urban small world

Chapter 1224 Learn More

Chapter 1224 Learn More

Li Qingyun never thought that he was ashamed as a Hua-xia person.

As for Xixi and Hanghang, coming out with Li Qingyun this time is also the first time for them to know what the descendants of the dragon are.

Of course, they are still very young, and many of them don't understand, but at this time, they are slowly becoming sensible. This stage has a great impact on their lives. Li Qingyun thinks that when there is nothing to do in the future, you can Take them out for a walk.

At least they have to be proud of themselves as descendants of the dragon.

After all, one cannot forget one's roots. If one forgets one's own roots, then no matter how great one's achievements are, what is the use of them?

Li Qingyun didn't think of this before, but now that he has discovered it, he has to correct his mistakes. Li Qingyun is not a person who doesn't know how to admit his mistakes.

Regardless of whether Li Qingyun is the World Master or not, Li Qingyun has always been a Chinese-Xia person. This point has been doomed since he was born, and it will never be changed, and he has never thought about changing it.

As the saying goes, every dog ​​does not dislike being poor. How can a human being dislike his own birth?Wouldn't even dogs be allowed to enter that way?

A person's birth may not be very good, but they can live a good life through their own efforts, so they can be regarded as a powerful person.

Those who were born into the rich second generation, they don’t need to work hard to get more property than more people, but such people, when their parents are still there, may still be cool for a while, if their parents are gone, they can Can you keep your legacy?If they have the ability, that's fine. If they don't have that ability, sooner or later they will be defeated.

At that time, they may not live as well as ordinary people.

Only what you get through your own efforts is the best.

In the past, many people wanted to get a green card from a foreign country, because they felt that everything in a foreign country was good, and even the moon outside the car was rounder.

Whether you say Li Qingyun is a cynic, or you say he is jealous, always, he has grown up, and he has never felt that Hua-xia is inferior to foreign countries.

This is also the reason why when he opened the passage to the Wulin Continent on Earth, he only let Chinese people in.

Even those who changed their nationality were directly rejected by Li Qingyun.

Because Li Qingyun believed that those people had betrayed Hua-Xia, and they were not worthy of being another Hua-Xia people.

Therefore, in a fit of anger, Li Qingyun came up with that, which still has entry conditions that still confuse many people.

Yes, until now, there are still many people wondering why the Wulin mainland is so good to the Huaxia people, but so unfair to other countries.

Many people even wondered if the entrance to the Wulin Continent was also a cynical youth.

Of course, Li Qingyun never stood up and gave others an answer.

Therefore, until now, most people think that the god who controls the entrance and exit may be the Hua-Xia people a long time ago.

For some unknown reason, they went to the Wulin Continent, and slowly practiced successfully. When they returned to Hua-Xia again, they found that the Earth was no longer what it was back then.

That's why he came up with such a condition.

Of course, this is also the result of other people's conjecture after they really couldn't think of other reasons. As for the truth of the matter, no one knows except Li Qingyun.

It was precisely because Li Qingyun had such an idea, so at this time, it was normal for him to accompany Xixi and Hanghang to be the pride of the Huaxia people.

Lin Qingwei and Li Qingjing had no objection to this, and it didn't matter to them.

Although they have never been proud of their identity as Hua-xia people, they have never felt inferior because of it.

There is a big difference between women and men in this regard.Li Qingyun didn't force them anymore.

But Xixi and Hanghang are still young, and they can still be cultivated.Therefore, for a while, Li Qingyun put most of his energy on Xixi and Hanghang.

As for Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei, they didn't mind at all. For them, there was nothing that made them happier than shopping.

Every time Li Qingyun and the others go to a place, the two of them will go to the largest shopping mall in the local area. Of course, compared to those who only shop and don't buy, those stores must prefer Li Qingjing and the others. people.

When they came out of the mall for the first time, they were all carrying big and small bags.

Although each of them has a space ring, they didn't use it indiscriminately.

Although the space equipment on the Earth-Earth is not a legendary existence anymore.

In fact, Li Qingyun and the others have seen many people using space equipment along the way.

However, those people are also some people who like to pretend to be aggressive, and when they use space equipment, they are much more eye-catching than when they are in Wulin Continent.

Space equipment in the Wulin Continent is no longer a rare thing.

Although the space equipment refined by many people is not only big, but also can't hold many things, but with the growth of those refining masters, a variety of space equipment has appeared in the Wulin Continent. It is also possible to afford a space equipment.

And in this way, it is not uncommon for some rich and powerful people on Earth to have space equipment.

But the main reason why Li Qingjing and the others didn't use the space ring was because they didn't want to draw attention from others.

After all, they came out to play, not to pretend.Otherwise, they would have already shown the speeding car, which is more eye-catching.

But that doesn't serve their purpose.

Originally, no one knew when they came out, and they didn't want to attract others' attention.

Isn't it just to mention something, it's not such a difficult thing.

Li Qingyun didn't care much about Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei, because Li Qingyun spent most of his time with Xixi and Hang Hang.

What I have to say is that after more than half a month of hard work, Li Qingyun's achievements are still very remarkable.

Xixi and Hanghang finally feel proud of themselves as descendants of the dragon.

And this time, in order to educate Xixi and Hanghang, Li Qingyun also learned a lot.

Although Li Qingyun is also a Hua-Xia person, but his previous identity did not know much about the history of Hua-Xia, especially some unknown histories in various places.But this time, in order for Xixi and Hanghang to learn, he had to find some information, which gave him a better understanding of Huaxia.

(End of this chapter)

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