urban small world

Chapter 1178 The Summer Vacation Is Over

Chapter 1178 The Summer Vacation Is Over

And this is also the reason why Li Qingyun left, because his existence has already affected the normal development of Li Qinglin and the others.

If Li Qingyun was always in Wulin Continent, then Li Qinglin and the others would always rely on Li Qingyun, which was not what Li Qingyun wanted to see.

People will grow up one day, and they can't rely on Li Qingyun all the time. It's like those eagles, they need to fly to the blue sky one day, and it's impossible for their parents to support them for a lifetime.

Therefore, when those eagles grow to a certain size, their parents will let them learn to fly, even if they are injured because of this, death is also a common thing.

Because if they can't even fly, then they don't deserve to be kings in the sky.

And Li Qinglin and the others are the same as the eagle who just left his parents.Now they are very flustered, but Li Qingyun also knows that this is a process that they must go through in the process of growing up.

Li Qingyun did it for their own good.

For a long time, whether it is Li Qinglin or Liu Zhigang, they have relied too much on Li Qingyun. This point may not have been discovered by them themselves.

Even Li Qingyun discovered this a while ago.

For example, Wulin Continent, Supreme Continent, what happened, they didn't go to find the answer by themselves, but went to Li Qingyun to ask.This is very bad.

That's why Li Qingyun took this opportunity to leave the Wulin Continent. He really wanted to see what they would do when they put some pressure on Li Qinglin and Liu Zhigang.

But from the current point of view, their performance is not very good, at least their performance does not satisfy Li Qingyun, but Li Qingyun is not in a hurry, after all, everything has a process, and Li Qingyun has plenty of time to play with them.

He didn't tell anyone about Li Qingyun's plan.He didn't even tell Li Qingjing.

Li Qingjing thought that Li Qingyun brought them out to play together.So, she was playing heartlessly.

This made Li Qinglin and Li Qingsong depressed.

It was depressing enough for them to be urged by their parents to have children.

Moreover, during this period of time, the Supreme Continent has not been peaceful.

So now they have a lot of things to worry about, but at this moment, Li Qingyun and the others have disappeared.Can this not be depressing.

He wasn't worried about Li Qingyun's safety. After all, Li Qingyun's strength was there. If he was in danger, even if they went there, they wouldn't be able to help him.

Moreover, in the Wulin Continent and the Supreme Continent, as long as the gods don't make a move, there are really few people who are Li Qingyun's opponents.This point was verified by Li Qinglin and the others.

One must know that Li Qinglin, Li Qingsong, Lin Yunfei, Xu Fei, Ye Bo, and Liu Zhigang are all at the top of the pyramid in the Wulin Continent.But they all went together, and even Li Qingyun's cousins ​​were added, and the cousins ​​actually had all-in-one enemies who were not Li Qingyun.

Although it was embarrassing to say it, they had to admit that Li Qingyun was much stronger than them.

Therefore, they were not at all worried about Li Qingyun's safety without any action from the gods.

As for whether the gods will do anything to him, it is impossible to think about it. After all, Li Qingyun is the apprentice of the gods, and the other gods have to give Li Tian some face.

Even some gods who were hostile to Li Tian would not lower their faces and attack Li Qingyun.

Because Li Qingyun is not worthy at all.Although this statement is a bit hurtful, it is also true.

Well, Li Qinglin and the others were uneasy, not because of Li Qingyun's safety.The safety is because Li Qingyun is not around, they have no idea.

They felt as if a mountain was suddenly crushed on their bodies.

Moreover, this is the first time they have grown up and felt such a heavy responsibility on themselves.

It makes them feel out of breath.

It's a bad feeling.

And why they feel this way, they haven't figured it out yet.

But Li Qingyun knew that there was also a process of adaptation.As time goes by, they should be able to adapt to their new life.

But Li Qingyun is a key person in the middle, it seems that he has to play outside for a while.Otherwise, after Li Qinglin and the others saw him, their hard work for so long might have been wasted.

This is not the result Li Qingyun wants to see.

Therefore, Li Qingyun never mentioned going back afterwards.I have been taking my family on the Li family's private planet for several months.

Anyway, the planet is big enough, and there are many places to play.

Not to mention the private planet of the Li family, it is the earth. If you want to let go and play, you may not be able to play with all of them.

After all, as long as you have a pair of eyes that discover beauty, there are endless beauties everywhere.

Moreover, Li Qingyun also said that the planet they are on now is the secret garden of their Li family, and only their family can get here in the future.

If they, as the masters, can't have a comprehensive understanding of this place, then it's too wrong.

Li Qingjing and Zhao Hongfang also thought it made sense.This is like, as the owner, you don't know how much money you have in your family.This is an unqualified host.

As for Li Youde, he has no opinion.Now that the child has grown up, he doesn't need to worry about it anymore.He just needs to take care of himself.Therefore, Li Youde's mentality is very good.He doesn't have to worry about it all day, he just needs to be by everyone's side every day.

Although his mentality will be considered as not self-motivated, everyone has a different attitude towards life.Li Youde's state of mind, on the contrary, is very suitable for the exercises he practiced.

Therefore, his skill is not bad among all the people, at least he didn't hold back.

Li Qingyun knew too many exercises.Not to mention, how many exercises he found from the relics of the gods, but in his mind, there is the memory of the Ziqi god, and the exercises he knows are beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Moreover, how can the exercises that can be recorded by Ziqi God Venerable be ordinary exercises?

Everyone has a suitable exercise method, and sometimes, a suitable exercise method may make people go further.

On the contrary, if it is an unsuitable book of exercises, no matter how high its level is, it may be difficult to get started.

Such things often happen in the cultivation world.

It's just that such a thing will never happen to Li Qingyun and the others.

And this is also due to Li Qinglin's insights that cannot be compared with others.

He inherited the memory of Ziqi God Venerable, that's not a joke.

What kind of exercises are suitable for what kind of people, he knows a lot better than those in Wulin mainland.

Therefore, almost everyone in their family practiced different exercises.

After all, each of them also has their own different personalities.So of course Li Qingyun directly gave them the most suitable exercises for them.

But in the Wulin Continent, only Li Qingyun has such a thing. There is no way, there are many skills, and he is so willful.Others are not envious.

Li Qingyun and his family are slowly opening up wasteland on the private planet, and they are not in a hurry at all.

But on the distant primordial planet, Li Qinglin and the others were extremely depressed.

Li Qinglin and the others disappeared for a month.

One month, since they arrived in Wulin Continent, it hasn't been such a long time since they haven't seen Li Qingyun.

It makes them feel very uncomfortable.

Yes, not only Li Qinglin and the others, but even Ye Bo felt the same way.

He didn't feel it before.This time, when Li Qinglin was not around, he also felt a lot of pressure.

Logically speaking, he and Li Qingyun were apprentices of the same god, and Li Qingyun was obviously much stronger than him.Moreover, Li Qingyun is more loved by the gods, Ye Bo should be envious and jealous.

Even if he didn't dare to show it on the surface, he should be depressed when no one is around.

But he didn't, and during this period of time, without seeing Li Qingyun, he felt even more stressed.

After all, when Li Qingyun was at home, Ye Bo would know that even if there was something he couldn't handle, he would be looking for his cheap brother.

No matter how difficult things are, Li Qingyun rarely disappoints him.

But now Li Qingyun and his family are gone, which makes him depressed.

a month.Have you seen Li Qingyun for a whole month?

Even other people's summer vacations are over.

Compared to Li Qingmeng, Ye Bo's depression, most people in the Wulin Continent are still very happy at this time.

Especially for those students who can only go to Wulin mainland after the summer vacation, they will make some progress in a summer vacation.This is much faster than their usual practice in school.

Of course they are very happy.

Of course, except for Zhang Bin and Zhao Fei.

It was not easy for them to take their summer vacation. Originally, they wanted to go to the Wulin Continent to join their cousin.Unexpectedly, they came happily, but they were shut out at Li Qingyun's house.

Anyone who encounters such a thing will be depressed.

Until later, they learned from Li Qinglin and Li Qingsong that Li Qingyun and his family had gone on a trip before they came.They feel better now.

At least in this way, it wasn't that Li Qingyun ignored them and turned them away.

But without Li Qingyun as a backer, of course their days are not as chic as before.Although Li Qinglin and the others tried their best to invite them to live in Brother City, but Zhang Bin and the others refused, they were embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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