urban small world

Chapter 1187 Missing

Chapter 1187 Missing
But it's a pity that Li Qingyun didn't know the content of their chat at this time.

After all, with so many things going on with Li Qingyun, he didn't even have time to play with his family, and it was impossible for him to stare at Li Qinglin and the others 24 hours a day.

Although Li Qingyun also made the changes of those monsters on the Supreme Continent, but he also controlled them remotely, and no one came back.

To Li Qingyun, this was not a big deal.

And this was originally planned by Li Qingyun. Of course, before today, he himself didn't know when the next time the monster would advance again.

Li Qingyun is very casual about this.When he is in a good mood, he may let them advance once, and when he is in a bad mood, he may let them advance once.

This is all uncertain, but this time, the reason why Li Qingyun let those monsters move forward.It was precisely because Li Qingyun felt that they could test Li Qinglin and the others.

Li Qingyun wanted to see their reactions.

Of course, this is only one aspect, and the other aspect is that the end of the year is coming soon.

It will soon be a year since the Hall of Refining Hearts appeared.

The strength of the people in the Wulin Continent has also improved a lot in the past half a year.

Even if they didn't break through to the Baodan state, many Huajin practitioners have made great progress.

However, Li Qingyun still pays more attention to those fighters who hold the alchemy realm, so he wants to see if there are some talents among them.

So he thought of those monsters, and he wanted to see how those people reacted to the approach of those monsters.

Of course, Li Qingyun didn't have so much time to stare at everyone, but it didn't matter, he left this matter to Tiandao, and Tiandao would naturally help him deal with it.

As Li Qingyun's avatar, Tiandao was also very speechless.With such a noble existence, why do I always have to do trivial things for Li Qingyun.

Sometimes thinking about it is also very depressing.

But who is to blame.Who let this be its own choice.

Facing the 'threat' from Ziqi God Venerable at that time, it also had to choose to cooperate with Li Qingyun.

After all, by cooperating with Li Qingyun, it can still maintain its sanity, and if Ziqi Shenzun discovered its consciousness, it might have wiped out its sanity long ago.

And it happened that Li Qingyun miraculously appeared at that time.It could only cooperate with Li Qingyun, but lost Ziqi God Venerable instead.

And because of this, the way of heaven is also a lot weaker, and the checkpoints also died together.

And in this way, Li Qingyun, an ordinary person, got the greatest benefit.

Not only did he get most of Ziqi Shenzun's memories, but he also had a clone of Tiandao, which controlled this small universe.

In fact, sometimes, Tiandao also admires Li Qingyun.It also didn't expect that in just a few short years, the world would grow into this.This can be said to have greatly exceeded its expectations.

You know, Li Qingyun was just a mortal at the time, and he was not in the God Realm.

Therefore, for so many years, although it felt that Li Qingyun was often unreliable, it would always do things that made him depressed.But it has no choice but to cooperate.

For example, Li Qingyun asked him to develop games, build virtual worlds, and issue currency.In Tiandao's view, these things are of no benefit at all, but it was precisely because of these things that he recovered faster and the world developed faster.

Tiandao thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out why. He could only think that he was not a human being, and he didn't understand the thinking of human beings.

So, after that, no matter what Li Qingyun asked him to do, he didn't think too much about it.Anyway, it's useless to think too much.

Besides, it is also Li Qingyun's clone after all. Although it has its own mind, as long as it does not hurt it, it will not reject Li Qingyun's arrangement.

Anyway, for it, it doesn't take up much mind.

It only needs a little bit of attention, and it can complete some of the things that Li Qingyun entrusted to it.

Who told Li Qingyun so far, he has not given some very difficult things.

This is like an ordinary person using the Yinhe supercomputer to go online.

The calculations consumed by ordinary people surfing the Internet may only be one-hundredth of a billionth of that supercomputer. Even if those ordinary people try to break their heads, they can't think of something that can make the supercomputer's calculations crash.

In fact, now Li Qingyun is just like that ordinary person, and Tiandao is stronger than that super computer, so Tiandao only needs to devote a little attention to complete the task Li Qingyun gave him.

But at this time, Li Qingyun made those people in the Wulin Continent panic, but he happily took his family to play around in the universe.

They were very happy to play. The only thing that made Zhao Hongfang and the others depressed was that they traveled so many places, but they didn't even see a single human being.This makes them very uncomfortable.

After all, human beings are also social animals. Not seeing other people for a long time will make human beings feel uncomfortable.

Although Li Qingyun and his family are together.

But after a long time, Zhao Hongfang, they also slowly missed Wulin Continent.

And they've been out and about most of the time this year.But it's been a long time since I went back to see the old people at home, so they want to go back.

There was nothing Li Qingyun could do about it.Not only Li Youde and the others, but even Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei slowly began to miss Wulin Continent and some of their relatives.

Probably only Xixi, Hang Hang, and Li Qingyun didn't think so much.

Li Qingyun had nothing to do about this. It was obvious that Li Qingjing and the others were still far from becoming a true cultivator.

If it is replaced by those monks in the cultivation world, who have reached the Nascent Soul stage, which one has not been practicing for decades or hundreds of years.

They simply don't have so many ideas.

Besides, many times, once a person embarks on the path of cultivation.The first thing to get used to is loneliness, and the first thing to learn is separation.

After all, not everyone can become a monk.

In many cases, those monks and their family members have already died, especially the higher the cultivation level, the more common this situation is.

And obviously, whether it's Li Qingjing or Zhao Hongfang, it's only been a few years since they practiced.And most of the time their family is still together, they are not used to loneliness at all.

Li Qingyun had no choice but to take his time.

(End of this chapter)

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