wanted to go back to the village, they could just use the public teleportation formation.

Anyway, going out from the teleportation array is not far from their village.

This will not delay things.Let Li Qingyun do whatever he wants.

"Father, grandma is so fierce, please don't make her angry, okay. Otherwise, Xixi won't be able to save you." Xixi gently touched Li Qingyun's ear and whispered, after finishing speaking, she turned her head and whispered Take a look, as if afraid that your words will be heard by grandma.

(End of this chapter)

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