urban small world

Chapter 1184 The Great Road

Chapter 1184 The Great Road
Li Qinglin and the others also went from depression and anxiety at the beginning to numbness and acceptance later on. They also got used to the days without Li Qingyun.

Like eagles that have left their parents, they finally learned to fly and find food by themselves.

Although they didn't seem to have changed much in appearance, if people who are familiar with them go to see Li Qinglin and the others, they will find that Li Qinglin and the others have grown a lot.

Also matured a lot.

If anything happened at this time, they would not seek Li Qingyun for information immediately, but would try to solve the problem by themselves.

This was also very normal, because they couldn't find Li Qingyun even if they wanted to find him. Even Li Qingyun and his family were having too much fun outside, so they didn't take the matter of Wulin mainland to heart at all.

Don't say that Li Qingyun deliberately wanted to hone those people in the Wulin Continent, so he wouldn't show up easily.

But Li Qingjing and the others knew Li Qingyun's purpose, and everything in the Wulin Continent was under their control, so they didn't worry at all that the situation in the Wulin Continent was out of control.

Even they never thought about it that much.

Because as long as Li Qingyun is around, everything will be decided by Li Qingyun, and things will never develop in the worst direction.

But Li Qingjing and the others knew this, but most people in Wulin Mainland didn't know it, so they had all kinds of worries.

Although Li Qingjing knew the result from the beginning, but in many cases, spoilers are very boring.

Just like now, because Li Qingjing and the others know what's going on, they don't have as many thoughts as others, let alone worry about this and that.

If it wasn't for Li Qingyun taking them out to play together.Li Qingjing was probably going to die of boredom.

On this day, Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei finally woke up, and not long after, Zhao Hongfang and Li Youde also woke up.

And at this time, more than a month has passed since their retreat.The time of Wulin Continent has also reached October.

This year is almost over again.

But none of Li Qingjing and the others cared about this.Because at this time, they are very happy.

Could they be unhappy, originally they thought they would have to wait for a while if they wanted to break through again after coming down from the Hall of Refining Hearts.But I didn't think of it.In just over a month, they actually broke through again.Both Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei were only half a step away from breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage and becoming masters in the Transformation Stage.

However, many people may be stuck in this last half step and have been unable to make any progress.Even being stuck for a lifetime is normal.

But Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei never worried about whether they could break through.That's not a problem at all.

That's just a matter of time.If they don't have this bit of confidence, then they don't need to practice.

Well, in fact, in their hearts, the biggest reliance was Li Qingyun. As long as Li Qingyun existed, even if they couldn't break through by themselves, Li Qingyun would not ignore them.They can be sure of this.

As for Zhao Hongfang and Li Youde, they are almost close.They have just broken through to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

But they don't care about that either.Because for them, the level of strength does not care.

If it wasn't for being able to accompany their children, or grandsons, granddaughters for a longer period of time, they wouldn't be able to practice at all.

At that time, it was precisely because they heard that after practicing, they could live longer, so they started practicing.

They can have the current cultivation base, in fact, also rely on Li Qingyun.

No, Li Qingyun invested no less resources in them than Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei.even more.

But at this time, they are still a little lower than Li Qingjing and the others.

But Zhao Hongfang and Li Youde didn't care.

"Li Qingyun, what's going on with us?"

Everyone quickly realized the changes in themselves.It has to be said that each of them has greatly improved their skills.

They also haven't felt such a big improvement for a long time.

Unexpectedly, this time, just traveling with Li Qingyun, it is estimated that there will be such a big breakthrough.

Each of them is very curious.No, Li Youde quickly asked questions for everyone.

In fact, they wanted to ask this question more than a month ago.But at that time, each of them had a lot of insights in their minds, and they didn't want to waste time on it.So at that time, they didn't say much and retreated directly.

And this question has always remained in their minds.At this time, I finally had the opportunity to ask questions.

Hearing Li Youde's words, the other excited people also fell silent. They wanted to hear what Li Qingyun had to say.

To be honest, they are all very interested in this question, and want to know why there are such changes in their bodies.

Li Qingyun didn't find it strange that this question came more than a month late.

It would be strange if they asked nothing.

"Have you heard of Dao?" But at this time, Li Qingyun not only did not answer, but asked instead.

"Da Dao! I know, I know, I heard of it when I read novels before."

Seeing Li Qingjing's positive look, Li Qingyun couldn't help smiling, then nodded and said: "Many novels have the setting of Dao, but here, Dao is different from those novels. And every planet has its own It has its own avenue, and the avenue is often not revealed.

And everyone's cultivation can also be said to be the process of comprehending the Dao.The Dao of each planet is different, so there will be many different cultivation systems in the universe. "

"Brother, but what does this have to do with us!"

"Yes, Qingyun, where is the Dao! I haven't seen it either."

"Don't worry. The Dao is invisible, and people can't see him at ordinary times. And that day, this planet had just completed its final shape, and at that time, the Dao of this planet had just been born. So, at that time, you were here When you are on the top, you can feel a lot of things that usually take a long time to comprehend."

"As soon as you said that, I remembered it. Yes, I felt a voice talking to me at that time, but I listened carefully, but I couldn't hear the reason."

"Haha, that's right. At that time, it was the last moment when the avenue of this planet was taking shape, and it was also the time when people were most likely to realize it. That's why you have made such progress."

"Ah. So that's what happened. Brother, are there any planets that are about to take shape right now? Can you take us to see them again? Maybe I'll be able to break through the Nascent Soul stage soon."

Hearing Li Qingjing's words, although the few people around didn't say anything, their eyes lit up at this moment.That's a good idea.If there is such an opportunity, they certainly don't want to give up.After all, how slow it is to practice normally.If there is another chance like this, they may really break through.

Especially Zhao Hongfang and Li Youde, who usually don't like to practice, their eyes widened.

"You've just made a breakthrough, so it's better to consolidate your current cultivation base. Improving too much at once won't do you any good."


"Okay, Qingjing, just be tight like this, your brother won't harm you. Just listen to him."

In the end it was Zhao Hongfang who stood up, and Li Qingjing didn't say anything more.

But Li Qingjing didn't say anything, but she didn't think so in her heart.Since she was carrying Li Qingyun on her back at this time, she could tell that she didn't want to talk to him.

For Li Qingjing's little girl's behavior, Li Qingyun just smiled and didn't pay attention.

However, at this time, Li Qingyun continued to say to Zhao Hongfang and the others: "Although there are new planets appearing in my universe every day, not all planets will have the Dao of Heaven. And many of the Dao of Heaven are not suitable for you to understand. "

No matter what, this is Li Qingyun's territory. Regardless of whether what Li Qingyun said is true or not, at this time anyway, they can only listen.

After all, they themselves did not have the ability to verify whether Li Qingyun's words were true.

So, soon, everyone accepted the reality.

If Li Qingyun didn't take them to other nascent planets, there was nothing they could do.

After they stopped thinking about continuing to break through, they soon became happy again.

After all, each of them has broken through at least one small realm.This is something to be excited about for any cultivator.

Li Qingjing and the others are no exception.

Although they have Li Qingyun's support behind them, after so many years, their strength has not been too far away from those in the Wulin Continent. It is also related to improving their strength.

And now they have raised a small level, if not compared with Li Qingyun, their strength can also be said to have reached the top understanding of the Wulin Continent.

Although their strength has always been at the top of the pyramid in the past, there are many people who are in the same position as them.

For example, Li Qinglin, Ye Bo and the others, although they may still have the upper hand in a fight, the gap between them is not very big.It's really not easy for them to suppress each other.

After all, they had their strengths, and compared to Li Qinglin and Ye Bo's combat experience, they were far behind.

But now they feel that their strength has been greatly improved. If they face Li Qinglin and the others again, Li Qingjing and the others are confident that they can suppress each other.

(End of this chapter)

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