urban small world

Chapter 1182 Retreat!

Chapter 1182 Retreat!

It was because of Li Qingyun's human intervention that the life planets in Li Qingyun's world appeared in life much earlier.

Otherwise, let them develop freely. I don't know how many years it will take for life to appear on those planets.

Obviously, Li Qingyun was not in the mood to wait slowly.

After all, he didn't want to see some shiny planets there.How boring that is.

On the contrary, how comfortable those green planets look.

Don't talk about Li Qingyun, let Xixi and Hanghang choose, they would rather see green planets everywhere.

Anyway, putting those puppets there is a waste of resources, so it's better to let them do what they can.

After all, Li Qingyun at this time is not the Li Qingyun at the beginning.

At that time, Li Qingyun still needed those puppets to help him suppress the situation, but now Li Qingyun has no need for them.

Therefore, sending those puppets to do greening is really killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, because the planet where Li Qingyun and the others are located has not yet been formed, so everything here is still a piece of light. The entire planet, at a glance, is all composed of mud and stones.

There is not even a little green on the ground.

If others see this place, they will definitely think that this is some desolate Gobi Desert.

Even Li Qingjing and the others were very curious, wondering why Li Qingyun brought them here.

Seeing that Li Qingyun didn't follow his instructions, even Zhao Hongfang became curious.

After all, for a while, Li Qingyun listened to her very much.

At this time, Li Qingyun actually disobeyed her instructions, but she didn't immediately trouble Li Qingyun.Because she knew that since Li Qingyun did this, there must be a reason for him.

Everyone understands this, so at this moment, everyone looked over curiously.They were waiting for Li Qingyun to explain to them.

Seeing everyone looking over, Li Qingyun couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't worry, everyone, just wait a moment, there will be surprises."

Seeing that Li Qingyun was so tempting, Zhao Hongfang couldn't help but glared at him, but she didn't say anything.

Because she was also very curious about the surprise that Li Qingyun said.

Li Qingjing was not as calm as Zhao Hongfang.It's fine if Li Qingyun doesn't say anything.But he said there was a surprise here, but what kind of surprise was it?He didn't say it, didn't it mean to make people depressed.

Originally, she thought that her mother would ask questions, but after watching for a long time, Zhao Hongfang didn't open her mouth, and now her heart was itching even more.

But Li Qingyun pretended not to see Li Qingjing blinking at him there.This made Li Qingjing very angry.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun said in a low voice, "Attention everyone, there is a surprise coming, so don't miss it."

When everyone heard Li Qingyun's words, they became even more curious, but at this moment, they stopped thinking about it.Everyone stared at the boss, they all wanted to know what the surprise Li Qingyun was talking about.

Even the two little guys, Xixi and Hanghang, stared non-stop with their small black jewel-like eyes.

Not long after Li Qingyun's words fell, everyone seemed to feel a shock in the surrounding space.Then they felt that the surroundings seemed to be very different from just now, but they couldn't tell exactly what the difference was.

Anyway, it was a very contradictory feeling, which made them want to figure out what was going on without knowing it.

Before they could think about it, they heard a sound that seemed to be there.

If you listen carefully, it seems that you can't hear anything.Instead, if they didn't pay attention to listen, they could hear some voices reaching their ears again.

This feeling is very strange.It's like dreaming, which makes people feel unreal.

Moreover, those voices gave them the feeling that they were speaking through a glass door, and they couldn't hear them clearly, but they also felt that they had heard a rough idea.

This feeling makes them want to vomit blood, what and what.

Although at this time they had ten thousand thoughts in their minds that they wanted to complain about, but one by one, at this time, they were immersed in it and had no time to think about anything else.

Yes, whether it is Li Youde, Zhao Hongfang, or Li Qingjing, Lin Qingwei, even the two little guys Xixi and Hanghang are not noisy at this time, and then they listen carefully, and from time to time they will listen to his little ones. There were bursts of puzzled expressions on his face.

And the other adults are no better than them.

Li Qingyun was also very funny when he saw their expressions. Obviously, he had expected such a scene a long time ago.

But in just half an hour, everyone recovered.Because, after half an hour, they could no longer hear any sound.

It's just that none of them made a sound immediately.Because each of them is still reminiscing about that feeling.

Even after Li Youde thought for a while, he even sat down on the ground and began to practice there.

At this time, Zhao Hongfang saw it, not only did not say that he didn't like to be clean, but also sat down in a similar manner.

After a while, Li Qingjing, Lin Qingwei, Xixi and Hang Hang also sat down.Only Li Qingyun was left staring at him.

Obviously, those who sat down knew that when Li Qingyun protected them, they didn't have to think about any problems at all, so they were very relieved.

Now, Li Qingyun was depressed.It didn't occur to him that they would do this.

But after thinking about it carefully, Li Qingyun knew why they did this.

You know, a while ago, Li Qingyun and the others stayed at the edge of the small world. Here, everyone saw the birth of the universe, and they already had a lot of insights in their hearts.

At this time, as long as they tidy up a little bit, maybe retreat once, they will be able to break through the current state.

Originally, they were on the verge of breaking through.And at this time, Li Qingyun brought them here again, and then the current thing happened.

After Li Qingyun figured this out, he smiled wryly.

But no matter what he thinks.Now that this is the case, Li Qingyun can't just stand there and do nothing.

So he waved his hand, and several people flew up from the ground, and then he waved his hand again, and several futons flew out.Then they landed at different places, and after that, the people in the air also flew towards those futons.

Then it landed firmly on the futon.

After Li Qingyun finished all this, before he stopped, he waved his hand again, and then a small black hole appeared above the six people's heads.

But this black hole is not the same as the so-called black hole in astronomy.

They are really just an ordinary black hole.

Then bursts of spiritual energy emerged from the black hole.

Then it enveloped the people below.

After Li Qingyun finished all this, he finally clapped his hands and finished his work.

Then it's up to them.Where they can go, it can only depend on their own abilities.

As for Li Qingyun's sitting, it was a month.

For a month, none of them woke up.

But this is also very normal.As a cultivator, retreat is a common thing.

And among them, Xixi and Hang Hang are also Golden Core stage monks, let alone a month, they will be fine in another month.

And this month Li Qingyun was depressed.Because this month, no one even talked to him.

In the past, he was always annoyed that Xixi and Hanghang were too noisy.It made him upset.But now, when he was alone and had no one to talk to, he felt that life was too difficult.

It's a pity that at this time, the back insult is useless.

Sometimes he is particularly envious of those who are in meditation.

As soon as they closed their eyes, several months passed as soon as they opened them. Maybe they felt that they had just fallen asleep.You can't feel the passage of time at all.So they don't feel much.

But Li Qingyun was different.

He protects the law for everyone.

After all, these are his closest family members.He didn't dare to be careless.

If something happened to them because of their carelessness, Li Qingyun would regret it later, so for their safety, Li Qingyun could not practice at this time, and could only sit there stupidly waiting for the news.

But it's been a month since I waited.

Li Qingyun had never felt that life was so difficult.

It's not like he didn't have a retreat before, and he even had a one-time retreat that was much longer than this.

But being awake and retreating are two completely different feelings.

Even if he is here, he can still receive the Internet of Wulin Continent, Li Qingyun still finds it very difficult.

Fortunately, just a month later, Li Qingyun saw Xixi and Hanghang wake up successively.

And when the two little guys jumped off the futon, Li Qingyun also felt the changes in the two little guys.

You know, when they retreated, they were only in the middle stage of the golden core, but now they are the peak masters of the golden core.

You know, it's only been a month.

The speed of their cultivation is not insignificant.

Even Li Qingyun didn't have such a fast cultivation speed back then.

And Li Qingyun could also feel that their basic strength was very solid.

There is no such thing as a weak foundation that is common to those in the Wulin Continent.

But this is also very normal, Xixi and Hanghang have been practicing under Li Qingyun's nose all the time, how could Li Qingyun prevent them from laying a solid foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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