urban small world

Chapter 1212 What Benefit Is This For Me?

Chapter 1212 What Benefit Is This For Me?

Unfortunately, except for Li Qingyun, no one else knew about this.Don't say that Li Qinglin and the others don't know, even Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei don't know very well.

Because of this kind of thing, Li Qingyun didn't need to tell them.

Could it be that Li Qingyun wanted to tell them.You have the strength you have now because of my help. Otherwise, at this time, are you still just little dark warriors?

In this case, let alone whether Li Qingjing and the others would believe it, Li Qingyun wouldn't believe it either.

After all, their real Nascent Soul stage strength at this time cannot be faked. If someone told them that if it wasn't for his help, you are still just a small foundation-building stage cultivator at this time, they would What do you think?

Anyone who encounters such a thing will not believe it.

After all, their strength lies there. From their point of view, their strength is the result of their own hard work.

This is the same for Li Qinglin and the others.Although they have come all the way, they do not deny that Li Qingyun has helped them.

But they don't think that Li Qingyun played a decisive role in this process.They feel that they can have today's cultivation base, and all that is due to their own hard work.

It is precisely because of this that they feel that they are only two realms away from the immortal rank, and it will not be long before they can break through.

For decades, they can still accept it. After all, they also know that the more difficult it is to cultivate, but they can't accept it for hundreds of years.

After all, for them, 100 years is too long, if not for the emergence of the Wulin Continent, they would never have expected to live to be a hundred years old.

Yes, on Earth-Earth, people say that they can live a hundred years, but for many people, it is just a luxury.

On the whole earth, at most, only one in ten thousand people can live that long.

And even if they can be as young as a hundred years old, in the next ten years or so, they may all have to spend in bed, and those days are really uncomfortable.

Therefore, for Li Qinglin and the others, hundreds of years is beyond their imagination.

Although it is said that with their current state, it is not a problem to live for hundreds of years, but that is just hearsay.As for whether it is true, no one can say.

After all, they have only been in the Wulin Continent for a few years.

Now there is no one in the Wulin Continent who is over a hundred years old.

And all of this will take time to verify.

But at this time, Li Qingyun said hundreds of years without moving.It is conceivable how much impact it had on them.

When Li Qingyun saw that Li Qinglin, Ye Bo, and Liu Zhigang didn't believe it, he just smiled and didn't say much.

Because time will tell.

Regardless of how confident they are all now, without Li Qingyun's help, it's really hard to say how many of them will break through to become immortals in the end.

After all, immortal life is not so easy to break through.

You know, at this time, since it was created based on Li Qingyun's subconscious mind, then, when they break through to become immortals, they will also face catastrophe.

This catastrophe is also a test for them, and even more a reward for them.

If they can get through it successfully, of course they will get a lot of rewards. If they don't get through it, then they can only return to ashes and ashes.

As for why there was no Heavenly Tribulation when Li Qingyun broke through, it goes without saying.He is the master of this universe.

That catastrophe is nothing more than a test of the way of heaven for people.

But Li Qingyun, as the master of this universe, has Li Qingyun's avatar every day, so who dares to test Li Qingyun.

As for the reward after the catastrophe, it is just a small reward for those who have survived the catastrophe.

To Li Qingyun, these were nothing at all, and he didn't need them.

But other people are different.Because, in Li Qingyun's mind, even if those people survived the catastrophe, they might still be covered in bruises. If they weren't given a little reward, any random pickpocket at this time might kill them.If something like that really happened, then Li Qingyun wouldn't be so depressed.

Only those who can survive after many trials can become immortals.

And Li Qinglin and the others obviously didn't know about it.

After hearing that Li Qingyun had become an immortal, Li Qinglin and the others were all jealous, immortal.A few years ago, this was still a legend.But they didn't expect that a few years had passed, and now there was a real fairy sitting in front of them.

Although these people here have not seen immortals.

After all, they had seen Li Tian more than once.And a few years ago, I could see some other immortals from time to time.

But at that time, the feeling for them was completely different from this time.

In the past, even if the gods were in front of them, they could only look at them quietly, and they didn't even dare to look at them too much.I'm afraid that I will offend those gods.

But it's different now, Li Qingyun has become a god.Although they were also gods, they were much bolder when facing Li Qingyun.

After all, Li Qingyun was too familiar with them.

Seeing that they all looked at him with curious eyes, Li Qingyun shook his head wordlessly.

"What's the matter, why are you looking at me like this one by one? Don't you know each other?"

"It's a little unfamiliar. I want to see the difference between gods and us ordinary people."

Li Qingyun said angrily: "What's the difference? Is there an extra mouth or an extra eye? Immortals are also human, they're just stronger."

"Although that's what I said, it's still a god. That's a god."

Li Qingyun shook his head.Obviously, for them, immortals are illusory existences.A few years ago, immortals only existed in myths and novels.In real life, they don't believe in the existence of gods at all.

But after arriving in the Wulin Continent, they believed that there are gods in this world, and many people have seen gods with their own eyes.

But everyone knows that the god is still too far away from them, and many of them are not ready to get along with the god.

Now Li Qingyun breaks through and tells them that he has become a god, which makes them feel unreal.

Even if they couldn't beat Li Qingyun, they all wanted to catch Li Qingyun and study it carefully to see why he was so good.

They all grew up together. For so many years, they have never seen Li Qingyun work harder than them.But why did he become a god?

Thinking about it, I am very unhappy.

Well, in fact, it's their jealousy at work.If they themselves had become immortals, they probably wouldn't have such thoughts.

"Look, I'm still not the original me. Is there any difference between me and before?"

"Well, it seems that there is really no difference. Brother, are you really a fairy? You won't tease us for fun, right?"

"Yeah, don't joke with us."

When Li Qingsong opened his mouth, the other people around him also showed puzzled eyes. That's right, Li Qingyun was just lying to them.It's not impossible either.

Anyway, they didn't know Li Qingyun's true cultivation all the time, and it wasn't that he just said what he said.

As for Li Qingyun's statement that he came to the mortal world as an 'imperial envoy', that's not what he himself said, anyway, they couldn't find anyone to confirm it.

Could they still go to Li Tian for verification?

"Why do you think I'm joking with you. And what's in it for me."

Li Qinglin and the others thought about it, yes, there is no need for Li Qingyun to lie to them.

This is of no benefit to him.

If it was a different person, so to speak, maybe he could still get some benefits.But Li Qingyun was originally the apprentice of the gods, and he never cared much about power.

If he cared about power, there would be nothing wrong with Ye Bo.

And after so many years, they also know Li Qingyun's personality very well. Li Qingyun is a low-key person. He would rather stay at home with his children than like to be in the limelight.

Otherwise, after so many years, with his strength, it is impossible for many people not to remember his existence.

Although Li Qingyun is the apprentice of the gods, just this status can make him a man of the hour, as long as he works hard on his own, his popularity in the Wulin Continent will definitely not be inferior to Ye Bo and the others.

But in this society, there are so many things happening every day, if you don't hear from us for a few days, others will soon forget you.

This is like why those celebrities always want to make headlines.Because they have no exposure, their popularity will shrink before long.

Therefore, after they thought about it, there was no need for Li Qingyun to lie to them about this matter.

Of course, unless Li Qingyun was just teasing them and had no other purpose, but thinking about it, Li Qingyun would not be so boring.

"Father is the best, I trust him." Xixi said to Li Qingyun at this time.

"Haha, our Xixi is the most obedient."

"And me, I also believe that Dad is the most powerful."

Although the two little guys didn't know what it meant to be a fairy, but seeing that everyone didn't believe their father, they stood up and called their father at this time.

No matter what, Li Qingyun said it, as for whether they believe it or not, that is their own business, and Li Qingyun has no control over it.

(End of this chapter)

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